Can I Keep Him?

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Johnny Rancid came to jump city to cause damage but he wasn't alone, he had a robot bulldog called Rex. The teen titans came to the scene Starfire blast the dog before it could jump on a mother and their child. "Were shutting you down Johnny."  "And your little dog too." Raven said after Robin "If it hadn't been for you meddling kid, we could've had a hahahaha a day off hahaha." You say while loosing yourself with laughter "Dude I was just going to say if anyone had rolled up newspaper, but of course you had to make a Scooby-doo joke hahaha." Beast boy laughed at your joke.

"Rex get them!" Johnny yelled, the team went after the robot "(Y/n), Sonic travel!" Cyborg yelled "Lets do it!" you yelled back, you got in front of Cyborg and he activates his sonic canon, he blast it towards you, you caught the blast with your powers mixing it with yours, you then send it to the robot dog which destroyed it, an example would be that what you did kinda look like water bending. "Oh damn that was really effective." You said surprised

 "Oh that was the most exciting to watch." Star said with joy "Beast boy where's Johnny?" Robin asked "I thought you had him." You all sighed, you all went back to the tower "Okay team Rancid is still on the loss, I'll check the scanners while-" Robin stopped talking when ya'll enter the living room it was a mess and the coach looks like something bit into it. "There was a party and we were not invited?" Star questioned "A party more like a tornado." "A tornado with teeth." Raven said after Robin "Hey! Who be chewing on my game station!" Cyborg yelled "They eat all our strawberries... and my novel too." You said questioning on what this thing is.

 "I'll track down Rancid, you guys track down whoever did this." Robin said, you guys walk down the hallway "Sensor isn't picking up anything except a few bugs, anyone of ya'll have a clue on what were supposed to be looking for?" Everyone shook their heads no, you all then looked at Beast boy "Me!...Why would I... Ahhh I saw a tentacle!" He yelled, Cyborg and Raven ran towards to who know's what while Beast boy grabbed you and Starfire into his room "What is the meaning of this-." Beast boy covered Stars mouth "You both gotta help me, I know who trashed the tower and we can't let anybody find him, okay remember when killer moth made a army of moths and force Robin to take his daughter to prom and he was like meh and (Y/n) was like beautiful, but then we found killer moth and I was like dude and raven was like ZZZZ and Cyborg was like Boo-yah, and we kick his butt and the mutation moths turned into these cute little wormy things." "Um yes." You and Starfire agreed "Well even though you guys told me not to keep one, I did, now meet Silkie you guys need to take care of it so they won't find him."

"Well he is a bit cute, hmm what do you think star." The moment Star hold him she fell in love with the pet. You felt your phone vibrate

Wally: Hey doing a museum rob come and join me!!!!

You then get a call on your communicator "Titans, the H.I.V.E is robbing a museum I need one of you guys to head over their." "I'll take the job." you quickly responded to Robin "Sorry guys a friend wanted me to join the fight, I'll keep my mouth shut about this whole Silkie thing, cya!" you left, You teleported to the scene but only on the rooftop next to the museum, you see the H.I.V.E robbing the bank, Jinx, Gizmo, See-more, Kyd wykkyd, Billy numerous and Mammoth was there.

But you didn't see Wally "Hey (Y/n)." You heard, you turn to see Speedy." "Hey! what are you doing here." You said surprised "I saw what was going on and I was bored I also saw Kid flash and he told me to join." "Oh where is he-." You were caught off by wally running fast around you causing you to trip but he caught you, it looked like a dip from a dance "I'm glad you came, Robin told me about the mission you were doing I'm happy he let you join us." Wally said all excited 

"Okay okay lets get down to business it doesn't seem so smart to rob a museum in the day light and for what?" you questioned "Turns out that there was a gadget that was supposed to be delivered to the Wayne tech today something called the illusion ring." "So I guess that means Katarou, no longer owns the ring." You said after Speedy "You know about the ring?" Flash questioned "Yeah when I was doing my time in japan I worked with a guy named Bushido, we came across the illusion ring, just remember is what you see is not real." "By time do you mean you got arrested or something?" Speedy asked "No...Well maybe but that is a story for another time, I'll get Mammoth and Kyd wykkyd inside the museum keep this away from the public, you both would be inside, Speedy you'll be by the entrance so they don't leave, Flash Billy numerous and Gizmo would try to corner us and watch out for See-more and his eye, Jinx will probably target me. We got to keep watch on who has the ring or if its even been taken yet, are there any hostages? 

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