Chapter 47

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Olivia's POV

I woke up to the blaring of my obnoxiously loud alarm, I groaned and smacked my phone a few times in an attempt to turn the wretched thing off. When the noise didn't stop, I groaned louder and sat up grabbing my phone and properly turning the alarm before laying back down cosying up into my warm sheets. My door opened abruptly and my mum bounded in.

"Good morning, rise and shine." She sang annoyingly whilst opening my curtains. I rolled my eyes and pulled my blanket above my head in attempts to block out the horrid morning sunlight that was invading my once dark bedroom.

"It's time to get up or you will be late for school. Breakfast is on the table." My mum said as she left my room, but not before pulling my blanket off. I kicked my legs out in frustration and my mum popped back into my bedroom and looked at me with one eyebrowed raised.

"That was a very childish tantrum Olivia." She laughed and walked out again. I muttered profanities under my breath, got up out of bed and shut my bedroom door. I quickly changed out of my bed clothes and put on some comfy clothes; I really cannot be bothered to do today.

Once I was dressed, I made my way downstairs to be met with my equally as grumpy father and overly chirpy mother. I rolled my eyes at my mum and her happiness; it was definitely way too early to be this happy. I grumbled out a good morning before taking my seat at the table. My mum smiled at me before placing my breakfast in front of me. I quickly thanked her before devouring down the food. She again smiled, satisfied with me eating all my breakfast. I took myself back upstairs to properly finish getting ready for the day, mainly brushing my hair and teeth before grabbing my bag.

Just before I was about to leave, my mum came running towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug, "Have a great day at school." She said and placed a kiss on my temple. I put on a fake smile and said a quick bye, grabbing my keys and leaving the house. I was slightly confused as to why my mum is so cheerful this morning. Is she actually happy or is this all an act? I quickly brushed those thoughts aside and began my journey to pick up my friends.

Once I had all my friends in the car, my mood was instantly brighter. Instead of them all teasing me this morning about my relationship with Lauren, Ally and I were teasing Mani and Dinah about their relationship. Although I actually thought they were an incredibly cute couple, I knew they would treat each other really well. I was slightly nervous about what it would mean for our friend group but so far nothing has changed.

We unexpectedly arrived at school sooner than I had anticipated, my joyous mood had immediately depleted, and I huffed looking at the terrible brown building in front of me. I found my parking spot, parked the car, before just sitting in my seat psyching myself up for the day. I took a deep breath and exited my car. The girls were already out of the car and waiting for me. I grabbed my bag from the back and quickly locked the car before making my way to the girls and then heading into school.

Entering the school, I braced myself to be hurt by someone, but nothing happened. No one was paying any attention to me. I silently celebrated in my head and went to my locker. The girls followed and continued their conversation while they waited for me. I could hear the clicking of heels go down the corridor, the girls must have tuned into this as they stopped talking to each other and their attention was directed elsewhere. Dinah shoved me lightly, catching my attention. I turned and saw Lauren. I choked quietly trying to take in her appearance, the dress she wore clung to her in all the right places. I tried to pull my attention away from her, but I couldn't. I looked at her face and immediately made eye contact. She smirked subtly, winking at me. I felt like I couldn't breathe, this wasn't real life. There is no way that I would be able to have a girlfriend as spectacular and beautiful as Lauren. I internally screamed as she walked past. The noise of her heels slowly being drowned by the noise of the students.

"Holy shit." Mani said, we all looked at her and saw she was still looking in the direction Lauren went. I gulped loudly; Ally must have heard because her giggles soon filled my ears.

"You are one lucky girl." Dinah said shoving me again. I groaned and shoved her back. I quickly checked my phone to see if I had time to go and see Lauren before class, but unfortunately, I haven't. The girls realised the time too and we all went and said our goodbyes before heading to class. I tried to concentrate on the lesson, but my mind kept wandering to Lauren. What is that woman doing to me? Is it even appropriate for her to dress that way, especially to school? Was she dressed like that for me? I quickly stopped that thought, there was no way Lauren would dress a certain way for me. I looked down at my outfit and sighed, I looked like a slob. I should put more effort into my appearance. Lauren isn't going to want me, whilst I look like this, there are so many other girls way more beautiful than me.

Ally must have sensed my disappointment and got my attention by tapping on my desk. "Lauren likes you for you Liv, not just the way you look. Plus, you always dress like that so why are you suddenly bothered by it now, you two have been together for a few months." Ally stated. I bit my lip and looked down again. She was right, but that doesn't mean she wants me to continue to dress like this.

"You are worrying for nothing." Ally finished before turning her attention back to her work. I just nodded and tried to push those thoughts away. I really need to stop allowing bad thoughts to rule my life. If Lauren had a problem with something about me, she would tell me, wouldn't she?

The rest of the morning went by really quickly. I debated whether I should go to Lauren's classroom or the cafeteria to eat lunch with the girls. I bit my lip and quickly walked to Laurens classroom. I knocked on the door a few times, I could hear shuffling in the classroom before the door opened. Laurens face immediately lit up, she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the room. A smile also erupted across my face at her excitement.

"How are you?" I asked to break the silence. She looked at me and shrugged. "There is so much marking to do." She answered before pouting. I looked at her desk and saw a stack of papers, she glanced at them as well before looking back at me.

"Olivia. Come here." She spoke softly and held her hand out. I smiled and took her hand, she pulled me close to her, before placing her lips softly on mine. "You look adorable today." She whispered, before placing her lips against mine again. I smiled breaking the kiss, Lauren giggled against my lips before pulling away.

"Do you like my dress?" She said in a cute voice before doing a small spin. I couldn't stop smiling at her adorable behaviour.

"You look amazing." I answered quietly. She giggled again before pulling me close. This time resting her head on my shoulder. I signed and rubbed her back.

"Thank you for coming to see me. I really needed something to calm me down." She whispered. I placed a small kiss on her head and smiled. I continued to hold Lauren, softly rubbing her back until a knock at the door made us jump apart. She looked at me wide eyed. I bit my lip and tried to think of excuses as to why I was in her classroom. Lauren wandered over to the door, she looked back at me before hesitantly opening the door.

"Ah, Miss. Jauregui. Do you have a minute?" I heard the principal's voice ask.

"Yes," she answered but then turned to look at me, "I will continue to help you with your homework in detention later Olivia"

"Okay, thank you Miss. Jauregui." I said before grabbing my bag and making my way out of her classroom. I exchange small pleasantries with Principal Smith before heading towards the cafeteria to join the girls.

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