Chapter 34

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Olivia's POV

I groaned and glared at Mani as she pulled out yet another inappropriate outfit.

"What? I think Miss. Jauregui would really appreciate this dress." Mani stated. Ally took the dress from her and put it back into my closet. I silently thanked her, and she smiled in response. I don't even know where that dress came from, I certainly didn't purchase that myself. I have never worn and to be honest, I haven't even seen it before.

"Do you know where you are going?" Dinah asked. She was being incredibly helpful, not. All Dinah has done since we arrived at my house was lie on my bed and throw about a few sexual comments.

"No, and she won't tell me." I answered.

"Maybe she is taking you into the woods to murder you. How do we know that Miss. Jauregui isn't some axe murderer?" Dinah said. Ally threw a bottle of water at her and told her to stop it.

I can't believe I thought these girls would be helpful, all they have done is increase my anxiety for tonight. I'm already terrified to tell Lauren that the girls know about our date especially after she asked me to keep it between the two of us. I just don't want to lose her trust so early on in the relationship. She has definitely not done anything to lose my trust.

"Lauren is not an axe murder Dinah. Now will you guys please help me because I have to meet her in approximately thirty minutes." My frustration was clear in the tone of my voice. They have wasted about an hour and a half of being ridiculously unhelpful. Ally has probably been the nicest as she gave me some comforting words when I properly started to panic, but that was pretty much it. I do appreciate that.

"Maybe I should just cancel." I muttered; the girls immediately yelled no at me.

"We will be more helpful, just don't cancel." Dinah said standing up and walked towards me as Ally went and grabbed an outfit for me from my closet.

"Just wear this Liv. It is difficult to dress you appropriately if we don't know where Miss. Jauregui is taking you on a date."

"Can we stop calling her Miss. Jauregui when we are alone. It makes me feel weird." I stated.

"Well, it's not our fault you decided to date a teacher." Dinah responded. I groaned and shoved her away playfully.

"You want to fuck Miss. Cabello." I joked.

"She doesn't anymore!" Normani yelled back at me. I jumped at her sudden outburst. What is wrong with her?

"Okay, I'm sorry. It was just a joke Mani." I said. She started to blush and quickly apologised for her sudden outburst.

"We will call Miss. Jauregui Lauren if it makes you feel a little more comfortable with this situation. Although, I'm still not very happy about all of this. She better not be taking advantage of you Livvy." Ally said. I bit my lip and looked down.

I wouldn't have thought Lauren would take advantage of me, but then how well do I truly know her. Sure, we have been texting for a while and she has been there for me when no one else was, but did I know who she really was. Lauren doesn't seem to be faking her feelings, she even told me that she didn't want me to be a fling. That could have been a lie though, she could be lying about everything.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put thoughts into your head. I'm sure Miss. Jau- Lauren wouldn't do that. She seems to genuinely care about you, I just worry about you." Ally said, "Now go get changed. You only have ten minutes."

She held the clothes out towards me, and I quickly took the black jeans and white shirt from her and rushed to the bathroom to get ready. I hope it looks okay. I could hear my phone ringing from the bathroom, I quietly prayed that it wasn't Lauren and the girls didn't answer it. I could then hear Ally telling the girls to leave me phone alone and that I will ring Lauren back when I'm dressed.

I hurried out of the bathroom and went to grab my phone before Normani grabbed me and put me into my chair to sort my messy hair out. I sat down as still as possible and looked down to check if I received any messages.

Lauren: Hey Beautiful, I was just calling to let you know I am here. I know I am slightly early, call me eager but I can't wait to see you. Xx

Olivia: I will be there ASAP! Xx

Mani finished sorting my hair out and I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"Girls, Lauren is waiting for me. I have to go now. Oh god, what if I mess up and she decides she doesn't like me anymore. How do I look? Do I look okay? This was a mistake. I can't do this. There is too much at stake. Lauren will realise that I am pathetic and not want anything to do with me. " I rambled.

"Shut the fuck up! You will be fine. Now go out there and get your woman!" Ally sassed cutting me off from my rant. Dinah and Normani started laughing giving Ally a high five. I bit my lip and took one last look in my mirror.

"Okay, I will be fine. It will be fine." I said, psyching myself up. I could do this. The girls followed me downstairs, they kept repeating that I will be fine. I took a few deep breaths and called out to my dad to let him know that I was going out and would be back later. He called out a goodbye and told me to have fun.

I stumbled out the door muttering a few curse words at myself for being so clumsy. I'm just glad Lauren didn't witness that, or she would realise how big of an idiot I truly am. I could hear Dinah's loud laugh from behind confirming that she saw me trip over the door frame. We all left, and the girls walked towards the taxi they had called moments before.

"You got this!" Mani called out to me before getting into the car.

"You will be fine. Text me when you get home!" Ally instructed. I just nodded to let her know that I would.

"Use protection!" Dinah exclaimed. A blush fell to my cheeks as she erupted with laughter.

The taxi drove away with the three girls, I watched it drive down the street. I completely forgot Laurens waiting for me still. I hurried myself to the park looking out for her blue car. Finally, I caught sight of the car and darted over to it not wanting to waste any more of her time waiting for me. She saw me and climbed out of her car making her way to the passenger side.

"I thought you were going to stand me up." Lauren joked opening the car door for me. I just blushed and thanked her.

She walked to her side of the car and got in. As she sat down, she quickly leaned over and pecked my cheek.

"You look beautiful Liv" She said. I'm pretty sure my blush went a few shades darker if that is even possible.

"Thank you, you look really b-beautiful." I said with a slight stutter. She giggled and took my hand whilst driving off to our destination.

"You don't need to be so nervous. It's only me." She joked. I let out a shaky breath and nodded. Although, it didn't help. I am going on a date with the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on. Lauren was an incredible person and I know she was truly a big softy but I couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by her. There were just so many attributes to Lauren and all of them made her so unique and special.

"I'm sorry. I will try and relax." I mumbled. I heard her giggle.

"If it makes you feel better. I am absolutely shitting my pants right now with nerves." She joked. I couldn't hold back my laugh and she looked over at me grinning cheekily. Lauren made a few more jokes and with each one I got more comfortable in her presence. It slowly felt like all the tension in the air had vanished.

"We are here." Lauren announced, parking her car.

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