Chapter 29

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Olivia's POV

"Why don't we go to my classroom and have a chat?" She whispered. A shiver ran through my body as I thought about the last time, I was alone with her in her classroom. 

I pulled back slightly from Lauren and looked at her. She smiled at me in a comforting way before she placed her hand on my knee. 

"Come on." She uttered before standing up. I just nodded and quickly packed up my stuff, fumbling over my goodbyes to the girls. They all just smirked knowingly at me. I rolled my eyes and hurried over to the teacher who was already exiting the cafeteria. 

I closely followed Miss. Jauregui from behind, my eyes trailing lower than I intend them to. I felt rather horrified with myself at the realisation that I am definitely one hundred percent checking my music teacher out. Although, who could blame me, she was beautiful. 

"I hope you enjoyed the view Liv" Miss. Jauregui said, breaking me out of my thoughts, realising she had turned her head slightly and had caught me in the act of staring at her rather perfect butt. I blushed and quickly tore my eyes from her body. She just chuckled and ushered me into her classroom and told me to take a seat before she came and sat with me. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. I just shook my head; I wasn't sure I could accurately express how I felt about the situation I was in. 

"I know it's a lot to wrap your head around in a few hours, but I will do my absolute best to help you through this. Whether that be a shoulder to cry on or just someone you can talk to, I am here."  Miss. Jauregui stated. I bit my lip and tried to keep all my tears in. I think Lauren caught on to what I was doing and pulled me onto her lap. 

"Just let it out." She said as she rubbed my back. The motion and comfort she provided helped me release all the emotions I had felt.

"I will be complaining to the Principal about what Mr. Samuel had said about you and the way he treated you in class. He is a homophobic asshole and he won't get away with." 

"Thank you for being so kind to me Lauren." I replied. 

"You really don't need to thank me Baby." She said, an immediate blush fell upon my cheeks at the new name she had called me. I looked down so that she couldn't see the effect she had on me by using just one word. Her grip on me never faltered, although she rested her head gently on mine. 

"You really are special Liv" She whispered. I shivered under her words, concerned as to how to answer her. She was so close; I could just turn my head and our lips would be together once again. I didn't want to mess the closeness we had though, not for a kiss. I also don't think I could handle the rejection, not today at least. It's probably best that I leave this situation before I can escalate it.

"Lauren. I should probably go back." I said quietly. I heard her sigh, but she never let me go. 

"I would much rather you stay here with me." She responded just as quiet. I internally agreed with her words, I would also much rather stay here in Laurens arms, but the more time I spent with her the stronger my feelings for the older woman grew. 

"Lauren. You know it would be best if I left. We have already talked about this." I mumbled. Lauren let out a long breath, the warm air hitting my neck. 

"I know, but what if I don't agree with what I said." pleaded Lauren. 

"What?" I questioned. 

"I can't fake it anymore Liv" She confessed, "I really like you." 

I didn't know what to tell her. I knew I felt the same way, but she was my teacher, and this was so wrong. The internal conflict of right and wrong just tore through me. I could give Lauren a chance and potentially be happy or I could deny how I felt and be miserable, but Lauren would be safe. I didn't want to risk losing Lauren completely due to the nature of our relationship of student and teacher. They have already fired one teacher for having an intimate relationship with a student and me and Lauren have already had some form of intimacy. Not to the same extent but just enough for Lauren to lose her career. 

We could be careful though and hide our relationship. I wouldn't even have to tell my friends, although with how well they knew me they would soon figure out something was going on between the two of us. They already do believe something is going on between me and Miss. Jauregui. All I knew is that the passion I felt for Lauren wasn't going to fade anytime quickly. 

I bit my lip and looked at her for the first time since she confessed her feelings only to see tears running down her face. 

"I'm sorry Olivia. I should have known that you didn't feel the same way." Lauren blurted out, "We can just forget-" I cut Lauren off by pressing my lips firmly against hers. She wasted no time in reciprocating the kiss, her hands quickly moving to hold onto my waist. I pulled away from her after a few seconds. 

"I feel the same way Lauren. I really like you too." I uttered. A smile spread across her beautiful face as she leant forward, capturing my lips in hers again for quick peck. 

"May I take you on a date?" She asked with caution. I smiled and nodded trying not to show just how excited I truly was. 

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