Chapter 15

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Olivia's POV

"Olivia, get to my office now!" I turned around and looked at Principal Smith. I knew it couldn't be good with the anger on his face. What did I do wrong now?

"I SAID GET TO MY OFFICE NOW!" He practically screamed, catching the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. I quickly grabbed my bag and hurried towards his office. I just can't wait for this week to be over.

As I walked into the reception, I saw the redhead from earlier as well as Leah sat there. The red head was crying and had a bruise on the side of her face. Although they were horrible to me earlier, I do feel bad for her. She didn't deserve to get hurt.

"In my office" Principal Smith said whilst walking past me and opening the door to his room. I took one last look at the two girls and saw them smirk a little at me which confused me a lot.

"Take a seat. We need to have serious talk." He said as he sat in his own chair.

"I'm not sure what I have done wrong." I said, but those words only seemed to anger him further.

"Well, where do I begin?" He said with sarcasm laced in his voice. This can't be about the way I treated Miss Jauregui. I apologised and we are on good terms now. Maybe he doesn't know that.

"First, you treat the new teacher with such disrespect, then you skip class, and now you are beating innocent people up. You may have slept with someone else's boyfriend, but you do not retaliate with such violence when they confront you." The last bit completely lost me. I haven't hurt anyone.

"I don't know what you mean sir. I haven't hurt anyone." I said.

"So, Elizabeth is lying to me." He said.

"Who is Elizabeth?" I asked, of course I knew a few in my classes but I have definitely not hurt any of them. I don't even talk to them; I only know they exist because the teacher calls their name out when going through the register.

"The girl sat outside with the bruise on her face." He said. Now I feel stupid. I felt sorry for her, but here she is blaming me.

"I didn't hurt them. They hurt me." I said.

"Do you really think I am going to believe you after what you have been like all week." He said. I just nodded.

"Yes, she is lying." I said.

"My daughter wouldn't lie to me." He said. As soon as he said that I knew there was no point in arguing with him. Elizabeth was obviously a little angel in his eyes. He would never take my word over his daughters, there was no point in arguing with him.

"I'm sorry sir." I said.

"You have detention for a month Olivia." He said. I groaned; I didn't do anything wrong.

"Don't make me make it two." He added, "Now leave my office."

I got up and walked out. I hate this stupid school. I am being punished for nothing. He wouldn't give me a detention just for the disrespect I showed towards Miss. Jauregui or me skipping class, but because he thought I harmed his little princess he acted. A whole month of detention.

He will ring my parents and they will ground me, luckily my mum let me get away with it the first time because she was so mad with what Miss. Jauregui implied when she first met her.

I hurried off to class not wanting to get into even more trouble because I was late. I was still drenched from having the drink poured on me. I didn't have time to clean myself up or even attempt to dry my wet clothes.

I sat in class embarrassed, with my drenched clothes and the stupid rumour that was continually being chatted about. I tried to get my mind off it by putting in my headphones, but the teacher came over and took those of me and told me to see him after class. I actually can't do anything right. Loads of students were listening to music, I don't understand why he was picking on me.

Luckily the next class was the last one for the day. Although it was music and that meant being in a class with Miss. Jauregui. I am just hoping that she did truly forgive me and that this class will be better than the previous few. I definitely will not be disrespecting her anymore.

The bell rang, but I had to stay behind to talk to the teacher. I watched as the last few students walked out before making my way over to his desk.

"You know it is very disrespectful to be listening to music whilst I am trying to teach." He said, "don't let me catch you on that again or I will take this to the principal, and you will have to collect it from him." He handed me my phone as I apologised to him.

"Just go to class now" He said. I nodded and made my way to my music class, unfortunately I was late. I let out a frustrated sigh and quickened my pace down the hall. I really wanted to make a good impression with Miss. Jauregui after my apology, so she knew I was genuinely sorry. Being late was not on my agenda to help me make this impression.

I knocked on the door and she opened it. Instead of telling me off she smiled at me.

"It is nice of you to join us Olivia. Please take a seat." She said politely. I smiled back and made my way over to my friends.

"Are you okay?" Dinah whispered, pulling me closer to her. I just shook my head and focused on what Miss. Jauregui was telling us. After she explained the project and gave us all our work, she told us we could pick our own groups. Obviously, Dinah, Mani, Ally and I were going to work together.

"What happened?" Mani said

"He gave me a month's detention." I said. They all looked horrified.

"What! Why?" Ally said, they are just as confused as I was.

"You are the one being teased." Mani said. I just nodded and explained what happened. They all just rolled their eyes at the situation.

"I don't care anymore. It will only be a month's detention and a lifetime grounding, but that doesn't matter." I said sarcastically, "Let's just get on with our work."

Whilst we were working Miss Jauregui called me and asked to see me outside her room. I just nodded and walked out to talk to her.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked.

"I would be better if the principal didn't give me a month's detention for something I didn't do." I said. She gasped and shook her head.

"He really has it out for you at the moment. He wanted to suspend you for the way you spoke to me, but I didn't allow him." She said. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Miss. Jauregui's smile was truly beautiful, I hope I can be the reason for her to smile more often.

"Do you happen to know who the teacher will be supervising the detention?" I asked. I had never gotten detention in all my life. I had no idea how they worked. She looked as if she was thinking but then shook her head.

"No, sorry. I haven't been told anything about that." She said.

"That's okay. I was just curious. I will find out soon enough."

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