Chapter 10

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Olivia's POV

It was now the final class of the day. Yay. Not. I really do not like Miss. Jauregui. I really do not like her cute giggle or her amazing green eyes or her perfect face. Why does the teacher that I really do not like have to be so goddamn beautiful? It just isn't fair. I shook those thoughts out of my head and prayed that they will never enter my head again.

I walk slowly down the hall towards her class stopping at the vending machine to get a snack. Whilst getting my snack I heard the last bell ring. Great, I was late. I continued with my journey to the devil's home, her classroom. I opened my pack of cookies and ate whilst walking. I stood outside her classroom to finish my food, after throwing away the wrapper, I opened the door interrupting her lesson. She looked over at me almost shocked that I turned up. Her shocked face quickly turned into anger.

"Why are you late?" She questioned. I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you so annoying?" I said. I heard gasps from all the students around me. I smirked, if they weren't going to willingly transfer me to a different music teacher, I will force them.

"Wait outside my classroom. I need to have a word with you." She said sternly.

"I am not waiting outside your classroom. I'm here to learn, not that you are any good at teaching anyway." I answered back. Her face immediately dropped at my words. I did feel guilty after I said that to her. I don't know if she is good at teaching, I've only been in one class.

"Just go sit down." She said, not wanting to argue with me further.

"Nah, I've changed my mind. I'm going home." I said. I turned around and made my way out of her classroom. Just as I was about to shut the door, she stopped me and walked out after me grabbing hold of my wrist. She quickly shut the door after her not wanting the students to hear what she was about to say.

"Look Olivia I'm really sorry for what I said in front of your mum. I know you are going through a rough time with your ex and now your mum, but please can you not treat me like this. You know I don't deserve this."

"Yes, you do deserve this. You are a pathetic person who needs to get a life and stop trying to ruin mine. You are probably just as homophobic as my mother is. I really don't like you Miss. Jauregui." I said not looking at her face. I knew that if I did, I would cave and apologise.

"I'm sorry" she said, her voice cracking. I looked up at her and saw a tear run down her perfect face. Guilt washed over me, but I needed to be tough.

"Just leave me alone. I have already tried to transfer out of your class, but they won't let me." I said harshly ignoring the guilt.

"I will put in a recommendation that you are transferred from my class." She muttered quietly

"Good." Was all I said turning on my heels walking towards the entrance. I quickly pulled out my phone and called Brayden. I'm sure he won't mind skipping class with me. He answered the call after the second ring.

"Just couldn't wait until the end of the day huh." He said. I could almost hear his smirk down the phone.

"I'm done for the day. I can't be asked for Miss. Jauregui. Do you want to hang out or not?" I said. He laughed and told me he is on his way.

"Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?" He questioned scaring me at his sudden appearance. I shook my head at his question, and he smiled.

"Come on. You have to hold on tight." He said, guiding me to his bike. I bit my lip in nerves, I really don't like the idea of getting onto that. He must have noticed my fear and smiled and gently touched my arm.

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