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You, Robin, Raven and Starfire were just in the living room talking until Cyborg runs in the room Beast boy follows "Cyborg come back!" Beast boy yelled "What is going on?" Robin asked "Oh I'll tell you whats going on, this is the best peanut brittle I have ever tasted." Cyborg says as he licks the couch "Uh he's just excited I got an advance copy of mega monkeys 4." Beast boy tries to play off of what really is happening "Oh Star lend me that purple wiggly Tamaran pie thingy you made that was full of bugs." "My stewed guntmed that made you physically sick? "Yeah you got to cook up some of that." Cyborg says, you all look at Beast boy wanting a real answer

"Um long story short I tried to played mega monkeys on Cyborgs system recharger and now he got some computer virus." "A virus?, Beast boy this could be serious." Robin tells him, you all turn to Cyborg trying to eat the table "Who order this pizza, it's cheese tastic oops thirsty now." he says as he ran to the sink and started to spray water in his mouth "Cyborg there is something wrong with you please let us help." you tell him "You bet there's something wrong we need gravy!" He tries to bite you but Raven and Starfire had to push him back

you take him to his room and tie him to his bed which is mostly a metal bed "You know what will be fun lets all go out for waffles!, Raven you like waffles don't you." "More then life itself." She said "We need to help him." Starfire says "No problem I'll shrink down to the size of a amoeba then." "Then what mess him up even worse." Raven says "Thanks Beast boy, but you've done enough we need an expert." Robin tells the team "But who the only person qualified to repair Cyborg is Cyborg." Starfire says "I hate to admit it but there is one other person." Said Robin

"Hey if it makes you feel better I'm not mad at you we make mistakes but in the end we all just get through it." you whispered to Beast boy "Thanks (Y/n)." Robin brought back Gizmo "No stinking way." Gizmo replied, he was going to walk away but was scared by raven scary magic "I'll help." he says traumatized Gizmo starts examining Cyborg "Ew what type of idiot gets himself infected with the enzone virus." the Teen titans look at Beast boy "He had some help." Beast boy whispered "Can you fix him?" Robin asked "Of course I can fix him I just need to shrink down to microscopic size to go in and hit the virus where it lives." Gizmo then changed into a different suit

"Maybe I should go, you can direct me from outside." Robin tells him "Forget it this check only works on me, I work alone." "But maybe I can." But before Beast boy could say anything else the titans glare at him "Ha okay, okay back to the real problem here." you said trying to shift the teams attention "The virus is messing with his central processor, you know the brain and that is where your going to put me." Gizmo says as he passes a transferring gun to Robin, Gizmo then teleport himself inside the gun "Don't worry Cyborg this won't hurt a bit." Before Robin could even transfer Gizmo, Cyborg woke up and broke out of his restraints "Huh Pie!" he yelled, Robin quickly took the Transferring gun and shot Cyborg, Cyborg then ran out of the tower

"Gizmo report are you inside Cyborg?" Robin says in the communicator "Oh I'm inside him alright but I'm not in his brain, I'm in his butt." The Titans go and look for Cyborg "Nice shooting spork brains, you people have any idea how long its going to get in this tin can, cans all the way up to his brain." "Then I suggest you stop complaining and start moving." Robin demanded (Damn Robin being demanding is kinda hot. And I thought I'm the crazy one here) you thought in your head but of course your other half responded 

"We need to find Cyborg and bring him home before he hurts someone." "Or hurts a street sign." Raven said as she pointed to Cyborg trying to eat a stop sign "Easy Cyborg its us." Robin says calmly "I'm sure there is much food back at the tower." you tell him "You remember who we are, yes?" Starfire asked "Your the nasty egg people who stole all my waffles." Cyborg then ran away scared "Hey I just noticed, Where is Beast boy?" you asked, turns out Beast boy got into the transfer gun by turning himself into a amoeba, Robin was fine with it but also told Beast boy to not touch anything, the three of you chased Cyborg around the town 

when you guys finally cornered him he thought you all were also food and tried to eat you Cyborg came to a stop at an ATM when he touched it, it explode, Cyborg quickly ran when he saw you all "Cyborg virus make sick the machine of money." Starfire said "And if this is what it does to an ATM machine-." "There is no telling what it can do to everything else, Come on!" Robin finished Raven sentenced  "The city communication hub, if he infects that transmitter coil the virus will spread to every machine in 100 miles." Robin says "Dear lord he probably thinks its a cherry." you said out of tiredness, Robin was up first to take him down but was tackled by Cyborg the bull, Raven put him in a box of bricks he easily got out of it causing an explosion 

"I think your just stress eating at this point, but I don't blame you I do the same, but actually eat real food!" "Don't tell me what to do you juicy vanishing steak!" He was about to blast you but you quickly disappeared, Starfire threw star bolts at him and he also fired back, his blast hit her causing her to fall you teleported just in time to catch her, Cyborg was getting to close to the system you all tried to push him back your eyes went blue but he was still to strong even the help with the other titans didn't work you all fell back by how stronger he was, just right when he was about to touch it he started to sneeze and snot came out of his nose he was about to fall to the ground but you stopped him with your powers he turned back on "Ugh what happen Ugh my stomach it felt like I eat a tire." "That could be a possibility." Raven tells him "My system must've rebooted it self after being overloaded with something." "Beast boy he did it." Robin said "Aww don't tell me that's him." Cyborg says as he pointed at his snot

Back at the tower Beast boy told the story of him inside Cyborg system "I have to hand it to you Beast boy what you did was-." "Pretty clever for you." Raven says as she finishes Robin sentence "I may not be smart enough to do everything but I'm dumb enough to try anything." "Still I wonder what became of gizmo?" Starfire asked "Oh yeah here is the reversal gun, (Y/n) wanna go?" Robin asked "Sure." you took the gun and went to the communication hub you see the pile of snot you shot at it and Gizmo was to his normal size still short though "Do you know how long I've been running from those virus-! oh its you, I don't even know if I should be talking to a stank bag like you after what you done to jinx." "Look I was undercover and I know a sorry won't help, but she should be fine by now." You tell him "Eh not quite she still looks at the picture of you two at the school dance, and I always catch Kyd Wykkyd looking at fighting videos of the teen titans what I think is that he is looking at you, look your attractive and all but in the end you can only have one." 

That was all Gizmo says before he left, you sighed then teleport back to the tower walking to your room "Hey (Y/n) I wanted to thank you for sticking up for me today." You turn to see Beast boy "Oh its really nothing but I always got your back." "Yeah even when the other titans were mad at me you still have hope in me, it means a lot." he says as he walks away 

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