Aftershock (Part 1)

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The teen titans were going out for a ride in the city, you mostly just sat on the ground you didn't want to be in the back by yourself Starfire did volunteer to sit where you are but you refused "Okay here I got one why are ducks so funny." Beast boy asked "Because there always quacking jokes." Everyone in the car groaned but you actually laughed "Wait come on that was funny." You said "Oh I see it is humorous because ducks lack the large brain necessary for telling of jokes."

"Actually Starfire it just wasn't humorous." Robin tells her "Because Beast boy lacks the brain of telling jokes." Raven says "Come on Raven if (Y/n) laughed at my joke I'm sure you can too, why did the aardvark crossed the road." "To beat up the idiot telling jokes about him." Raven says Robin and Cyborg started laughing while you smiled and shook your head no, the car stops at a stop light but before it turned greened a boulder came crashing to the car before you almost hit your head Beast boy quickly grabbed you and hold you tight while the car rolled over and over until it came to a stop 

Starfire burst the door open and you all get out "Terra?" you hear Beast boy say, you look up to see Terra in a metal suit "Hey guys miss me." "Not at all, I've been chilling, how about you?" you asked, Terra sends rocks that came out of the road and send them towards the teams way you all separate, you of course teleport out the way, she just kept sending rocks mostly destroying Cyborg's car

"Titans go!" Robin says they start running to her, Terra was flying on a rock she sends Robin up from the ground and trips Cyborg and Starfire, Beast boy manages to get on the rock she was on "Terra what are you doing, were your friends!?" He says "I don't have friends remember." Terra punched Beast boy out the way Starfire caught him before he fell to the ground, you teleport yourself in front of her "But what I remember is that you betrayed us!" you slapped her across the face "Is that all you got." she punched you across the face, but you didn't fall off the rock, your eyes went red "Oh honey I'm just getting started." your other side says with a evil grin, Terra quickly brought up two rocks on two different sides of you before the rocks collide to each other you teleport out the way near raven 

Terra gets off her rock and walk to Robin who is unconscious on the ground she brings up a rock about to crush him but Raven stopped her "Don't make me hurt you." Raven says "Don't make me laugh." Terra responded then threw a rock at Raven which sent her back, Cyborg and Robin try to restrain her but Terra sent both of them up in the sky then came falling down Terra was about to crush Raven with a boulder but you stopped her you quickly hand the boulder to Starfire who threw it right at Terra sending her back she seemed unconscious Starfire checked on her "Terra." Starfire says concerned "You always were easy to fool." Terra made the ground hitting Starfire to the ground "Damn! That's just messed up even for me." your mind is going back and forth one minute your in control the next your other side is in control 

the rest of the titans join together but Terra brought up from the ground rock monsters "Well that's a new trick." Raven says, the rock monsters kept coming behind you guys, you quickly cut the rock monster in front of you, but it formed back to normal you felt something wet to your feet you look down to see liquid cement it quickly harden you couldn't move the rock monster was about to crush you, but you teleport to a different spot a rock monster send liquid cement that wrapped around your body you quickly brake off of it but it was a distraction for the rock monster to hit you which sent you back to a wall 

"Titans fall back!" Robin yelled, he then through smoke bombs in each direction "(Y/n) now!" he called, you quickly teleported every one back to the tower "I should've blasted her." Cyborg says "I should've hit her with everything I got." Raven said "Why did I let her fool me again." Starfire joined in "Why couldn't we take her down just like every other criminal." Robin says "Because she is not just a criminal she's Terra she was a Titan she was our friend." Beast boy explained "Terra was never our friend she was a liar and a spy trained by Slade and was sent to destroy us, she's evil always has been always will be." Raven says "You don't know what your talking about okay Raven she made some serious mistakes but she's not-." "Hey man the girl wreck my car, seems pretty evil to me." Cyborg tells Beast boy 

Beast boy grabbed the table and throws it but before it hit the ground you use your powers to stop it, he looks over to you "Word of advice never let your feeling get too deep, people can change anytime." you said with out a smile, "We can't just give up on her, and what does that say about you, about us." Beast boy asked "I still respect you guys as friends and I did gave Terra respect too but the mistake she made was heartbreaking." "You don't mean that, no." "Beast boy he is working for Slade." Robin tells him "When you worked for Slade did we give up on you." he says "You know that's funny Robin worked for Slade to save you guys, and Terra is working for Slade to kill us ha funny, very very funny." you slide down on the wall to sit down "She gets one chance." Robin says "You know this will be her fourth chance, in all honesty people like her just come in your life when your not ready, and leave when you need them the most, shut up."

the emergency light started going off three villains were on the lose Cinderblock, Plasmus, and Overload, Robin and Starfire go after Cinderblock while Beast boy and Cyborg go after Plasmus and you and Raven go take down Overload when you both were face to face with Overload "Do you think Overload can handle a black out." Raven asked "Don't know but do you think he can handle water." Your eyes go blue and you opened all the pipes that had water in them and made it go to him causing him to go smaller and smaller until he was just a chip 

but you noticed the water started turning into mud "Terra." Raven says "Raven." "Traitor Raven calls her "Witch." they both started fighting but you noticed that she didn't even focus on you "Does she think I'm not a threat to her?" you said "Your not getting mad are you ray? oh better be careful Beast boy told me all about your temper tantrum." you sent her back hitting her on the wall "Your the one to talk Terra being rejected by there family and soon Slade, man you think we betrayed you because you thought Beast boy told the team your little secret that you can't control your powers well news flash we already knew Beast boy didn't say a thing neither did I, but poor little Terra got all insecure and left." "I thought you were the nice one." Terra says trying to get up but you push her back hitting the wall "Oh I am but you hurt my friends, you see I do have another side to me and I vow to never be like them but hey first time for everything."

Terra made the mud next to you into hand and grab your throat you brought up mud balls but turn them into sharp rocks "lets go down together! lets risk it, oh please I don't care for this world right now and neither do you. Come on!" "What are you crazy!" she yelled "In all honesty I could just teleport away and let Raven take you down." and that's what you did you teleport out of the mud hands Raven went berserk on Terra she has four eyes that were red "I trusted you! we trusted you gave you everything, you treated us like dirt, and you think I'll let you hurt my best friend I won't let you take her away from me!" but Terra made four hands grab Raven and take her down in the mud 

you let go your eyes went fully red "Well wasn't that a show." "What is this some joke." Terra says "Oh I'm the other side of (Y/n) and you man I don't know what to say but thank you." your other side threw her up hitting the ceiling then back down hitting the floor "Today we saw another side of (Y/n) and I'm so proud of her." Terra mud hands grabbed you but you teleport out of it then teleport in front of her looking her straight in the eye "You could've had friends but you  couldn't control your powers, man you had so many choices I still can't believe (Y/n) cried over you." you made mud hands come up and grab Terra and she did the same for you "You actually cried for me?" she asked "I still do." 

she then took you down in the mud, you woke up under the ground somewhere to see your friends Cyborg helped you up "No more trust." Starfire says "And no more mercy." Raven said "She is just another criminal." Beast boy agreed "And were going to stop her, no matter what it takes." Robin says looking all beat up

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