• Chapter One •

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"Get back here you worthless little runt!!!"

No. I have to keep running. It hurts but I have to!...

Her feet picked up a quicker pace, ignoring every cry from her aching body. She could barely see five feet in front of her,, and the unmanaged stone streets of the city was no help at all.

A quick left, a sharp right, and another dash across the fog covered streets. The girl believed if she kept this pattern up with a generous amount of speed her pursuers would give up on trying to catch her.

That idea was feeling impossible by the time she reached what might've been the 36th alley she'd ran through.

Her body was completely exhausted, but she forced more stress onto herself out of pure survival. The men coming after her were nowhere near kind or...human.

The second they got their hands on her she knew thered be nothing but hell to pay. If pushing herself to the brink of death in order to reach a safe place was what it would take for her well being to assured...

I'll suffer for it...

Another daring sidestep took her around a well kept apartment building and right to the squares crosswalk.

The men after her were a few blocks away and in the still midnight evening the girl could hear their footsteps nearing. Most people wouldn't even be able to hear someone breathing a foot behind them but she was different.

Most people she knew were human...unlike herself.

She frantically glanced around, from one building to the next, looking for somewhere to be out of sight.

Closer. They were getting closer.

The girl sharpened her sight significantly, eyes flashing an eerie lilac. They shone in the dark fog, almost as bright as the moon above. Anyone who might've seen her would either revel in amazement or be terrified.

Thankfully, not a soul was near in the empty square.

With heightened sight she obtained a better sense of where she was. In seconds she identified a safe building to escape inside. She sprinted over the street and right to the corner inning apartments, slipping through the heavy door.

She slammed it shut right in time as her hunters came to a halt on the corner where she had just been. They swiped their heads around, squinting through the night to look for her.

One man began to grimace in irritation while the other continued to eye the area.

Keeping herself hidden from the full view of the nearest window the girl watched them. She waited patiently with shallow breaths escaping her freezing lips. The men searched for a long while but never quite figured out where their possession had gone.

They stopped looking after finding no evidence of the girl where she had dissapeared. Right outside the building door she was behind one said to the other, "We'll have a better chance of catching her tomorrow. Not only that we'll have more eyes to do so."

The second man scoffed, following his partner as they strolled down the abandoned square. "Fine by me. That sneaky twat has it coming."

They continued to berate the fearful creature on their retreat. She quivered in horror at the thought of being in their hold again, outwardly shaking as adrenaline still coursed through her small body.

I made it...I'm safe..for now.

The tears waiting to spill emptied out of her tired bright eyes. She sobbed and wailed subtly in relief. Her figure couldn't take much more energy loss yet she continued to cry, gripping her knees to her chest and hiding her face in them.

Stop crying...stop crying...

Over and over the girl tried to quiet herself. She inhaled deeply then exhaled softly, repeating the pattern until her heart stopped thumping in her ears.

Her eyes flickered from their natural hue to the unearthly lilac from before. It was an obvious signal from her body that she was worn out, and needed rest immediately. Not only that but her injuries were beginning to bother her again.

The lids of her eyes drooped heavily as she slouched against the door. Unable to control her own body she weakly laid on the cool floor. It wasn't comfortable -she had slept in worse places with worse people.

Her ebony locks shrouded half of her pale porcelain face, and her lashes flickered against her scratched cheeks.

The silver chain with a blue rose jewel in its center hung around her delicate neck. She caught sight of it through her tired stare and brought frail hands up to hold it.

Her fingers danced around the meaningful treasure and she embraced it to her chest. Some sort of comfort washed over her small form and by fate the girl drifted off into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

Find him...he will know your place in this world. Find master Grindlewald...

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