The End (Part 1)

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( I like to show a new fanart by @Xxx_couchpotato_xxX , this is one of my favorite as I found the little side scenes from the fanfic so cute. Not only that but this really did give me an inspiration to update again a lot faster. Also how I've been seeing the love and support you readers have for this fanfic is truly everything to me. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the much more to come, thank you for the support)

You woke up to a beautiful sunrise, breathing in and out "Today seems like a good day." You then got up getting ready for the day, soon to teleport in the living room where the other Titans seem to be looking towards the kitchen, with a confused expression on their faces as they look toward Raven attempting to cook breakfast. Raven brought a stack of a burnt flat substance, "Morning, pancakes?" "Um thanks." Beast boy says "What is the occasion?" "Can't I do something nice for my friends." Raven answered Starfire's question, "Um yeah but-." "You never have before." Beast boy finished Cyborg's sentence, a wave of tension came across the room "Guess there is a first time for everything." Each titan straightens up with a plate of Raven pancakes in front of them. 

Each titans took a bite having all sorts of reaction, when you bit into the pancake a taste of burnt flavor hit your taste buds. You hold back your reaction for the sake of Raven's feelings, but it was too late when she saw the other Titans reactions which made her sad. "Don't you guys think it's nice of Raven to make us breakfast." Robin manage to say "Even though the girl has no clue how to cook." Cyborg whispers while drenching the burnt pancake with syrup, robin bumped Cyborg to get his attention of Raven sad expression "Oops did I say that out loud, Yum!" Cyborg quickly said.

However, Starfire seemed to really enjoy eating the pancakes, "Burnt on the outside, yet runny on the inside." She says as she puts mustard on it  "More please!" You guys put the rest of the pancakes on Starfire plate, "What a glorious way to start the morning." The Titans just started to mess around until Raven throws her arm on the table "So I was thinking after breakfast, do you guys maybe wanna hang out or something?" Raven then tried her best to crack a smile, but all the titans were confused. Robin then got a signal from his communicator "It'll have to wait." Is all Robin said before the team head out of the tower. Plasmus was causing trouble in the city, "Plasmus its just Plasmus." Raven said in a relieving tone, when going up against Plasmus he grabbed you and Beast boy throwing you both into a building "Yeah but he is still as ugly as ever." Beast boy responded to Raven "What happened to you stopping our fall?" Beast boy turned to talk to you "You know I thought about it, but surprisingly I was also thrown at the same time you were." You said in a sarcastic tone "Were you now?" You looked at Beast boy with an annoyed expression, but all he did was have a big grin on his face.

Beast boy turned into a pterodactyl grabbing you to bring you both to the ground, Robin threw a freezing gadget at Plasmus which froze him in the moment Beast boy then turned into a T-rex dinosaur running into Plasmus shattering him but Plasmus just regain his muddy self form all over again. Robin runs up to Plasmus but was met with a backhand sending him flying in the air "Robin!" Raven yelled, she uses her powers to safely bring him to the ground "Thanks I owe one." He replied, Cyborg then picked up a whole building hitting Plasmus quickly sending him in the air. Plasmus crashed into several buildings until finally going down. He was back into his human form, the Titans go to where he was but the moment they got there Plasmus woke up turning back into his monster self charging at the Titans. Cyborg used his sonic canon but all it did was separate Plasmus into mini versions of himself, jumping onto Cyborg forming back into his huge form just with Cyborg inside. 

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