Chapter 4

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Olivia's POV

With that, I quickly hurried off to my locker to meet my friends. I saw the three girls stood there with their arms crossed glaring at Ashley. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the girls. I really need to stop rolling my eyes before they get stuck.

"Liv! Are you okay!" Ally said whilst making her way over to me.

"I'm fine Allyson." I said, mocking Miss Jauregui. Ally smacked the back of my head gently and dragged me over to the other girls.

"Miss Jauregui does not like you!" Dinah said laughing, "she hasn't been like that to anyone all day and she definitely had Aaron in her class. We all know what Aaron is like." She really must not like me if she didn't lose her temper with the well known class clown Aaron. He is known for annoying teachers and getting himself into trouble.

"Maybe, Miss Jauregui is homophobic. I mean she did see us kiss in the bathroom." Ashley stated joining our conversation.

"What do you mean she saw you kiss in the bathroom!" Normani said her voice progressively got louder as she spoke.

"We didn't kiss! You kissed me!" I interjected. I turned and opened my locker getting out the books I will need in the evening to complete my homework.

"You know you liked it Olivia." Ashley said. I could almost hear the smirk on her face.

"If you don't leave now I will make you leave and we all know you don't want that." Dinah said, threatening Ashley. I shut my locker and turned around to the girls.

"I will speak to you later Liv." Ashley said to me. I heard her walk before I could argue with her.

"You are not speaking to her later!" Normani said as we began to walk down the hall towards the exit. I nodded, knowing that I will never win in an argument with Normani, or any of the girls for that matter.

We finally made our way to my car. I was the only one that could drive. The other girls did take the test, but they all failed, which was no surprise.

"Livvy can you drop me off at Will's." Ally said.

"Of course." I said opening the boot of my car and placing my bags in, I shut the door with a slam making myself jump. I heard an adorable giggle behind me. I turned quickly and saw Miss Jauregui.

"Let's have a better day tomorrow Olivia." She said smiling sweetly at me. I looked at her slightly confused. I don't understand why she is suddenly being really nice to me. Moments ago she was using a harsh voice and telling me off.

"We will Miss Jauregui. I really am sorry for disrupting the class." I said to her smiling back at her.

"I know you are sorry. I just can't let you disrespect me in front of all the students. I'm new and they need to know that you can't mess with me. I hope you understand." She said. That does make sense. It makes a lot more sense than Ashley's ridiculous thoughts about her. Miss Jauregui seems like a reasonable person that's view on love is not blinded by ignorance.

"I do understand. I hope you have a lovely evening Miss Jauregui." I said giving her one last smile. She smiled back and told me the same before walking towards her car. I walked to my door and got in.

"I hope you have a lovely evening Miss Jauregui." Dinah said in a mocking voice making me blush. Whilst the other girls laughed at Dinah.

"You so like her." Normani said. I put my seatbelt on and started to drive towards Will's house. Will was Ally's boyfriend, they have been together for almost a year now. It absolutely shattered Normani's heart when she found out, not that she wanted Ally to know. I feel that Normani will find someone who loves her just as much soon, she really deserves that.

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