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Starfire had a hat on and was talking to raven in the main room "I fear something may be terribly wrong with me." Starfire whispers "Okay what are you talking about?" Raven asked closing her book "I caution what you are about to see will shock and disturb you." Starfire remove the hat reveling a big bump on her head "Its a zit everybody gets them." "Then I am normal oh thank you Raven." But you walked in the room and Star quickly put on her hat, you were going to come and sit down with them reading your latest comic you got but you forgot to bring your comic

you teleport back to your room to grab your comic, you hear a knock on your door it slides open showing Robin holding a picture it had Robin and kid flash in there hero costume "Mind telling me why were you dancing with my best friend." Robin refers to the day you guys went to the prom "Aw is someone jealous." you say "Nope, I just want to know how you know him." "Well were childhood friends." Robin looks passed you "Why do you have roses in your room?" he asked "I thought they look cute here have one." you say with a smile, you float the flower toward you, you grabbed the flower and put it in robins hair "(Y/n), (Y/n)!" Beast boy says running towards you "I have a cool idea we need to do, come on." Beast boy grabbed your hand and started running you already dropped your comic in your room

 while you were gone robin takes the rose out of his hair and stared at it, back to you and Beast boy he brought you to the kitchen you guys made a  triple, triple ice cream with some sprinkles "Best idea I ever had." Beast boy says, both of your mouth started watering when you saw it Starfire was in front of you guys watching you two make it, you both turn around to look for spoons but when you turned back around you both see Starfire hands in the ice scream you and Beast boy passed out mostly out of shock

you go back doing your regular day stuff "Maybe I should take a nap." you say to yourself while laying down on your bed, but then the emergency alarm started to go off "Titans trouble!" you hear Robin yell in the tower "You know I feel like the world doesn't want me to sleep." turns out Plasmus was destroying the football stadium a game was going on, there was waste under the stadium to you and the titans go there "I don't know whats more disgusting Plasmus the way you look or the stuff you eat." Robin says, you look around and you don't see Starfire with you guys, but you focus was back on Plasmus "Titans go!" Plasmus threw this goo at Robin then threw Robin which made him hit the side of the goal

Cyborg start to blast Plasmus "Come on booger man give me what you got." Cyborg says, Plasmus  throws the goo to Cyborg which caused him to go back and hit the goal just like Robin, you use your powers to send Plasmus back he tries to throw goo at you but you dodge it "Ha better luck next time." you tell him but he got you which send you back to the middle of the goal "Hey that's foul play!" Cyborg yelled, Raven wraps the sewage pipe around him "Azarath Metrion-." she was cut off by getting the goo in her face "Cyborg time for the Beast boy blitz." Beast boy says running to Cyborg he turns into a armadillo Cyborg catches him, as Plasmus was about to send Cyborg back, Cyborg threw Beast boy at him which he turns into a rhino but Plasmus slaps him away   

you all were covered in this icky smelly goo you guys were about to fight again but someone started to blast Plasmus and you knew who exactly who it was "Way to go Star..Fire?" when you turn around you see Starfire wearing a hat and a rain coat and rain boats with a scarf and some gloves "interesting fashion statement." Raven says "Hey Star is everything okay?" when you asked her that she backed away, Plasmus comes back up from the sewage water he had more then two eyes he was bigger then before "No matter how nasty he gets he is just a monster and like every other monster he's got to go." was what Robin said before running to fight Plasmus  the rest of you guys join him except Starfire 

Plasmus sends goo to Star way she didn't have enough time to dodge it when it hit her all the extra stuff she had came off showing a bump on her head, her feet grew longer and have hair on them while she had longer finger nails and scales on her body with pointy horns on her neck with pointy ears when you guys saw her, she thought you all were laughing at her but no one was laughing "Starfire what going-." she didn't let you finish your sentence "I'm sorry I got to go!" she flew away, you were going to fly after her but Robin stopped you by pulling you down by your waist "We'll find her." is all he tells you, you guys deal with Plasmus when you all were done you guys go back to the tower Cyborg was getting a ship ready for space you guys use the same ship that went under water, during the time Starfire went to planet to planet hoping someone would except her

you stayed on the roof seeing if she will come back you pulled out your communicator "Cyborg is it done yet? how long is it until we can launch." "Oh about five minutes after. YOU QUIT ASKING ME THAT!" he yelled, the T-sub was ready you all get in "Are we sure this thing is ready to fly?" Raven asked "No! The T-sub was build for deep sea not deep space." Cyborg says "Don't care what it build for it's going into space we need to find Star lets go." after you said that you all get ready the "Titans launch!" Robin says, the T-sub went up "Told you she was ready to fly." Cyborg says, the T-sub made it to space you guys go to planet to planet and asked the species that lived there if they seen Starfire

"Wherever she is I just hope she is okay." you said, you guys go to this planet you get off the ship you heard a scream it sound familiar to you, you quickly teleport to the scream leaving the rest of the titans, you see a spider meta thing talking to a cocoon "I kinda wonder if I throw a stick, would you leave?" you tell it ,it comes towards you and tries hitting you away but you quickly move "Sorry I don't taste so great, and your not might type." the monster yells at you "Wow such great choice  of words." you say in a sarcastic tone "(Y/n)!" Robin yells, he was with the other titans "Don't worry about me just get Star!" you yell to them they look at the cocoon

the spider grabbed you by your coat and threw you it then jumps to the cocoon "Your friend belongs to me now you can have her back when I finish digesting her." is what the spider says, the titans started fighting the spider you get back up to see the spider is about to eat the cocoon "Don't you dare!" your eyes go blue you quickly teleport sliding to Starfire to get her out the way the rest of the titans started to fight the spider  you eyes go back to normal "Star are you okay. star?" you hear a faint sigh "Hang on I'll get you out of this." "No please go you will not wish to see me this way." she tells you "I don't care on how you look Star I mostly based everything on the personality." you open the cocoon "And to me you'll always be that amazing person with a kind heart, also you seem pretty normal to me." 

you grab a crystal on the side to show Stars reflection she looked like her normal self again Star looks in the mirror in joy she fly's with happiness "I am normal." a blast then shot from her eyes "Mostly." she says Star takes care of the giant spider by blasting it with this new ability the spider was finally defeated "Dude since when can your eyes do that?" Beast boy asked "Since just now please do not reject me I am almost normal." She says "Nothing changed Star your still the same no matter how you look on the outside, your always be yourself on the inside." you tell her the other titans nodded there heads 

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