< Chapter Sixteen >

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For a few days Y/n was completely unreachable through her deep sleep. Gellert ordered Vonda to keep an eye on her since he would be away in America setting his next plan for his cause into action there. Four days passed very slow but in that time Y/n's body shifted and her senses heightened. Even in her slumber she could hear every footstep, smell scents miles away, and hear more thoughts of others than usual. On the fifth day of the week Y/n shifted from under the velvet covers, white ears and tail twitching and swishing for adjustments. Her gaze was laser focused,almost too sharp for her liking, but it was the least of her worries. She sat there huddled in bed for a few moments, no tossing, or turning. In the time that she lied there Y/n managed to shut off the different thoughts invading her own, calmed her bodies temperature, and became  familiar with her improved hybrid features.

There was a knock on the door. Two sharp taps. Y/n sat up in bed, eyes fixated on the door. She didn't have to hear who it was to know their identity anymore.

"It's alright Ms.Vonda you may come in."

She entered and Y/n got comfortable, sitting at the edge of her bed and her tail swaying leisurely behind her. Vonda bid her good afternoon, offering a tray filled with luncheon items on it to her. Y/n smiled at the gesture, gladly taking it, "Thank you."

"It's no problem at all. You have grown quite a bit over the past few days and I can only imagine how famished you must be."

Y/n blushed, nibbling on a piece of buttered Croissant. "Have I changed that much?.." she whispered in slight fear to which Ms. Vinda replied  gently, "Growing isn't a terrible thing my dear . It only means you are a new and stronger version than your past self."

It was a new way to look at her situation and she knew the witch was right.

"I suppose so," Y/n mumbled and continued to eat, slowly consuming the entire meal as Vinda chose her outfit for the day, and prepared a hot bath for her as well. When she was done Y/n gave the empty tray to here aide and was left alone to bathe and relax for an hour or so.

Vinda left swiftly, returning the dishes to the kitchen, and making her way to her own office. She reported to Gellert immediately.

"She is awake."

"And how is her memory?"

"She hasn't uttered a word about the incident," Vinda recounted to him honestly.

"Does she show any signs of distress?"

"No. She seems a bit tired but not strained.."

He nodded, "Has she...." He paused, considering if he should really ask his next question. "Has she said or wondered about me?"

Vinda, again, answered him honestly. "No, not once sir."

Gellert's heart braced itself, his face went stoic, and for a few seconds Vinda couldn't decipher his reaction. Disappointment, fear, or heartache maybe? Nevertheless, Gellert thanked her for the report and ended their communication.

Meanwhile, Y/n dabbled with her new found powers. Her childish and innocent soul still present despite being morphed into her future appearance. "Wonderful..." she whispered in awe as her eyes sharpened so precisely that she could see every speck of dust falling around her. She walked to the center of the room, inhaling deeply, and noting that she could smell the baker's fresh loaf of bread all the way from the castle's basement kitchen. A smile of pure delight crossed her face, "The chef is making honey biscuits for tea time I presume." She was certain of that and made a mental note to procure herself a batch later on. Next, she tested her magic. With a simple flick of her wrist energy flew out of her finger tips. The purple and red light struck the mirror clear across the room, shattering it to pieces as soon as the bolt touched it smooth surface. Y/n unconsciously reacted to her overpowered attack by forcing the shards of glass to float in mid air as they broke off the edges of the mirrors silver border. With a singular thought she commanded the broken glass to arrange themselves before her in a distorted mirage.

It was her first time seeing her own flesh since Gellert asked her to transform. She looked bolder, stronger in some sorts, but still as fair as her mother had been. Thinking of her, Y/n let a tear slide down her cheek, "Are you still watching over me mother? Am I doing what you asked of me right?" It was pointless to ask, but Y/n believed that even her mother's long gone spirit could still hear her daughter, and come what may she'd always be there to protect her like before. However, seeing her reflection now, Y/n felt a new found feeling course up her spine.


"Power is one thing," her mother once told her, "...but having the confidence to wield it is another thing entirely."

Y/n's ears twitched, a sign that a sudden certain sound had caught her attention. With narrowed eyes she sent the mirror shards flying across the room, heading right towards the source of said disturbance. The person entering her chambers barely dodged the attack but managed to do so just in time.

"Who are you?" Y/n asked and looked over her shoulder to see them properly. It was a young man. One she hadn't seen before but he smelled familiar. She recounted that Gellert once in a while had the scent on him. "I am Creedence." The male introduced himself plainly as if he barely uttered his name to anyone for any occasion. "I am Y/n," she introduced herself plainly as well, turning to face him fully since he didn't output a threatening aura. "Are you a friend of my master's?" she asked him and Creedence raised a brow slowly, not comprehending who she meant until Y/n suggested his name. "Grindvald..." "Oh," he muttered and then nodded, "I suppose I am to some point."

Hearing this Y/n became very friendly towards him instantly. "Well, don't just stand there then Creedence come and have a seat with me. I was just about to prepare myself for the day." He hesitated but Y/n insisted so he sat in the nearest armchair by the door. Y/n perched herself on the arm of another chair right in front of him. "So, why have you stopped by stranger?" she got right to the point and Creedence shuffled around his thoughts in his head for a moment before he said anything. "Grindlevald, speaks of you to me often. He said I should get to know you. I have no idea why, but seeing as we both trust Gellert I am willing to follow his words." Y/n smiled, she was happy to have a possible new friend, and one her master had chosen.

"If master wishes us to be acquaintances I don't see why we shouldn't at least try to be." She hopped to her feet and with a gentle smile, outstretched her hand to him. Creedence froze for second, unsure of why she seemed not to care that he emitted a dense negative magical pressure. He was perplexed to say the least but as she stood there, all smiles, and without a hint of fear, or hatred of him he decided to make an effort and shake her small hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Creedence," he smiled at her -a gesture he hadn't done in years- and kindly responded to her with the same polite tone. "The pleasure is all mine."

When VInda returned to Y/n's chambers she was utterly shocked to see Creedence and the young kitsune talking up a storm as if they were long time friends. It was very odd to see the abandoned Dumbledore child so light hearted and carefree but Y/n seemed to bring those qualities right out of him. Their mood did not change as Vinda entered the room. Creedence went on talking and Y/n went on engaging with him. BY the time Vinda had cut in to announce that dinner would be served soon the two were immersed in a conversation about the dark but unique pasts.

"I am sorry to interrupt but dinner is nearly ready and Grindlevald has requested that you both eat a full meal before heading out to meet him in the states for another mission."

Y/n perked up, "I am to see master soon then?' Vinda simply nodded. Creedence stood from his chair, stretching his limbs a bit before saying anything, "Will this be a long trip?" he asked and Vinda nodded once again. "I can only imagine that it is like the rest."

"I'd expect nothing less from him," Creedence remarked as he left the room.

Y/n soon followed him, rushing down the hall to catch up to him, "Creedence!" She yelled after him, already attached to his company, and and he surprisingly did not mind that at all. He stopped and waited for her to catch up before leading the way towards the dinning hall as she continued to talk his head off.

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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