Chapter 7

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Olivia's POV

"Get up!" My mum said slamming my door as she exited my room. I groaned and sat up blinking until my eyes adjusted to the bright lights.

I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at my hideous appearance. My face is all red from crying myself to sleep, hopefully a quick shower will stop myself looking like a lobster.

After my shower, I quickly got dressed and made my way down the stairs to my mum.

"Good, we have got to go. We are already running late because of your selfish behaviour." My mum said chucking me a banana as she walked to the front door. I sighed and walked after her whilst eating my breakfast.

"Mum, do I really have to go to school today?" I asked, climbing into the car, hopeful that she would take pity on me.

"Yes, you must go to school. You embarrassed that poor teacher and you will apologise." She answered. I definitely did not like that answer. If I never saw Miss. Jauregui again that would be great.

"Surely a sincere apology is better than one that you are forcing me to make." I stated. My mum slammed on the breaks making me jolt forward in my seat and choke on my banana.

"What is wrong with you Olivia. Are you not sorry for what you did to Miss. Jauregui? What happened to my sweet girl, where did she go?" My mum said scowling at me. I sighed.

"I am sorry, and I do regret it. Miss. Jauregui wasn't the intended target for my bad temper mum. Spilling food on her was a complete accident, I really didn't see her." I replied as my mum began driving towards my school.

"Well then, who was the intended target?" My mum questioned. I couldn't really answer truthfully as she does not know about Ashley or my gayness.

"It doesn't matter." I muttered and looked out the window.

"I really don't like you right now." My mum stated, focusing on the road. I almost rolled my eyes at her confession but quickly stopped myself. I think my mum will literally take me out of this world if I do that to her again.

When we pulled up to the school and got out of the car all eyes were on me. Children were snickering as I walked past them, whispers about what I did to the new music teacher was the talk of the school. Great. I quickly saw DJ, Mani and Ally waiting for me by my locker. The smiles on their faces quickly drop as they notice my mother standing next to me.

"Can I talk to my friends before the meeting?" I asked, looking at my mum for approval. She tutted and shook her head.

"Why should I allow you the privilege of talking to your friends?" She said grabbing me harshly and dragging me into the reception. She signed herself in and chatted to Norma our school's secretary. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but the constant glances in my direction made it obvious that they were discussing me and my recent mishaps.

"Mrs. Garcia, how are you doing?" Principal Smith greeted my mother firmly shaking her hand.

"I would be doing much better if we were meeting under better circumstances." My mum replied, "How are you?"

"Yes, I'm very well. Shall we begin? Miss. Jauregui is already in my office waiting."

"Olivia, get up." My mum said while following my principal into his office. I could just bolt it out of the school and run away. I could go to Italy; I have always wanted to live in Italy. Maybe this was my chance, I could meet a nice Italian lady and could make pasta for a living.

"Olivia, here now!" I heard my mum command.

"Hello, Mrs. Garcia, I'm Miss. Jauregui. Olivia's new music teacher." She greeted my mother pleasantly. My mother introduced herself and began to apologise.

"I am so very sorry for my daughter's despicable behaviour. She was not raised to treat another person like this. I was horrified to receive the call that she had done something so horrid to a teacher." My mother said sympathetically.

"Oh, don't worry Mrs. Garcia. You have nothing to apologise for. Her friends explained everything. It must have been tough on her being cheated on by her girlfriend. Nobody deserves that." As soon as those words left her lips, I felt all the colour drain from my face.

"Girlfriend? Olivia what does she mean by girlfriend?" My mother said, looking even more angry.

"I don't know mum." I quickly answered. Miss. Jauregui's eyes widened at the realisation.

"You better not be a little fag Olivia" My mum said looking disgusted at me.

"No! Mum I am not. I'm straight. My friends are probably just playing a prank on me and Miss. Jauregui didn't realise." I said. My lip started to tremble.

"Oh honey, don't cry. I believe you." She said touching my face gently.

"Don't you dare insinuate that my daughter is filthy like that again." My mum said, "she will not be apologising to you. Have a good day Principal Smith." She walked out dragging me along with her.

"Do you want to go home Olivia?" My mum asked nicely. I nodded quickly hoping that Ashley does not make any unwanted advances on me. My mum smiled at me as she guided me back to the car.

I always thought my parents were homophobic, but it was always just a hunch, now that I have it confirmed I really don't know what to do.

As soon as we arrived home I raced up to my room and texted the girls.

Liv: How could you tell Miss. Jauregui about Ashley and I!
DJ: I didn't think she would mention it in front of your mum
Mani: We didn't know what else to do. She was on the brink of transferring you out of her class. That is the only class we have altogether!
Ally: Hun, don't be mad. We will get through this together.

I read their messages and threw my phone across the room. I rolled over in my bed and screamed into my pillow. Miss. Jauregui has been my teacher for three days and she has already almost ruined my life.

Heartbeat (Lauren Jauregui)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang