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Question would you guys want See-more as a love interest?

You were sleeping until you heard the titans tower alarm go off meaning there is an intruder. You quickly put on your clothes and teleport to the main room where the rest the titans are, the door budges open reveling Aqualad "Your trash is in my ocean." Is all he said "Explain." You said in a tired tone "A undersea fortress, 50 miles off the coast  built by the former head master of the hive academy Brother blood, I'm pretty sure you guys already met." "Yeah we go way back, me and (y/n) went undercover as there students but you know after destroying his school we kinda lost touch." Cyborg said

"Because Blood moved out of your neighborhood and into mine, I tried to take him down on my own but Blood uses his mental powers to jam my telepathy no fish to help me-." "You got schooled." Beast boy said cutting him off "Pretty much but I was able to contact an agent within the hive and find what the fortress was hiding, a massive sonic resonator capable of creating a title wave big enough to wipe out your entire city." "Yo that's not just any sonic resonator, that's my sonic cannon!" Cyborg yelled "When you hacked into the hive computer the hive hacked into you, blood download everything from your data base." Aqualad explained

"He read my blue prints! MY PRIVATE BLUEPRINTS!!." Cyborg yelled "And he's using your technology to destroy the city." Raven added "Then this is my mission, I'm taking blood down with my own two hands, alright listen up while I go after him you all are gonna-!" "Cyborg there your blueprints so your the only one that can shut down the resonator while your doing that we will capture blood- okay titans here what were going to do." While Robin was talking you spoke to Cyborg

"If it makes you feel better I'll go with you to shut down the resonator, we dorks got to stick together." "You don't think blood could've copy your teleportation or telekinesis?" Cyborg asked "I wouldn't think so, he barely laid a hand on me, and besides copping my teleportation could take years." The team took the T-ship underwater, you were also on the ship "Its not your day for the underwater?" Raven asked you, "Knowing blood he's going to try to pop my bubble." Speaking of blood he released a mind control squid, Beast boy and Aqualad try to stop it but they got pushed forcibly to the side, 

The squid attached it self to the ship trying to break it "(Y/n) do you think you can get us out of here?!" Cyborg yelled "I can only touch people to teleport them with me, not a whole freaking ship!" You yelled back the ship finally broke you all fell in the water Beast boy quickly turned into a whale and eat you all

"Please tell me were not where I think we are." Raven said "I wish I could." Cyborg answered, while turning on his flash light "Kinda wish Aqualad saved me." You whispered "So he can hold you with his strong arms." you blushed because of what your other side said. When Beast boy and Aqualad found a spot to sneak into the base BB spit you guys out "Two words, breath mints." Raven said not being so happy, Aqualad helped you up from the ground "Are you okay?" He asked "Oh you know just covered in spit not uncomfortable at all." You say in a sarcastic tone "Well at least your not hurt." he tells you 

"Okay everyone knows there assignments." Robin said "Beast boy and I need to take down the force field that protects the sonic resonator." Aqualad says to the team "Raven, Robin and I will attempt to capture the brother blood." Starfire included "Providing a diversion so Cyborg and (Y/n) can get to the resonator core and shut it down." Robin said before blood army came in "Looks like we just had a change in plan!" "You have your assignment move!" Robin yelled to Cyborg, 

you and Cyborg enter a tube and started to crawl in it "Spiky head know at all, its my blue prints, My bad guy! and my-." The tube opened causing you both to fall to the ground "Cyborg, (Y/n) so nice of you to drop in, say you remember Bumblebee right, you were my three top students in H.I.V.E academy but of course Bumblebee wasn't a spy." Blood says on a screen Bumblebee tried blasting you two "Hey there Bee haven't seen you since." "Since you betrayed head master and ruin our school." Bee said to Cyborg "Hey! That's a my bad, you were cool though." You told her 

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