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So I just finished watching the movie Teen Titans go vs Teen Titans and I got to say I really didn't like it at all I mean it did have funny jokes here and there and I like how they showed the different versions of the teen titans but the plot wasn't great and the style of the teen titans didn't really look a lot like them and I know teen titans was old and in a different design but still, so I made the decision on to only do the movie Teen titans trouble in Tokyo 

You were walking in the hallway until you notice Starfire taking all her stuff out of her room soon the other Titans noticed it too, "Going somewhere?" you asked "I'm leaving to Tamaran." She responded "And your taking all your stuff because?" Raven asked "I am not ever coming back." "Is something wrong?" Robin says "Nothing is wrong, I am getting married." you all were shocked by the news, Starfire invites you all to the wedding so of course you go in the T-ship into space you were still shocked by the news "Your getting married?" you asked again "Indeed and I can't wait to visit Tamaran I have been feeling a bit home sick but I am so eager to introduce my home planet to you my friends." "Your getting married!?" you asked again 

"Um is it to anyone we know." Raven asked "Oh I have never met them my betroth has been chosen by the ruler of Tamaran." "Your getting married! and to someone you never met!" you said even more surprised "Of course (Y/n) it is the way of my people." you were going to say some thing but dozens of ships started to attack 

"They got us out number to 10 to 1." Raven says "Not for long Titans separate." Robin ordered  "It's just like the video games, it's just like the video games." you said while trying not to panic you blast 2 of the different ships you started to get hit here and there "I'm starting to think separation was not a good idea." Starfire said "Starfire is right Titans regroup." Robin commanded, you all got together again 

"Where are we?" Beast boy asked "The planet Tamaran my home." you guys landed the ship and walk to the entrance until you were met with a huge guy and his guards "Friends I will like you to meet my former care taker, Galfore." Beast boy started laughing "You mean this dude is your nanny." "You find that amusing little one!" Galfore stand tall and scary in front of Beast boy you quickly moved in front of Beast boy and bowed your head "No sir, please excuse my friend we have a weird sense of humor on planet earth, it is truly an honor to meet you." you said as you put your head back up, Galfore put his fist to his chest in sign of respect "Za, I see you have met our new enemy." 

He looks towards the teams ship which was pretty damage up "Then you know who attacked us?" Robin asked "The great Drenthax army they threatened to over throw our planet, if I were grand ruler I would-, Well I am not let just say a lot has change since you last departed." "I have missed you Galfore." Star tells him "And I have missed you princess Starfire." he says as he takes a knee "Princess?" the rest of the team said in confusion "Oh yes I am second in line for the throne." She explained, then goes with the guards inside "Did you know anything about this?" Cyborg asked you "Does it look I know anything." you said as you also walked inside 

you hurry to Star and put your hand on her shoulder "Hey Star about this wedding-." Almost immediately all the guards put there sharp weapons near your face "No one is allowed to touch the princess!" her take caretaker yelled, after dinner music started to play mostly signing someone important to come in you look up to see Blackfire "Surprise to see me little sister." She says "I am surprised to see you out of prison." Starfire answered "Oh that well after you thrown me into jail I got bored so I broke out and took over Tamaran for kicks but enough about me I'm sure your eager to see who you will be spending the rest of your life with." 

Blackfire moved to the side to reveal a handsome man but he was the presenter for only a ugly green slime alien "Starfire meet your groom Glgrdsklechhh." Blackfire introduced, "My groom? but I can't I couldn't-." "You can an you will you see sister dear this green thing is the ruler of Drenthax IV, and since his army is parked out side I have arranged marriage to save our beloved Tamaran from annihilation." "I am sure we will be...very happy..together." "We celebrate my sister wedding at moon set tonight!" Blackfire declared 

"Take the princess to her quarters so she can prepare, and keep an eye on her friends." Blackfire demanded, they gave the team the same room separating you from Starfire "We just can't let her go through with this." You said "Are you sure your not just jealous?" Cyborg asked "That she is marring a damn ugly monster who could scare off anyone, No." "Things are different here." Raven tries to tell you "Come on, Robin your on my side right?" "Do you have a plan?" he asked "Fine Cyborg, Beast boy and Robin check out one of the Drenthax ships and Raven go look to see what this thing that she is supposedly marring, while I go see Star." You gave them orders then teleported to Starfire balcony "Starfire!" you say in a loud whisper "(Y/n) thank- I trust that your enjoying your stay." She says "Come on were leaving." "(Y/n) I am sorry I can not."

"Star marriage is based off of love this isn't love not one bit of it." "Marring him will bring peace to my planet it is good for everyone." "Not for you." "(Y/n) if you can't be happy for me then maybe you shouldn't attend the wedding." She tells you "But I-." you couldn't finish your sentence because someone grabbed you and took you away with out Starfire even knowing they took you to a prison where the rest of the team is "So I guess were going to miss the wedding." Beast boy says "She wouldn't listen to me apparently she needs to marry him for her people." "No she doesn't." Raven said "Its all a lie the army the war its all a set up." Cyborg explained 

"We would need to tell her then before its too late." Robin said, Cyborg had a device that broke open the cage you all started to fight the guards off "You need to leave." Robin tells you "What why?" "Your the only one that can reach her, hurry!" he says as he defends himself you quickly teleported to the ceremony "I object!" you interrupted Blackfire in what ever she was saying (I've always wanted to say that at a wedding) you thought "Do you wish to take this thing as your husband!" "I do.. not!" Starfire, Blackfire eyes turn a bit red then blasted Starfire back "Well that's freaking new." you said "I thought you would do best for this planet you will marry this thing!" The team ran in "Starfire it is all a trick Blackfire has been lying to everyone!" Robin yelled "So um did you ever tell her the reason to object?" Cyborg asked "Nah I just wanted to say I object you know just like the movies." "You dork." "Right back at yah." you said as both of you gave each other a fist bump

"I challenge, for the crown." Starfire said, he and Blackfire started to fight it went so rough that the fight between them got to the floor under "Thats right bow down for your ruler." Blackfire said "You may be the ruler of this planet but you will not be the ruler of me!" Starfire grabbed the necklace that gave Blackfire the extra advantage Starfire threw that final blow that knocked Blackfire out "Fatality! I also been wanting to say that." you said, Star took the crown "Tamaran has a new ruler and first of order for Blackfire to be banish from here." They took Blackfire away "So since your the new ruler I'm guessing you got to stay." You asked mostly "I must do right by my people." She answered 

you were now in front of all the Tamaran people them cheering for Star "Someone very wise told me to listen to my heart so I over threw my sister because she was not best for Tamaran and now my heart is telling me that I am also not best for Tamaran my life and my heart is on earth that is where I belong but I leave you in good hands the hands that took care of me as a child all hail emperor Galfore." She says as she put the crown on Galfore "Let us return to earth please I am feeling a bit sick for my home my real home." "I'm really glad your staying with us Star and you know not getting married." you walk to the team "Yes the next time I will choose someone I truly love who knows they might be from earth." Star hugs Galfore goodbye you waited for her so she doesn't walk alone

when Galfore sees the both of you together he smiled 

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