Chapter 17

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Olivia's POV

"I didn't realise how stupid some of the students in my class really are." I said making Miss. Jauregui giggle.

"Yes, it is pretty shocking, but sometimes you get that one incredible student that makes up for all the failures." She said.

"I guess I am one of those failures."

"Not at all" She replied, making me feel a lot better about myself. I smiled to myself and continued to mark the work.

"Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself Olivia? We do have plenty of time." Miss Jauregui questioned. I looked at her and thought. I don't really like talking about myself, it makes me realise how unintentionally boring I really am.

"What would you like to know?" I ask looking back at the work.

"I want to know who you really are, what are your aspirations in life, what makes you happy, what gets you up in the morning?"

I really thought about her question. Who am I? I chuckled slightly not knowing how to answer her question. I do not know who I really am. It is a constant battle inside; I try to decipher what I want in life and who I am. A small giggle took me out of my thoughts.

"I can almost hear your internal struggle. Why don't we start with an easy question? What is your favourite movie?" She asked. Her comment made me laugh and I thought about what my favourite movie is.

"I think in terms of my favourite movie being one that I will watch multiple times a month, it would have to be all of the Harry Potter movies. I know those are old movies, but they are simply great." I said. I heard her giggle again.

"What is your favourite movie, Miss Jauregui?" I asked.

"Lauren." She stated. I looked at her confused slightly.

"I haven't heard of that movie before." I stated.

"Oh, that is my name. It feels weird you calling me Miss. Jauregui constantly. My favourite movie is The Lion King." She said. I chuckled at my own stupidity.

"I like your name. It suits you. Also, I have never seen The Lion King." I said. I continued to mark the work in front of me, although I was almost done. I heard Miss, Jauregui gasp next to me and I felt her hit my arm.

"That is not acceptable. You will go home after your detention and watch that movie. Do you understand?" She said with a strict voice. I cowered slightly in fear and nodded quickly. That is when her serious face broke into a big smile and she started to laugh.

"I was only joking." She said.

"I actually thought you were genuinely mad at me." I said making her laugh harder.

"Of course not. You are adorable Liv." She said. I blushed at her comment and that she used my nickname and tried to pretend I did not hear her.

"So, Olivia, what is your favourite food?"

"That is a tough one. Probably Pizza or cookies or ice cream." I said. She smiled and nodded agreeing with me. Her questions continued as we both finished up the work. I actually had quite a bit in common with her, which I definitely did not expect. Soon detention came to an end, which was great because I can finally go home, but it also meant my time with Lauren is cut short.

I helped her pack up the work and walked with her to the school's entrance.

"How are you getting home?" She asked. I shrugged; I had not driven to school today as my car was in the garage.

"I will call my mum and see if she can pick me up. If not, I will walk home." I said. I pulled out my phone to dial my mums' number.

"I can give you a lift home." She said.

"Honestly, Miss. Jauregui. I can contact my mum." I said. I do not want to trouble Miss. Jauregui.

"No, Olivia. Please let me give you a lift home." She said, her emerald green eyes peering into mine as she pouted slightly.

"Okay, fine, but I can pay you gas money." I said. She rolled her eyes at me and dragged me to her car.

"Also, please call me Lauren when we are alone." She said. I just nodded. The thought of being alone with Lauren made me blush slightly.

"Are you getting into the car or would you like to just stand there?" She asked. I felt my cheeks go even redder if that was even possible. I quickly climbed into her car and put my seatbelt on.

"I will just need your address."

"Oh right..." I said and told her my address. She grinned and put it into her phone, turning it up so she could hear the directions it was giving her.

"Are you supervising my detention tomorrow as well Lauren?" I asked. I looked at her waiting for an answer and saw a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Y-yes. I hope that is okay?" She said, stuttering slightly. I laughed quietly at her words. Even if that was not okay, there was nothing I could do about it. I am the one in trouble.

"What is so funny?" She asked

"Oh, you just asked me if it was okay that you will be supervising my detention like I had a choice." I replied. She smiled and chuckled to herself.

"I did, didn't I." She said, "Do you mind if we listen to some music?" I nodded and she turned on the radio. The rest of the drive to my house was silent on our part, the only noise came from the radio and every now and then I could hear a slight humming from Lauren. Although she was only humming, it sounded incredible. I wonder what her singing voice sounded like, if it is anything like her humming it will be amazing.

"I believe we are here." She said, sounding slightly unsure as she has never been to my house before.

"Yes, thank you Miss, uh, Lauren. Sorry," I said. I was not sure whether I should be calling her Lauren or not. She is my teacher and I thought it was disrespectful to call them by their first names. I quickly went into my bag to retrieve some money for the lift. I tried to hand it to her, but she refused.

"Olivia, I don't want your money." She said pushing my hand away. I argued but she wasn't listening to me. I eventually gave in and put it back into my bag before thanking her again and making my way to my house. Before I walked in, I turned and saw her watching me. I smiled and waved at her, and she waved back before driving away. I breathed out heavily before making my way indoors to greet my parents.

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