Chapter 33

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Olivia's POV

The rest of the week went by rather quickly. I would love to say that I wasn't being tormented all week, but that would be a complete lie. I think it hurts more that teachers are also the perpetrators. I feel like I can't physically relax all day until I get to Lauren's class. The moment I let down my guard another thing happens. I've had food thrown at me, been beaten up, spit on, called horrible names, my work has been ripped up, my belongings have been stolen or broken. I am just so sick of being treated this way.

The looks I receive from people as I walk down the hall is haunting. I honestly don't understand, I cannot be the only gay kid that attends this school. I can only imagine that any other closeted gay students would definitely not come out now after seeing how everyone responded to me.

Although, I can't help but feel like this is something that Ashley has set up. I'm sure that not every student that goes here hates me. It is probably a chain reaction, one that no one wants to break. As soon as one person shows hatred towards me their friends feel like they have to and so on. I just need one person to break that chain.

My mother hasn't returned. She hasn't contacted me or my dad. We don't know where she is or if she is safe. My dad is broken. He looks lost and empty. I didn't realise how much he truly loved my mother until now. The guilt I feel about the situation grew, especially after witnessing my dad breaking down. Although he keeps reassuring me that he doesn't regret his decision and that I will always be his number one priority. I feel like his number one problem. I just hope that my mum comes home soon, preferably more accepting.

Today was Friday which meant it was the day of Lauren and I's date. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I just wanted everything to go well. I really like Lauren and I like the way she makes me feel. She is like my safety blanket and she has already proven to me that I can rely and trust her. I just hope she feels that same way about me.

I have no idea what Lauren has planned, but knowing her it will be perfect. Although she has been my teacher for about 5 months now, I feel like I have known her for years.

I haven't told the girls about my date with Lauren. They definitely know something is up, the constant questions being thrown my way as to what we talked about at lunch on the Monday hadn't stopped. I can understand why they are so curious, but I feel like if I told them what me and Lauren really spoke about it would break the trust Lauren and I hadn't created. A trust that we managed to create and form in such a short time. I couldn't do anything that could possibly break that trust. Lauren is already such a big part of my life.

"Olivia, please pay attention." Lauren's husky voice broke me away from my thoughts. I gave her an apologetic smile and she just nodded and began teaching again. I decided I would actually pay attention to the rest of her lesson, which won't be too hard. She gave us our assignment and told us we had the rest of class to work on it. As Lauren gave me my work, she grazed her fingers on top of mine giving me a sly wink. I blushed and quickly looked away from her face earning a cute giggle as she walked past and handed the rest out.

An obvious fake cough from Dinah made me look up from the worksheet. She sat there with a stupid smirk on her face and her eye brows slightly raised.

"What the fuck was that?" She said breaking the silence between us. I decided to play dumb.

"Dinah, watch your language." reprimanded Ally. I just giggled and shrugged.

"I don't know what you are talking about DJ." I answered. She rolled her eyes and pushed me forcefully away from her.

"Shut up. You know exactly what I am talking about." She answered. Ally quickly told her off again before helping me sit back up. I stuck my tongue out at her and tried to focus on my work. The vibration of my phone stole my attention.

Lauren: I can't wait for our date tonight. Xx

I immediately smiled and quickly typed out my response.

Olivia: I'm really excited. Will you tell me what we are going to do now? Xx

I looked up at her after I sent the message and caught her eye. She playfully frowned at me and looked back down at her phone.

Lauren: I am not telling you anything. Now get off your phone and do your work. Xx

I rolled my eyes and didn't bother responding to her. I locked my phone and placed it down on the floor next to me. Although, it vibrated again. I looked up at Lauren slightly confused, I thought she just told me to get off my phone. I picked my phone backup to look at what she had said.

Dinah: If you are going to flirt via text message with Miss. Hotty I wouldn't make it so obvious.

I looked up at Dinah very shocked. She smirked again but this time wiggles her eyebrows at me. I groaned and glared at her. This time I turned my phone completely on silent and decided to ignore Dinah for the rest of the class. Although her constant stare was very difficult to ignore. Keeping this a secret was going to be so difficult.

Soon the bell had rung letting us all know that school was finally done. After I drop the girls off I would have approximately two hours to get ready for my date with Lauren. I didn't even know what to wear.

After the girls and I had gone to our lockers we met up by my car. I internally groaned knowing that I now had to be enclosed in a small environment with Dinah. I know Ally and Mani will be there too, but as soon as Dinah opens her mouth and says what she saw they would all be on my case.

I pulled out of the school's parking lot and after about three seconds Dinah spoke.

"So, you want to tell us about how you are flirting with our music teacher."

I groaned and tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

"We aren't." I answered.

"You were so obviously texting her." Dinah responded.

"Wait, you have Miss. Jauregui's number?" Ally questioned. I nodded and Dinah laughed.

"And you were flirting with her!" Dinah said. I shook my head. She argued back.

"Just drop it Dinah." I said.

"I don't want to join in, but I've just read your messages Liv. You have a lot of explaining to do." Normani said. She held my phone up. I felt my face drain with colour as my heart started beating erratically. I knew one of the last conversations I had with Lauren mentioned our date tonight. There was absolutely no way I could get out of this.

"Look, Mani. I can explain. I know going on a date with your teacher isn't appropriate but I really like Lauren. And I-"

"Shit Liv, I was joking. I don't know the password to your phone ." Mani said, cutting me off.

"You are going on a date with Miss. Jauregui!" Dinah yelled. Her laughter filled the car as she began clapping like a complete weirdo.


I really messed up.

"When is it?" Ally said in her normal voice. It definitely scares me how quick her mood changes.


Mani squealed from next to me. "Can we help you get ready?" I sighed but nodded. I could definitely do with their help.

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