• Chapter Two •

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A start of panic and alert was the first thing the girl initially woke herself up with.

She wasn't in front of a door, on a cold floor, in a dark moonlit room anymore. She was somewhere much warmer, neat, and well furnished.

To her amazement there was no one near or in the room. For a moment she thought her captors had found her, brought her somewhere 'safe', and were planning to torture her again.

However, there was no aura of danger, and she couldn't pick up any familiar scents of vulgarity.

What she could decipher was that this place was not her own and it belonged to someone else. She gazed around thoroughly, looking for any dangers, but there was none.

Everything appeared expensive, and rather detailed. There was a fire burning in the large fireplace and a window that had its white curtain open to bring in the gloomy light from a European morning.

The girl checked herself next, her clothes were replaced with a too large white button down dress shirt. Her legs had been bandaged up, and her arms were minimally healed.

The pendant!?!?

Again, she panicked and touched her neck. Sighing in relief she held the jewel in her palm, checking to see if it was untouched as well.

That's when she sniffed a strong scent. One that was oddly familiar but new as well. It was coming from the shirt she had on. With a single breath in the girl keenly pinned down the fragrance.

"Fire, tea, and...magic..." Frightened the girl's eyes widened, and she checked her surroundings once more. Magic was never good to her. Those men after her were wizards themselves and took great pride in mocking, hurting, and experimenting on her with it.

To put it simply; magic was a monstrous thing in her understanding.

Getting a better intake of the room the girl spotted a long black coat resting on one of the lounge sets facing the crackling fire.

She smelt the same scent on it as the one on the shirt.

Getting up, she walked over to it with light steps. The deep black fabric was soft against her warm fingertips as she brushed the coat over, and then picked it up. At arms length away she could make out the details of silver buttons on one side, but no other details.

Her head tilted, observing the elements of the coat before a final answer left her. "A man.." she mumbled, setting the clothing down, and staring into the flames of the fire.

He must have brought me here...this must be his residence.

Why didn't he turn me over to the authorities for being a trespasser or one of the homeless?

"Ah, I see your awake now, my dear."

The girl jumped to her tiptoes, her ears perking up from the sound of a strong male voice.

It was unfamiliar and that scared her to death.

She didn't dare to turn around, already reducing herself to survival mode again. Her eyes darted from left to right, looking for somewhere to leave or hide away.

The man behind her watched everything she did. Whether she knew it or not her reactions weren't odd to him. He was a powerful wizard in all aspects and it didn't take much concentration to see that she was beyond frightened.

He also knew she wasn't entirely human either.

Taking his time the man walked closer to her, setting his prized wand down on the nearest polished table. She was slightly shaking, clearly wanting to act, but unsure of what to do.

"I'm not going to harm you," the girl nearly ignored what he said, beginning to quietly cry again as he stepped even closer.

"Y-you're lying...you are going to hurt me. I-I know what you are..." she frantically accused the man finally turning to face him with false intimidation.

The man kept his expression neutral, his mix matched eyes peering down at the girl in understanding. "I won't force you to trust me just yet, but I do need to calm yourself, dear."

Those words coming from the platinum blonde haired wizard sent the girl into reflexive protection. Her eyes glowed a stunning lilac, intriguing him more.

"Come a step closer and I'll tear you limb from limb," her threat came out as a low hiss. The glare on her face made it obvious she meant every word of it.

He found it precious, he really did. None of his children were ever this viscous to him.

You weren't his. Not yet anyways.

"I think I should introduce myself then." The man showed her a charming smile, and even though her eyes stayed fiery her posture relaxed.

She watched him take a deep breath before taking a seat on the closest chair. "Go on stranger. I don't have all day." Her remark made him smirk and he gave her a good stare in return.

"My, my, you have a sharp tongue young lady..I might put it to good use in the future."

The girl faltered in her defense, holding back any heat from reaching her cheeks. She wasn't sure what he meant by that but it had an affect on her somehow.

It was silent between them for a long moment. Then he broke it with a simple phrase.

"I am Gellert Grindlewald. The leader for a new generation of power. And you are?.."

The girl hesitated to answer Gellert. Instantly connecting clues in her life to him. She considered if this was some hopeful dream, that the man in front of her couldn't possibly be the supposed saviour her mother had promised existed.

She stared at him, losing all the motive in her body. Her eyes dimmed to their original color and he saw first hand as she teared up again

"I-Im...I'm Y/n..Y/n L/n."

Gellert spotted the way she seemed to crumple inside. The moment he announced his name her entire being changed.

"Y/n. It suits you," he compliments her without thinking, entranced by her void eyes as she slowly drew over to him.

She came closer, her true form starting to show infront of him. A pair of fox ears the same pure white as his own hair appeared on her head. They twitched around and then flattened as her tail revealed itself.

Gellert had seen many strange things in his life but this was phenomenal. The long white tail she had swishes side to side and then slipped around one of her legs.

Y/n came to a halt infront of him, truly not herself anymore. The scared girl Grindlewald had decided to care for out of pity and curiosity was gone. Those eyes of her's swirled with loyalty.

It was a foreign sight to see anyone get near Gellert. Even his own assistant never had the pleasure of being so close but Y/n had Gellert pulling into her.

Her lips pressed onto his, gently inviting him to react. He did, despite morally opting not to. She kissed him like they had always been intimate. Like she knew him.

Only one other person had done that and he was now at odds with him.

Y/n inched back from the kiss, dazed as Gellert's eyes periced into her own. He couldn't figure her out in that moment and what she said next pushed him to find out why.

"I've been searching for you...master."

Shameless is such a good show! 🥰

Kitsune. A Gellert Grindlewald FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now