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A villain was on the loose the location was at the park, so the Titans go and see that the villain Kardiak was about to abduct children Starfire quickly saves the kid and puts him down so he can run to his family "Kardiak your under arrest, Titans go!" Robin yelled, all the titans separated robin jumped in the air "Starfire launch!" Robin says as Starfire grabs Robin and throws him to Kardiak he used his staff to smash them down but Kardiak flung Robin up causing him to hit Starfire, Cyborg and Beast boy start running up "T-Rex take down!" Cyborg yelled, as he jumped on top of Beast boy, Beast boy turned into a dinosaur but before they could've done anything Kardiak grabbed both Beast boy and Cyborg and threw them out the way.

Then it started to go by each Titan failing to get a hit on this villain you even tried dissembling them but they build them self back up. "This has gone on long enough Azarath Metrion Zinthos." Raven used her powers to cause a explosion on Kardiak which made them lose their parts. "Dude way to take him apart." Beast boy said, Raven was already in the car "Can we go now." She says. So you all went back to the tower, you were preparing to leave just for a day to visit a old friend a letter came in saying 

Dear stranger, we met awhile ago in a flower field. You probably don't remember me but I remember you. I was just wondering how your doing and how's life going your a really popular  member of the Teen Titans so that's how I knew where to send this letter. You don't have to respond to this or anything, but just know I'll always listen.

sincerely Jericho

  A knock was heard you turn your head to see your door open, you see Beast boy and Cyborg "Hey (Y/n) wanna play stank ball!" Cyborg yelled "Its this really fun game we just made up." Beast boy said, "Hmm sure how do you play?" "First lets ask raven if she wants to join." Beast boy adds "Do you really thinks she want to?" you asked. "We'll never know until we ask." Cyborg says, the three of you went to ravens room Cyborg and Beast boy starts calling out her name and knocking on the door. Raven open the door and her expression wasn't so happy "What." She responded "Were her tonight with a exclusive offer." "Once in a chance to get on America's sport games." Cyborg said after Beast boy line 

"The hot new game they just made up." You Chuckled "Stank ball!" The two said at the same time. "Wanna be referee?" Beast boy asked pulling out a costume that had the referee colors but designed like ravens cloak "Go away." Is all raven said she was about to close the door but Beast boy and Cyborg stopped it "But please." Beast boy beg, "Everybody loves a good game of stank ball." Cyborg says "No!" Raven pushed them out with her powers "Ah Raven come on why can't you just have fun like normal people, Why are you always lock in your dark room reading your nasty old books why do you have to be so creepy." "Come on BB just forget about it." You tell him "Well that leaves (Y/n) to be the referee." Cyborg gave you the cloak

Mostly it was a game where one player has to hide from the other player who has the stank ball, if the player gets hit with the stank ball the holder has won, but if the holder gets hit with their own ball the hider won. Beast boy was the holder while Cyborg was the hider in the end you gave them a purple card "What does the purple card mean?" Beast boy asked "It means you stink to much to play." "That is misinformation you have no right to say our smell will kick us out." Cyborg defended himself "Hey, HEY! are you the referee?!, do you make these calls, NO! NOW GO TAKE A SHOWER." 

"What if we don't want to!" Beast boy yelled back "Then i'm going to get both of you in there with your dang clothes on!" You used your power to hold them up not leaving your sight "WOMEN I"M ROBOTIC I COULD AIR FRESH MY SELF SEE!" He air fresh him self but you didn't care "ROBIN HELP!!!" Beast boy called out, Robin showed up trying to defuse the situation "TRYING TO INTERFERE WITH THE REF'S JOB OH YOUR GETTING THE RED CARD BUDDY!" "What the hell is the red card." Robin said "Its where the ones that stink are your job to clean." you put the three in the bathroom and didn't let them out until they were nice and clean no matter of how much Robin gag of the stench. So that's how the game went

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