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(Your new improve costume for this episode)

The hive were robbing a bank the titans went and stop them Jinx made the ceiling little bit come down "Three raids in one week, man this is seriously getting old." Cyborg says "Its like the only thing they know how to do is steal." you said as you stop some bits of the ceiling that was going to fall on you both "The hive academy new leader must be up to something." Robin says as he tries to avoid Mammoth hits "Wouldn't you like to know." Jinx send a hex blast but before she can spread it Starfire quickly kicked her down "Yes we would!" Star says as she fights with Jinx 

you look up to see Beast boy chasing Gizmo in his dinosaur form and Gizmo running in fear Mammoth then threw a rock at Beast causing some stuff to break and him knocking out,Cyborg punched mammoth back but Gizmo pressed his controls it sent you and Cyborg up it was a magnet you got up there because your belt buckle is metal you took off your belt to land on the floor "Check it world dumbest magnet-." Gizmo couldn't finish his sentence because you kick him like he was a soccer ball which caused him flying 

Jinx was also sent back by Raven "Junk it lets blow this place." Gizmo say, they then ran out Cyborg then came falling down from the ceiling "Yo nobody pulls a science bear on me and gets away with it." "Its okay Cyborg we'll see them again, sooner then they think." Robin says while holding a tracking device showing the location of the hive, you all head back to the tower you had a meeting with each other in 10 minutes you were walking to Cyborg's room you put in a lot of thought into this and you want to go through with it

you knock on Cyborg door and he answered it "Oh hey what's up." "I need to show you something." you say as you walked in "What do you need to show me." He says as he closed the door "Well there might be a chance of one of us going undercover to see what the hive academy is doing and I'll like to volunteer." you said as confident as you can "And what makes you think Robin will allow that?" he asked "Well I don't just wear this choker as a fashion sense." you pressed a button on the side of a choker your regular hero clothes turned into this new improve costume "This costume holds energy and when I release my powers it'll be more stronger, also just to make sure people don't know who I am I'll just keep my eyes blue like I'm going to use my powers, I know it seems weird but I did get this costume from a friend and wanted to put good use into it." you said as you turned your eyes blue then back to normal

you did get the costume from kid flash uncle (I guess he did want me and wally to work together) you thought "But if you keep yourself like that for awhile would't you get tired?" he asked "That's why I want to do this I get tired so quickly and use little of my powers I know if I do this I can become better at holding myself up." "Well if your going to do this then I'll be joining you." Cyborg had two rings on each side of his hands he punch his knuckles together you then see him not be his usual self anymore he looked human "Wow you look so cool, and barley recognizable!" you said excited but as you did the emergency alarm went off 

you teleported in the main room to see Robin in the main room soon followed the other titans, on the screen was the location of the hive "Very sneaky looks like the hive secret headquarters isn't so secret anymore." Beast boy says "So what are we waiting for?" Raven asked "We need to know what there planning first otherwise we can walk right into a trap." "Do I hear an undercover assignment coming on." Beast boy says right after Robin spoke "Sorry Beast boy I was thinking of someone with a slightly better disguise." "Ha what are you going to do dress Cyborg up in a washing machine." 

Beast boy says as he knocks on Cyborg but he fell back the real Cyborg walked in "That isn't me that is my fully robotic replacement he still has a few bugs." Cyborg says as the fake Cyborg's head popped off "No fair I may be all green but he's all metal." Beast boy complained "Because I have a new toy and so does (Y/n)." at the same time you and Cyborg pressed your devices turning you into your different look "Nice work if I didn't know better I would think you were just normal, and (Y/n) that is an impressive costume." Robin complemented you both 

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