Every Dog Has His Day

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Beast boy wanted to hang out with someone but all the other Titans were busy you were just in your room laying down while reading one of your favorite manga, you then hear a knock on your door "Come in." you said, "Hey (Y/n) would you want to hang out we can go out for a walk or go to the movies or maybe go eat pizza." he tells you "Yeah sure." you put down your manga and sat up "Okay I'll go away- wait did you just say yes?" He asked, "Yeah I'm not really doing much, what you don't want to hang out with me?" you asked him "No no no, I'm just surprised here lets go." he grabbed your hand and ran out of the tower with you,

the two of you go walk down to the pizza place "Bet you I could get those two girls phone numbers." he said pointing at the two blonde girl "Ha I highly doubt it." he walks up to the girls "Hello ladies wanna take a spin on my moped?" Beast boy asked "You own a moped?" Asked one of the girls "No but I'm saving up." he says before putting his hand on the pizza then slipping causing the container of a drink to spill on him, they started laughing at him then walked away 

you walk up to him "Haha forget about them,they don't deserve your time." you tell him, the girls started petting a dog "I'm still not giving up just yet." Beast boy turned into a dog and went over to the girls "Uh why is that dog green." Asked one of the girls "And why does it smell like old pizza eww go away." Beast boy runs away in his dog form you followed him "Come on Beast boy haha those girls are just rude." you finally caught up to him but you see another green dog just like him "Did you make a friend or something?" you asked,but then you look up to see a flying saucer, you quickly grabbed you communicator to contact the other titans but the ship zapped you and Beast boy into it

the other dog ran away while you and Beast boy dropped both your communicators on the ground "Bad dog you should try not to escape and doggy made a new friend." a guy who looks like there made of stone said, "Um you sure you got the right dog?" Beast boy asked, the other titans got a signal that a flying saucer was near by so they checked out the place where it just was "Word is that a flying saucer came by." Raven says "What ever it was my sensors can't track it." Cyborg tells them "But it did leave this question is what." Robin says pointing at the smokey grass

"Huh Beast boy and (Y/n)." Starfire says while she picks up two communicators, the same dog that ran away before, ran to raven and jumps on her "Beast boy your unharmed." Starfire says "Where have you been." Cyborg asked "Better question is where is (Y/n)." Robin tells him, but the dog just stayed as his usual form "Why won't he speak to us?" Starfire asked "Maybe he can't, maybe there is something wrong with him." Before Cyborg could scan him, the dog started running after a car 

the Titans began chasing him for the whole day "For the last time I'm not your dog and she is not your new pet." Beast boy says while trying to get the collar off of him, you just chilled there the collar let you use your powers you just couldn't leave from the collar or the ship "You are funny Soto likes you." he says, Beast boy tries to get out by changing to different animals but nothing worked "Are you going to even try anything?" Beast boy asked, "Well when I did try to teleport he shocked me so I'm just chilling." you tell him, "You can change into any pet? any pet Soto asks." the guy asks Beast boy "We'll I don't like to brag but." "Change." Soto tells him "If I do will you let us go?" Beast boy asked, Soto nodded his head Beast boy kept changing into different animals  "Hey are you forgetting something." Beast boy says pointing at the collar "Bad dog Soto said change." Soto then shocked Beast boy he then quickly change to different animals 

"Good dog now we go home." "Home?" you asked "Soto planet is on the far side of galaxy." Soto says, The other Titans finally caught that green dog and tried to decide what to do with him "Uh pardon me but I believe we can help one and another." "You talk, dogs don't talk?!" Cyborg says confused "Perhaps not on your planet my dear fellow, now if you release me I'll help you locate my former master, after I escape from my master he took me here and mistaken capture another green dog and the dogs friend." "And why didn't you tell us this before." Raven asked "I was having too much fun." the dog says 

back to you and Beast boy "Engine ready hang on new dog and new dogs best friend time to go home." Soto says "But we are home!" you yelled, you and Beast boy try to get out of the collars you then felt a force pushing down the ship Soto put more force on the ship to go up "(Y/n) you thinking what I'm thinking?" Beast boy asked "If its me using my powers to bring down the ship then yes were thinking the same thing ." you tell him "Nah I was thinking how 7 eat 9." you try not to laugh but you could't help yourself "Dude please haha were in a serious situation."

you feel the ship go even more down so you use your powers  to make it go more down till it hit the ground, the door open to the ship Soto got out of the ship "New dog and his friend belongs to Soto you go now." "I'm thinking your the one who has to go now." Robin says, him and the Titans started fighting "So how do we get out of this?" you asked Beast boy "Do you think you can take them off with your powers?" he asked "Hmm maybe but it might send another electric shock." you tell him "It's the only chance we got." he says, you use your telekinesis on the collar but it sends a shock to you, you clench your teeth and have your eyes wide open 

but the collar came off "Bahahaha you should've seen your face." you glare at him then smirked, you did the same think to him he also made the same face "Hahaha that did look funny." Beast boy smiled by seeing you laugh "Come on we got to go help the other titans." you tell him, He grabbed your hand and throw you up in the air he then turns into an elephant you landed on him and runs out the ship knocking down Soto he turns back to human while you stay fling in the air "Bad dog Soto will punish." he tries to press his remote that shocked you both but nothing worked, Beast boy throws over the two collars to Soto

Beast boy turns into a dinosaur and slaps Soto in the air with his tail, you fly up to Soto and kick him in the air more Robin and Cyborg also jump up to punch him while Starfire and Raven blast him in the ground  Soto real dog put the collar on Soto "Sit, stay." the dog says "Doggy you came back!" Soto says happy "On the contrary I am only here to retrieve my chew toys I refuse to be your pet." the dog says "Okay Soto will be the doggy now and you'll be the master." Soto began licking the dog "Okay weird." Beast boy says "I know, I really don't know what to say." you tell him 

"Come on Soto time to go home." the dog says while going to the ship Soto follows him they left  "Alright guys." Robin says happy to see the both of you "Welcome back you two." Raven says "Give me some love dork." Cyborg says having his fist out, you gave him a fist bump "We missed you so much." Starfire says "You guys actually missed me?" Beast boy asked "Absolutely who else is going to help me wax the T-Car." Cyborg says "And spar with me in the gym." Robin tells him "And eat a lot of tofu while me and Raven watch." Starfire says "Uh how about we all just go out for pizza." Raven suggest "Sounds good to me." Cyborg says "Beast boy aren't you coming?" Asked Robin "Thanks but all I needed was one person attention today." he says while looking at you

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