How Long Is Forever?

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On this day you were arguing with Beast boy and Cyborg on who get the controller to the video game, while Robin was blasting music, and Raven was reading a book "Come on you two give me that thing!" Cyborg yelled "No, I have been waiting for an hour it's my turn." you said "You both do know your disturbing me on my game." "It's my game, it was my turn!"Cyborg told Beast boy, Starfire then came in the room but the three of you kept arguing

"Friends we must celebrate for today is Blorthog the Tamaranean festival of friendship." Starfire says but you guys don't really notice she was talking, Cyborg got his hands on the controller "Oh no you don't!" you yelled, Beast boy turned into an octopus and wrapped his tentacle around Cyborg's neck, you quickly used you powers to make the controller go to you, you had your hands on the controller

But Beast boy turned into a frog and stole the controller with his tongue "Many blessing friend may your ears be filled with sugar candy-." "Look I'll give you back the controller as soon as Raven gives me back my nail clippers!" Beast boy says cutting off Starfire "Not going to happen how else am I supposed to keep your toe nails off the coffee table." Raven tells him "Happiness and delight friend on this wonderful day I wish you sunshine and bunny-." Raven gave Starfire a death stare "Robin can the music be a little louder I can still hear myself think." Raven says sarcastic 

"I only turn the music up to drown out all the yelling!" Robin yelled, you, Beast boy and cyborg kept arguing, Cyborg held Beast boy in a choke hold while he hold the controller above his head, you quickly jump up and stole the controller, but Beast boy turned into a dog getting out of Cyborg grip he jumped on you, you dropped the controller Cyborg grabbed the controller but you and Beast boy tackled him "Knock it off I can't work with you three acting like idiots!" Robin yelled

"Great Robin more yelling will defiantly stop all the yelling." Raven said sarcastic, Starfire necklace then broke "Stop! friends must never behave this way and especially not on Blorthog day you wish to invite the reckmas." "Huh." Beast boy says "On my world Reckmas means the drifting to the point where close friends drift apart and their friendship begins to die." Starfire says "Oh come on Starfire." Cyborg says "We are so not reck-whatevering." Beast boy tells her "Were getting on each other nerves a little big deal." Raven says

"Yeah this is just typical roommate stuff." Robin tells her "Were not going to drift apart Star I promise we'll all be friends forever." you said, Robin device started beeping "Titans trouble." he says, you guys go to a museum where Warp is trying to steal something "I came to steal the clock of eternity valuable in the past priceless in the future." Warp says "But in the present you keep your filthy hands off of it." Robin tells him "The Teen Titans I read all about you in historical archives and now your all history!" he send a blast toward you guys, but you guys quickly move 

"Titans go!" Robin pulled out his staff but Warp blast it, which broke it, Starfire goes up to him but warp blast her Raven brought up some objects but warp quickly blast them causing them to explode in front of Raven, you then throw him to the wall he blast you but you teleported next to him, you then send him back again but before he hit the wall he sends a device that wrapped around your leg "Thanks for the gift-." it then gave you a electric shock "I-Its very electrifying." you said it kept on shocking you but you just stood there "This feels weird." you whispered, warp fights Cyborg and Beast boy 

Starfire goes to you and blast the thing off "Thanks Star." Warp grabbed the clock and open a portal "I have enjoyed our time together but I have a bright future for me." He says "Yeah right you do." you and Starfire tackled him but ended up in the portal too

you both fell in snow but warp was no where to be found Starfire started shivering so you took off your coat and put it on her leaving you in your white tank top and long socks with shorts you look up to see the tower, it was all rundown, you and Starfire go in the tower but everything so broken and rundown you guys walk into the main room Starfire picks up the a bead to the necklace she had for Blorthog day the bead was all rusted 

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