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The Titans attempt to stop a break-in of a warehouse they followed this burglar but when he came into the light it was non other then Red X "Red X I thought Robin was Red X!?" Beast boy says "Think again." Red X said before he sent red x toward the team "Titans go!" Robin yelled you all separate then went after him "Come on kids X marks the spot." he says, when you all went after him he avoided all your attacks by vanishing place to place until Robin tackled him down 

"Who are you?" Robin says in a stern voice "If i wanted you to know that, would I be wearing a mask." Red X tells Robin, then shocked Robin before punching him back, when Cyborg and Raven go up to Red X, he send an electrical shock at both of them, you sent Red X back causing him to crash into crates he send a huge X to you causing you to be stuck on the wall Red X jumps to you and lifts your chin making you look at him "You know cutie the only crime here is that me and you haven't went on a date." He tells you "Perhaps another time." you responded, but you disappear leaving a shock device messing up his gear he quickly took it off

Robin went up to the roof with Red X you all follow but only saw that Red X escaped, you started to poke Robin "Your not a hologram?" you asked "No." Robin responded "He can still be a robot check him for batteries." Beast boy says, Cyborg puts on a white glove "Wait please it wasn't me I promise, it wasn't me, Red X was a mistake a mistake I will never make ever again." He says you all go back to the tower "But who is he I mean if Robin is the X Red X who is the new guy?" Cyborg questioned, Beast boy knocked Cyborg out the way with a chalk board 

"Okay if he's not Robin's evil twin then he is obviously a bionic monkey infused with Robin's DNA." in was quiet for a minute "Why is Jason Todd on there?" you questioned, Raven made the chalk board spin making it catch Beast boy in it then throwing him in the kitchen "Face it Red X could be anyone, anyone smart enough to find the suit and dumb enough to take it for a joy ride." "And when Robin comes back he will help us discover who." Star says after Raven "It doesn't matter I created Red X every system every weapon whoever is inside that suit he's my responsibility." "Well if were going to catch him we at least need to figure out whats he after." Cyborg says to Robin "I already know, Zynothium the fuel that powers the suit." Robin says, everyone gasp except for Beast boy because he didn't know what it was 

"Zynothium! you powered that suit with Zynothium are you crazy man that stuff is dangerous and unstable tell me you are not stupid enough to go messing with it!" Cyborg yelled at him "Like I said it was a mistake the scanner Red X stole can locate any Zynothium with in a 10 mile radius." "X isn't the only one with a scanner, I'm downloading the signature and transmitting it to your communicators." "Thanks but I don't need it." Robin says "But how are you going to find the Zynothium without a scanner?" Cyborg questioned "The same way I did before." Robin then left the tower

(The last time I heard about Zynothium was when I last saw Professor Chang) you thought while the team tries to find Zynothium or who Red X is, you quietly left the team and teleport to Chang hide out, you saw Robin pinning Professor Chang to the wall, you found somewhere to hide "Professor Chang Remember me?" "Ah the good little boy who likes dangerous toys, how could I forget." Chang says "Zynothium where did you get it?" "No where suppliers skipped town months ago there's no way to get any...unless ." "Talk."Robin says in a stern voice "There is a tech company on the south end, legend has it they keep a great supply of Zynothium in a volt but its not for sell and its locked up tight you have to steal it." "Not interested... but I know someone who is." Robin throws Professor Chang to the floor then left

"Don't think I didn't notice you, trying to hide so your leader doesn't suspect anything." Chang says as he gets up "What is there to suspect I mostly come to see the new weapons that came in, I haven't done anything bad." "Ah but you never turn me in, I still need to repay you for that." he tells you "Maybe another time, I have to get back to work until next time." you teleported back to the tower to see no one there (There probably out looking for Zynothium) "Titans I know where Red X will strike next sending coordinates." Robin said over the communicator

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