Chapter 6

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Olivia's POV

Finally, it was lunch and I could have some sort of escape from the drama I created this morning. All morning I got questioned by students as to why I yelled at Miss. Jauregui. Of course, I ignored all of them not wanting to fuel the fire called gossip. I swiftly made my way over to my friends and sat down pulling out my small blue lunchbox. I could feel the girls staring at me waiting for me to speak up and explain my outburst that happened earlier this morning. The thing was, I have no explanation, no reason, no excuse.

"What the actual fuck was wrong with you this morning?" Normani said breaking the silence at our table. I shrugged and bit into my cheese sandwich.

"Language, Mani." Ally said making me smile slightly at her good behaviour, "but seriously Liv that was out of order. You should not have spoken to Miss. Jauregui like that."

"Honestly. It was kind of hot." Dinah said, making Ally smack her. I took a deep breath and tried to think of a justification of my sudden outburst at the green-eyed teacher.

"I don't know what happened. Ashley riled me up." I said trying not to make eye contact with the three girls.

"Okay but take that anger out on the she-devil and not Miss. Jauregui." Dinah said, quoting a newfound nickname for Ashley.

"I know, I didn't mean to take my anger out on her." I said. I could feel my blood start to boil. Why couldn't they just drop the subject there is no need for everyone to constantly make me feel like shit.

"Alright, calm yourself down Liv." Ally spoke in a gentle voice.

"Quit telling me what the fuck I can and can't do." I said standing up and taking a step back without looking. I bumped into someone and could hear gasps around me. I quickly turned around and saw Miss. Jauregui on the floor covered in red sauce.

"Olivia! What did you do that for?" Ally shrieked standing up to help Miss Jauregui off the floor. Why is everything going so wrong suddenly?

"Seriously that was uncalled for!" DJ said looking stunned at my actions. Although I didn't mean to, it was an accident.

"Honestly, there really was no need for that!" Mani told me looking very disappointed.

I could hear all the mutters around the room and people putting their phones up filming the mess I had caused. Pictures were being taken and shared automatically only creating more students to come crowding into the cafeteria to get a look at the situation.

"GET TO MY OFFICE NOW OLIVIA" Principal Smith boomed. I quickly ran out of the room leaving a stunned Miss. Jauregui behind. I ran out of the doors ignoring the yells of the teachers telling me not to run in the halls. They were still oblivious to the situation in the cafeteria. I ran to my car, tears already streaming down my face.

"Livvy! It's okay. I know what you did was an accident." Ashley called out. I opened my car door and looked at her. She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Let me keep you company. I don't want you to be alone when you are worked up like this." She said again. All I could do was nod and get into my car waiting for her to get into the passenger side.

"Where should we go?" She asked. I just shrugged and waited for her command.

"How about we go to our special place? Only we know about it." She said answering her own question. She gently took my hand and squeezed trying to comfort me.

"I like that idea Ashley."

Once we arrived at our destination, Ashley got out quickly. This was always our favourite place to come when we wanted alone time. I got out and followed her through the bluebell filled fields. She stopped and grabbed my hand.

"Come on Liv, let's dance." She said with a cheeky smile. I couldn't help but grin back at her.

"There isn't any music."

"We don't need music; we can dance to our heartbeats."

"Well, with how anxious I am, we need to start raving." I said with a serious face, but laughter almost immediately overtook both of our bodies. This was nice, I nearly forgot the heartache she had caused me weeks prior.

"Please dance with me. I missed having you hold me." She said looking at me with her adorable pout. I sighed and agreed to dance with her. I will just enjoy this moment for what it is and stop thinking about the past. Maybe Ashley has changed and will stay faithful to me.

"I really missed you Baby." She said giving me one of her favourite nicknames. The thought of having Ashley back does make me happy, but it doesn't completely excite me.

"It will take me awhile to trust you again." I said resting my head gently on her shoulder as our bodies swayed together.

"I know and I am willing to wait for you."

"But, how can I be so sure that you won't do it again Ash."

"Because I lost you once already. I will not be stupid enough to do it again."

"You are pretty stupid." I said. She playfully shoved me away from her with a small smile on her face. I smiled back but was soon interrupted by my phone going off ruining the peace we had.

I took my phone out of my back pocket swiftly and saw the call ID. Mum. I am in serious trouble.

"Aren't you going to answer her?" Ashley said with an amused look on her face. I nodded and pressed the green button.

"Olivia! Where are you? You better get your ass home this instance!" She shrieked down the phone.

"Okay, I'm on my way now."

"You better be." She said, ending the call. I know she is mad now, there was no I love you at the end of that or even a bye. I really don't want to go home.

I dragged Ashley back to my car telling her I had to go quickly. She signed but kept her pace with me.

"You will be fine Liv. Just explain it was an accident." She said. Ashley must not know how I spoke to Miss. Jauregui this morning. I just nodded not wanting to bring it up again. I quickly dropped Ashley off at her house before speeding my way home.

As soon as I opened the door to my home, I was met with my mother's angry red face.

"Go in there and sit down. You can explain to me why you think it is acceptable behaviour to bully a teacher." I walked over to the grey couch and sat down waiting for my mother to enter the room. My dad was already sitting there playing on his phone.

"Luke, get off your phone and help me deal with your daughter." My mum said walking into the room.

"Why is she always my daughter when she does something naughty Linda. But she is our daughter when she is good?" My dad questioned. My mother huffed and glowered at me.

"Well, Olivia what do you have to say for yourself?" My mum said.

"It was an accident mum." I said looking at the rug on the floor.

"You do not accidently tell a teacher to and I quote Back the fuck off. And then tell her to make you go to the principals. She did make you when she asked you the first time. There was no need for her to ask you again!" My mother started to rant at me telling how she didn't raise me to be so disrespectful. I habitually rolled my eyes at her, making her gasp at me.

"How dare you roll your eyes at me. You do that one more time and I will rip those right out of your head!" I gulped loudly making my father chuckle.

"Olivia is obviously having a rough couple of days. We all know she doesn't take change too well and this new teacher is quite an unexpected change." My dad said arguing for me.

"Don't you dare make excuses for her disgraceful behaviour." My mum said to him before looking at me. "You are grounded for 2 weeks." I nodded knowing that if I spoke or argued with her the punishment will get worse.

"We have a meeting tomorrow morning with Principal Smith and Miss. Jauregui where you will apologise to her." She added, "now go to your room!" I got up quickly and rushed up the stairs.

As soon as I entered my room, I shut the door quietly and rushed to my bed allowing the emotions to take over my body. I need to control myself. I can't cry at everything.

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