Bunny Raven... or... How to Make A Titananimal Disappear

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As the story begins with Mumbo robbing a bank "I just love a captive audience." Mumbo says as he pulls a penny out of the workers ears, "They may be captive now but your the one who's getting locked up." "You forget I'm an escape artist." Mumbo throws explosive balls that bounced around the bank, the team separate, while Beast boy turned into an alligator and caught three explosive balls in his mouth (I don't know how to put this- author) so they won't hit the hostages.

Mumbo ties Cyborg legs and swings him to the wall also catching Robin in the crossfire, Starfire got consume with playing cards while Mumbo sends flowers from his hat straight to you, they had a weird smell you started to sneeze teleporting here and there. "Is that all you got?" Raven asked "Alakazam!" Mumbo yelled as three hoops trapped Raven, "Cute trick ready to see some real magic, Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven picked up the fallen wall and strike Mumbo with it but he disappear dodging the attack then reappear. "I guess I need to make you apart of the act, Mumbo Jumbo." Birds flew from his hat and around raven causing a mini tornado around her 

She reaches out to you for help "Raven!" You yelled out "(Y/n)!" Robin said hanging on to you Robin grabbed you so you wouldn't fly off "Robin!" Starfire yelled hanging on to Robin "Starfire!" Cyborg yelled "Dudes!" Beast boy hangs onto Cyborg as much as he could but you all got sucked in Mumbo's hat you lost grip of ravens hand so you guys got separated from her 

"Boy I knew Mumbo had a big head but I never knew he had a big hat." Beast boy says as you all walk around "I'm not sure it's that big, that's the third time we passed that theater." Cyborg points out "We got to find raven she could be anywhere." Robin says "Oh if only there were a sign." Oh how Starfire could have been so right there was a sign that said "Tonight only The amazing Mumbo and his new Assistant Raven."  You all run into the theater it was dark but a light turned on

"Raven!" You yelled for her "(Y/n)!" You hear her say but can't see her "Mumbo has made you invisible?" Starfire questioned "Up here." You all look up to see a bunny "Uh why does that rabbit sound like Raven?" Beast boy asked "Because I am Raven." "Oh you look so cute." Raven gave Starfire a death glare, Starfire used her powers to blast off the lock raven opens the cage "Sorry no sneak previews, you have to wait until tonight's show just like everyone else." Mumbo says a hand grabbed Raven and put her in a hat "Let me get this straight were inside Mumbo's hat, and Raven is inside Mumbo's hat, inside Mumbo's hat." It got so confusing that Cyborg blew a circuit

"Just to prove there is no hard feelings for crashing my rehearsal, I'll show you I am the bigger man." Mumbo hands and hat disappeared  then revealed a gigantic human sized Mumbo, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall Titans get that hat!" Robin commanded, you got down to business by flying around Mumbo using your powers to move his cape to tangle him in it but he smack you away knocking out your focus you flew but saved yourself from the impact you then see Robin falling from Mumbo's hat you quickly flew and caught him in your arms "And I saved you again, the best part of the day." You tell him

"I'm sure it is." he says with a smirk, you take him back to the ground where the others titans are, Beast boy gets striked causing him to go flying and landed on a spinning wheal. "You maybe living large but this will cut you down to size." Cyborg started to blast Mumbo with his sonic canon, Starfire joined in using her starbolts knocking Mumbo over. "Pesky powers, I just know the trick to take care of you." He waved his wand toward Cyborg, You, Robin, and Starfire causing you all to disappear "Hey what did you do to them?!" Beast boy asked in concern, You all then reappeared but each was under a cup Mumbo quickly switched the cups around, confusing Beast boy which is where. 

"I'll tell you what I can do, guess which Titan is under here and I'll give you your little friends back." "Um Cyborg, No (Y/n), Wait Starfire, no Robin." "Your only half right, presto chango." Mumbo revealed Robin under the cup but he turned Robin into a monkey. "Hocus Pokus." He lifted the second cup showing Starfire as a cat, "Abracadabra." He picked up the next cup revealing you as an owl "Alakazam." And finally showing Cyborg as a bear in a pink skirt. "Oh yeah what are you going to do to me, I can already turn into animals." Beast boy says with confidence, no matter how many times Mumbo turned Beast boy into an animal he'll always change back to normal "Good point, Mumbo Jumbo!" The words turned Beast boy into an lamp

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