Chapter 18

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Olivia's POV

I was immediately stopped by my mother as I walked into the house. I internally groaned, not ready to lose the happiness that spending time with Miss. Jauregui has brought me. I wanted only a few more minutes of feeling in total bliss.

"Why were you in the car with that god-awful teacher?" My mother said. Her words angered me instantly. I would have thought she would appreciate that she had given me a lift home so I wouldn't have to bother her.

"She was just bringing me home after my detention." I said, my tone of voice reflecting the anger I felt towards my mum.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! I don't want you anywhere near that teacher. She will corrupt your beautiful mind with her disgusting ways." My mother spoke with such disgust in her voice that I knew standing up for Lauren would only bring me pain. I just nodded; I definitely did not want to explain to her that I would be alone with Miss. Jauregui as she is supervising the detention.

"It was only a one-time thing because I don't have my car." I said. She looked slightly relieved and told me that my dad had picked it up earlier today, so I won't need a lift from her again.

"Go clean yourself up, dinner is almost ready." She told me. I just nodded and walked up to my room. I threw my bag onto my floor and flopped onto my bed. Looking at my phone I saw that I had a few messages from the girls.

DJ: Hey!!! How was detention?
Mani: Liv, you better not get detention anymore! I had to take the bus home. It was disgusting and to think I will have to do this for at least a month. EWWW!
Ally: Hey Livvy, I hope detention wasn't too awful. Mani! Leave Liv alone, she didn't do anything wrong and the bus isn't that bad.

I smiled at Ally's message, she is always so sweet, unless you cross her, then she turns into a little devil. I quickly replied back to the girls leaving out a few details, such as that Miss. Jauregui was the teacher and she had given me a lift home.

"Olivia! Dinners ready!" I heard my mum yell from the bottom of the stairs. I groaned and got up yelling a quick coming to let her know I heard her call. I sat at the table and my mum placed a plate of food in front of me. I thanked her and began to eat.

"So, when are you seeing that lovely boy Brayden again?" My mum asked. I choked on my dinner and my dad quickly patted my back.

"Mum, Brayden lied to me. He has a girlfriend." I said. She just laughed lightly.

"That never stopped anyone, right Luke?" My mum answered. My jaw dropped in shock. My dad glanced at me and then looked at my mum.

"We are not getting into this right now Linda. You are doing the right thing Olivia by staying away from that boy." My dad said.

"No, she is not." My mum commented.

"Yes, she is. If he is willing to cheat on his girlfriend, he would be willing to cheat on our daughter and ultimately break her heart."

"Oh, please." My mother said, rolling her eyes. I didn't say a word and just continued to eat my dinner. Once I was finished, I quickly got up and put the dishes in the dishwasher before making my way upstairs. As soon as I closed my door I could hear the arguing begin from downstairs between my parents. It is a little crazy how quick my life has changed. My parents were once so in love that they would never have spoken ill of each other and they definitely would not have argued the way they are currently. It is heartbreaking to hear my parents say such vile words to one another.

I sighed and sat down on my bed. I pulled out my phone and tried to pick a movie to watch before bed. As I was scrolling through Miss. Jauregui popped into my head, I instantly searched for The Lion King and began to watch before falling asleep.

I made my way to school but not before picking up my friends, who had a lot to tell me. I listened intently without uttering anything. As I pulled up to the school, we all entered together and said a few greetings to the other students who were way too happy to be awake this early. As we turned the corner, I saw Lauren stood monitoring the halls. I told my friends that I would catch them up before lingering behind to speak to Miss. Jauregui.

"You could have warned me." I said to her. She looked at me with a very confused face.

"Excuse me?" She questioned looking slightly unsure.

"Mufasa!" I said. She immediately understood what I meant and began the laugh.

"You watched it." She said with a smile on her face.

"Well, those were your orders." I said replicating her smile. She giggled adorably and nodded.

"I do apologise for not warning you. I didn't want to spoil the movie." She said. I pouted and nodded.

"It was just so sad." She began to pout as well and nodded agreeing with me.

"I should probably get to my first class, but I will see you later Lauren." I said.

"Of course. I hope you have a good morning." I smiled and said a quick goodbye before joining my friends.

"You totally have the hots for Miss. Jauregui. Or should I say Lauren." DJ said, her voice mocking mine when she stated Miss. Jauregui's name.

"How did you find out her first name?" Ally questioned, slightly puzzled.

"She told me." I said nonchalantly. The girls grabbed me, stopping me from walking to class.

"When?" They are said in sync. I rolled my eyes at their behaviour. Although I quickly remember that I hadn't actually told them about the interactions I had with the young music teacher.

"She is supervising detention. She told me then." I said. The girls squealed, confusing me. They all began making kissy faces and taunting me about having a crush. I just rolled my eyes and separated myself from them making my way to class. Although Ally quickly ran after me apologising profusely. I told her it was fine and that I didn't mind really.

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