Chapter 39

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Olivia's POV

The rest of the weekend went by quickly, too quickly. I don't think I was mentally ready to go back to school. I was in such a good mood from how my weekend played out. It started with an incredible date with Lauren, then my mum came back and was a lot more understanding, and the rest of the weekend was spent with the girls laughing and having fun. Dinah was unfortunately her annoying self, but I still love her anyway. 

I grumbled and smacked my phone to try and turn the blaring noise of my alarm off, but it was no use. I sat up and turned it off properly before stretching. I love a good stretch in the morning, it is one of my favourite things. I knew I needed to get ready, I wanted to at least look a little presentable and not just for Lauren. That was a lie. I want to look presentable for Lauren. 

I smiled at the thought of seeing Lauren again. I just hope she feels as happy when she thinks of me as I do her. I finally made myself look a little bit decent, although the longer I stared at myself in the mirror the more I started to hate my outfit and the way I look. I mentally groaned and forced myself to look away before my self-deprecating thoughts made me choose another outfit.  

Truthfully, I have no idea why Lauren has decided out of all the girls at school and let me tell you there are a lot of attractive girls attending my school, she picked me. There was nothing but flaws when it came to my appearance. I sighed and slumped downstairs. I really need to stop allowing my thoughts to succumb me and take over the way I thought about myself. I can put myself in a bad mood within minutes and it is definitely not healthy. 

"What's wrong?" My mum asked once I entered the kitchen. I grabbed an apple for breakfast and faked a smile. 

"I'm just tired." I said lying to her. Although I was happy to see Lauren again, it also meant that I had to see the other students. Which means the teasing will commence and I'm not really sure how I can physically prepare myself for it all. 

"Did you not sleep well?" She asked and brushed my hair out of my face and looked at me. I only shrugged. I didn't want to admit to my mum what was truly happening at school. There was nothing she could do to help, it's not like the principal can suspend all students. She delicately held only my face. I could tell she was concerned.

"I better get going, I've got to pick up the girls." I said and broke away from her grasp. I quickly threw my apple core away and grabbed my bag yelling a quick bye to my parents, although I wasn't completely sure where my dad was. 

I didn't really want to pick Dinah up, just to teach her a lesson. She never told me what her and Lauren talked about and Lauren refused to tell me as well. I couldn't stay mad at Lauren as she sent me another cute picture of herself. If being in a relationship with her meant that she would continue to send me those pictures I am going to be very happy. Dinah on the other hand just annoyed me. A cute selfie from her did not make me happy, although I did giggle a little at her attempt. I quickly drove to Mani's house to pick her up first. 

On arrival she got in and immediately started to chat about the argument she had with a classmate on Sunday. I just smiled and nodded attempting to make it seem like I was listening to her. I did catch bits and pieces of her rant, but I knew it all anyway as she had already told me everything last night over the phone. 

Next to pick up was Ally. A little ray of sunshine. I giggled slightly at the new nickname that Lauren gave her on the Saturday whilst we chatted on the phone. I could see Mani looking at me suspiciously. 

"What are you giggling at?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and before I could answer Ally climbed into the car greeting us cheerfully. 

"I don't know whether to pick Dinah up or not." I said. Ally leant forward and whacked my arm. 

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