Chapter 5

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Olivia's POV

"Good Morning Princess." I heard her stupid annoyingly perfect voice call out to me as I entered the school.

"What do you want Ashley?" I said turning around to look at her. She gives me her cheeky grin knowing that I am unable to resist her when she does that.

"I just wanted to make sure you have a great morning." She replied, caressing my cheek gently.

"She will have a better morning if you fuck off!" Normani said, pulling me away from Ashley's soft touch.

"Mani, I can handle this." I told her trying to look intimidating. Normani crossed her arms giving me a knowing look. She was right, I can't handle the burst of emotions Ashley makes me feel.

"See Mani, leave us alone to talk." Ashley said, pulling me closer towards her.

"It's Normani to you."

"Ash, please can you leave me alone." I said pouting slightly.

"Fine, but only because you asked me nicely." She said leaning in and pecking my lips. I stood still slightly shocked at her action. She pulled away and smiled walking down the hall towards her classroom. I let out a shaky breath.

"Olivia, you promised me that you wouldn't forgive her." Dinah said, looking very annoyed at me.

"I HAVEN'T FORGIVEN HER!" I yelled back. I haven't been at school for 10 minutes and already I want to go back home and crawl back into my warm cosy bed.

"Olivia, use your indoor voice." The familiar husky voice said. I turned around and looked at her, my jaw clenching in anger.

"WILL YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF! THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!" I shouted. Immediate guilt washed over me as I saw her raise her perfect eyebrows.

"Go to the principal's office now!" She said with a strict voice.

"Make me." I argued back shocking everyone around me. I have never in my life challenged an authoritative figure.

"Liv, just do as she has asked, let's not make a bigger scene." Mani said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged her off not breaking the staring contest I was having with Miss. Jauregui.

"Don't you dare make me ask you again."

I huffed and rolled my eyes pushing past her going in the opposite direction to the principal's office.

I felt someone grab onto my backpack, I tried to get out of the strong grasp.

"I mean it Olivia." She spoke again, her hot breath bounced off the back of my neck making all the hairs stand up. I gulped and turned to look at her.

"Please just let me go, I won't yell at you again." I said stuttering.

"No, you will be punished for disrespecting me. NOW GET TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!" She said her voice getting louder as she went on. I trembled and cowered back in fear. I quickly got out of her grasp and rushed to the principal's office not wanting to anger her further.

I sat down on the uncomfortable chair outside his office as I saw Miss Jauregui go towards his office and knock on the door.

"Come in." He spoke, Miss Jauregui opened the door and made her way into his office. I have never been in trouble at school ever. My parents are going to be so disappointed in me. I don't know what overcame me to lose my temper like that, especially as a teacher. A teacher that is new and already has the respect from all students.

After what felt like forever, the music teacher exited the office with Principal Smith. Both looked very disappointed as they stared in my direction.

"Come into my office Olivia, we need to have a chat about your recent behaviour." He said with a very stern voice. I got up and grabbed my bag from the floor and made my way into his office.

"Take a seat."

I quickly sat down and looked at his wooden desk and the papers that were scattered across before looking at him.

"I'm very disappointed in your behaviour towards Miss. Jauregui." He said. Guilt washed over me; she didn't deserve this. I nodded agreeing with him, I was disappointed in myself.

"I'm sorry." I started to apologise.

"It's not me who you should be apologising to. You were rude and disrespectful in class yesterday, not only to Miss. Jauregui but to the rest of your peers. You disrupted their learning time; how would you feel if you were in that situation." I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could say a word, he cut me off.

"I wasn't finished speaking. Miss. Jauregui is a new teacher and we need to show her what a wonderful school this is. Not scare her away within the first day of teaching. You are the only one that seems to have a problem with her. I really hope this has nothing to do with Mr. Simpsons unpredicted actions." I quickly shook my head not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Olivia have you had a sexual relationship with Mr. Simpson. That wouldn't surprise me."

"Oh god, no, I would never in a million years." I said quickly, looking slightly horrified by his accusation. Its not just because he was a teacher, but also because he is a he and I am definitely one hundred percent a lesbian, but Principal Smith didn't need to know that.

"Very well. I believe you have someone you need to apologise to. I will not give you detention this time due to your perfect record, but if you dare speak to Miss. Jauregui or any teacher like that again you will be punished accordingly." He said, his harsh voice said. I quickly nodded, thanking him for the no detention.

I stood up and exited his office and made my way to my first class.

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