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So in this episode Terra takes Beast boy away from the tower, (Y/n) would not be joining them but I will include a little bits of clips with Terra and Beast boy because yes he did love her but betrayal is something that can break your heart and sometimes you can never go back to the person because of it, you could say it's kinda like a break up or maybe rejection there are many ways you can describe it but it is mostly of a person breaking your trust it'll bring down your confidence when it comes to new people it makes you build walls from others to cut them off, why I wanted to address this is because at times we make mistakes and it hurts people this is a interesting topic and it's really important that we all know about it no matter what some people do regret the betrayal they did to others only because they were afraid of them or insecure.

The power plant was being robbed by Slade's robots, they are about to make their escape when they are stopped by the Titans, including Terra. "Tell Slade the Titans have a message for them." "Eat dirt." Terra says finishing Robin sentence and by crushing one of the robots with a rock "Titans go!" Robin yelled the titans started fighting "Terra catch." Raven says while she throws a giant boulder to Terra which she caught it and threw it to a group of Slade's robots one of Slade's robots blasted the rock Terra was on, she fell to the ground the other robots gathered around her you quickly teleport in the middle and wave your arm causing all the robots to be cut in half 

"You saved me." Terra says "Well of course I did were friends aren't we?" you asked "Yeah we are." she answered the fight continue but soon ended finding no where about of where Slade was so you guys just got pizza and brought it to the tower, a few minutes later there was only one slice left "And the last slice of pizza goes too...Terra." Cyborg says, by spinning the pizza slice and it landed on Terra "Just a rookie and already your an MVP for holding the cheese trophy, Terra the world wants to know how does it feel?" Cyborg asked while talking like a spokes person "Um good and kinda greasy." she says "Seriously Terra great job tonight, were glad to have you on the team." Robin tells her

"And we are the most joy to claim you as our friend." Starfire says "Yeah what they say." Raven also says "Thanks guys really for everything but you shouldn't, I'm just doing my job you know no big deal." Terra says "Well its a big deal to us good friends don't come along every day you know." Beast boy tells her, Cyborg goes and lock the titans tower "Alright y'all titans tower is locked up and Cyborg shutting down." Cyborg says before walking out the room "We should all get some sleep we may have stopped Slade tonight but we need to figure out what he is planning tomorrow." Robin says, you just shrugged your shoulders and teleport yourself to your room to sleep

in the time Beast boy visited Terra to give her a heart mirror box Beast boy asked Terra on a date for tomorrow but she rejected him saying she can't but she soon met him out side his window "Wanna go out?" Terra asked standing on a rock "Yeah! I mean uh that's cool, but why didn't you knock on my door? Beast boy asked "Do you trust me?" Terra asked sticking out her hand for him to take "More then anyone that I ever met." Beast boy says before taking her hand Terra takes him to this pie place "There is a place out 200 miles outside of gotham that bakes a mean cherry pie but for apple this is the best there is-." Terra stopped talking when she looks to see Slade in a mirror when she turned around he wasn't there Terra suggested to quickly take Beast boy to a new place Beast boy left his communicator at the pie place

you were sleeping in your room after a hard days at work and using your power you do need your rest but your door open then a blast hit you which threw you back making you hit the wall you woke up by feeling the pain you see 5 of Slade's robots in your room you were about to get up but one of the robot throws a device to your neck making you hit your head on the wall the device wrapped around your neck you try to leave the situation but nothing worked that's when you realize they caught you when you were the most vulnerable still needing more sleep and more time to think one of the Slade's Robot was about to blast you

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