Episode 257-494(Don't Touch That Dial)

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Hello readers in the beginning of the story you will be seeing your father, to give you the run down of it, your father is a vigilante that later joins the the justice league. When you were 14 your parents divorce your mom works as a realtor while your dad owns many hotels then making his own company along with that,your father is known as the Serpent you went away at the age of 15 to japan that is the last place you saw your father , I would say you are now the age of 17 

You were in your room reading the latest comic of Deadpool you know that character that breaks the 4th wall, your reading was interrupted with a phone call you see your phone to see that your dad is calling he mostly never calls you, you answer it "Hello?" "Are you free today?" "Um yeah at the moment I am, why." "Lets meet up at the Eiffel tower." You were surprised "Dad, that's all the way in France."  "So? You can teleport can't you?" you sighed "Sure see you in a second." You hanged up the phone then got out of your bed to teleport to the Eiffel tower 

you see your father from a distant who was in their hero costume, you walk up to him "So why are you even in France?" You asked "I'm maybe on vacation or I just stopped an international gang with green lantern, you'll never know." "Yeah its not like green lantern is over there talking with the press." You pointed over to the group of reporters "Congratulations." You tell him "Well I should be congratulating you, I heard that you stopped Brotherblood I'm very proud of you, maybe those students of his aren't mind control anymore." 

"I highly doubt it, even if they aren't controlled doesn't mean they'll leave there life of crime." "How does it feel to be apart of the Teen Titans." He tries to change the subject "Its pretty cool Its like a family to me, we fight crime then go out for victory pizza....so um why am I here?" "(Y/n) I haven't talked to you since you were in jail, you didn't even tell me you got out or where you were until I found out that you became apart one of the members of the titans, I miss talking to my daughter." 

"When I get my hands on the people who framed you there going to pray for mercy....Have you ever spoke to your old friends." He asked "Not since that day maybe it's for the best." "You never even spoke to Delilah, (If that's your name please imagine another name) you two were best friends and I knew how much you liked her." "I rather not talk about her." You quickly said "(Y/n) sometimes we need to talk about-." "Dad please." You shift you gaze away from him "Has your other side came out yet?" "Yup, awhile back, I guess it never really came out when I was in jail because I still had hope my friends will save me. How did yours go away again?" You and your dad share the same power and the same weakness too "The day they went away is when I saved your mother." "How romantic." You said in a sarcastic tone 

"Even though me and your mom aren't together anymore doesn't stop me from thanking her for saving my mind, someday yours will go away too it just takes patience, who knows maybe you'll meet someone who you learn to love." "Ha yeah sure, but I'm not really looking for anyone at the moment." You told him your Communicator started to go off you see that the Teen titans alarm was going off "Looks like your team needs you." The press started to notice your father "Cya later dad." You gave him a two finger salute then teleport back to the tower sitting on the couch 

"Beast boy whats the problem?" Robin asked "The mio and tito show was a rerun so I flipped over to watch danger team 5, but it wasn't on because there was this little blue dot and this beeb, and this voice was like I control the vertical then the dot got real big then control freak has taken over our TV!" You guys were confused because all was playing was a fishing show Beast boy started switching channels "Um Beast boy maybe you have been watching to much television." Robin says "Yeah man when was the last time you turned off the toon?" Cyborg questioned 

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