Chapter 43

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Olivia's POV

I woke up to the sound of giggles. I groaned and pulled the duvet over my head snuggling into the bed further. The giggles got slightly louder, annoying me further. I just want to sleep. This bed is very comfortable. I felt arms wrap around my waist and a sloppy wet kiss being placed on my forehead.

"Dinah! No." I grumbled and fought against the girl. The giggles increased into laughter forcing me to open my eyes. I immediately began blushing when I realised that I was in fact still in bed with Lauren and not Dinah. I turned and saw the three girls standing with their phones pointed at the two of us. I turned away from them and shoved my face into Lauren. She chuckled and rubbed my back gently, whispering a good morning. The girls made conversation with Lauren as I tried my hardest to get back to sleep. I do not want to wake up this early, especially on a Sunday.

"Baby, we have to get up." Lauren said as she started to manoeuvre herself from underneath me. I grumbled out, "no." My grip around her waist tightened. She laughed and told the girls she will meet them in the kitchen to make some breakfast. I turned my head slightly and watched the girls quickly scurry away towards the kitchen.

"Come on baby." She said in a hushed voice and planted a lot of kisses on my cheek.

"But I'm so comfy." I mumbled. She giggled and started to poked my sides. I breathed in deeply, I did not want Lauren to know how ticklish I was. I buried my face further into her neck and she continued to poke me, making me squirm slightly.

"Come on. I'm so hungry." She whined childishly. I can just imagine the adorable pout on her face. I groaned and rolled off her, I couldn't deal with her poking me for much longer and the image of her pouty face was too cute to resist.

"Fine." I said and sat up. She grinned cheekily but grabbed my hand before I could get further away from her.

"Good morning kiss?" She asked in a quiet voice. I giggled at her and quickly leant in to give her a soft kiss. In one swift movement she quickly grabbed me and pulled me down on the bed and climbed on top of me, our lips not losing contact. She smirked slightly and tried to deepen the kiss. I reluctantly tried to resist her advances although Lauren was making me completely melt underneath her. I just know that there are three hungry girls waiting in the kitchen. I also know two out three of those girls will not knock when entering Laurens room.

Lauren pulled away slightly and smiled at me, "You are so beautiful." She stated in a firm way. I blushed and tried to look away from her, but she held my face gently in her hand. She lowered herself down and reconnected our lips, this time I smiled into the kiss and she took the opportunity to slip the tip of her tongue delicately into my mouth. I lightly sucked on her tongue making her moan lowly.

Honestly, I have no idea what I am doing. Me and Ashley never "made out", our kisses never lasted longer than a few seconds. I tried to think back to movies I have watched but none of that really gave me any helpful bits of information on how to kiss properly. I just hoped that Lauren was enjoying it as much as I was seeing as I was literally winging it. I felt Laurens cold fingers make contact with my belly as her hand travelled slightly up my bed shirt. Well, I say mine, it's actually Laurens that she allowed me to borrow. I was slightly stunned at the contact unsure as to what to do. I didn't exactly want to lay here like a dead fish, but I also didn't want to push it and touch Lauren in the wrong place. But then, where exactly is the right place.

Lauren must have sensed that I tensed up as she pulled her lips away from mine and looked at me with uncertainty.

"Are you okay?" She asked. I slightly nodded, I was still extremely embarrassed that I didn't know how to kiss her properly.

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