< Chapter Fourteen >

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Y/n practiced the magic spells, tricks, and incantations Vinda had shown her throughout three days. In time she began to use magic casually like everyone else, but in the oddest way.

Gellert witnessed this first hand. One evening he walked into the expansive kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. There was no one else in sight so for a few moments he relaxed while the water boiled. It felt nice to have alone time with himself for once. Even powerful men need to take a breather.

So that's exactly what Gellert was doing when Y/n appeared next to him out of thin air. "For Marlins Sake! Where did you even come from!?" He hated to admit that her sudden presence did cause him to flinch. Showing any sliver of fear was the most distasteful thing one could do in Gellert's opinion and here Y/n was, scaring the daylights out of him so easily.

The small hybrid fox girl giggled quietly, swinging her legs around as she sat on the table near her master. There was chair next to him but Y/n found those to be uncomfortable without proper cushioning. "Did I scare you master?," she smiled widely, tail wagging in excitement as Gellert averted his cold gaze and replied with, "Hardly, and it's not polite to sneak up on people like that." Gellert shifted his eyes back to her, glaring until her tail stopped swishing and a guilty look showed on her face. "Sorry. Please forgive me master."

The kettle screeched and he waved his wand to bring it off the fire, "No need to sulk about it. What's done is done." Y/n nodded, letting a delicate smile replace her frown. Gellert prepared his tea in a timely manner not minding that the white fox was purring at him nonstop.

Her gaze was never unsettling, she was cursed with gentle e/c eyes that never seemed to be tired of wandering. Another innocent treat Gellert secretly kept very close to his heart. He sipped his warm beverage slowly, breaking the comfortable silence with a question.

"Why are you up so late little fox?"

Y/n shrugged, the thin straps of her white nightgown sliding off her shoulder ever so slightly. "Mmm, I don't really know why...I sensed you moving about and followed your scent here..." She paused, turning red in the face as the words she'd just said registered in her brain. Telling someone, especially Gellert, that you simply followed him around out of instinct would surely earn her a scolding or teasing.

Enduring either one of those options wasn't fun for her at all.

"That's it?" Gellert calmly inquired, not at all bothered by Y/n's impulsive explanation. She nodded, raven hair falling past her shoulders as she held her head down. "It was stupid of me....but-"

Gellert chuckled, sliding a warm hand over her cold ones. "Nothing you do is ignorant. Whether you had a reason for coming after me or not doesn't matter. I'm glad to have you as company love. Merlin knows I need it..." he sighed heavily, taking a long swig from his tea. "Mm okay, and what's that you're drinking?" Y/n directed her attention to the drink, seemingly forgetting the intimate atmosphere he created.

She is getting stronger. More resistant to her inner self.

He wasn't angry about that, but the thought of her defying her true nature was aggravating him. Nonetheless he answered her kindly, "Earl Grey Tea with a hint of mint." Her eyes widened a bit, nose sniffing the air as the minty scent became recognized able to her. "Mother used to smell like mint..." Her tone dropped drastically and Gellert was quick to ask, "You have memories of her?"

Y/n's eyes went dull as if everything around her suddenly lost color when the subject of her came up. Everything did fade to Grey in her eyes the day her mother was ripped away from her.

"I remember everything about her..." she paused combing her fingers through her own hair like her mother used to when she was scared. "When the League captured us she never stepped a foot from me. For years the hunters, wizards, and scientists tried to pry her off of me so they could experiment on me...but she'd always fight tooth and nail. Even when she was tired and nearly drained of her own life force." Her already soft voice quivered and Gellert shut his eyes, not having to heighten his aura to know the pain she felt talking about this.

"I see..." he sipped more of his tea, letting her carry on as the moon rose higher in the sky, and the midnight winds blew past the castle walls.

"One night they tried to come for me but my mother snapped awake and bit one of the hunters. She was barely able to fight them at this point but her but caused him to lose his arm. In an instant another hunter managed to pin my mother down....beating her to the brink of death until she could barely move. They made me watch it all....then knocked me unconscious. I never saw her again...."

Y/n sniffled, gripping her mother's pendant before lifting her head up to look at Gellert. Her expression oozed desperation, sadness, and underlying rage. "Help me kill them master! My life, my entire existence will be yours entirely if you simply help me exterminate the monsters who took my mother from me! I promise my loyalty to you...if you'll just..."

He stood up abruptly, cutting the young girls offer short as he approached her, and gently lifted her chin higher with two fingers. "Help you attain your vengeance....that's all it will take for you to be bound to me little fox?" Her eyes filled with stars as he looked down on her so vaguely, she mistook his expression for love, and eagerly agreed to his conclusion. "Yes master....fulfill my wish and I shall fulfill every one of yours....I swear it."

Gellert took her words in, mulling them over in his expansive mind, and finally coming up with a suitable answer.

"I'll lend you my help on one condition..."

Y/n gulped, eyes dusting over with a familiar lilac sparkle, her skin started to gather chills as he leaned down. His lips were mere inches from his, the fingers on her chin forming a subtle vice on her unblemished neck, and her heart beginning to pour in her ears.

"MY one and only request is that you let me gaze upon your truest and oldest form. I would like to form a binding contract between us so that our little deal remains mystically intact through the ages."

At his words a sharp pain struck her and Y/n winced. She gasped for quick breaths as her heartbeat slowed, starting the agonizing process of transforming her physical form. She couldn't control this morphing, it was something her own kind could only master after thousands of years of practice. She was only centuries old, young, and never exposed to her truest form.


He stepped back watching as she clawed at the marble floor. Nails raking through the stone like paper. Her cries were primal, body quivering and writhing as her small body grew a tad bit larger.

"Yes, there we go....bring her forward little fox the pain will all be worth it..."

At the sound of his voice Y/n screamed, any glass in her vicinity shattered to pieces from the sound, and her dilated.

Her scream shook the castle, echoing her agony to anyone and everyone.

Fangs, claws, red eyes, red marks, three tails all white, bigger ears, a captivating body to match, and a voice that aged to match her deity like essence.

Y/n tried to stand after the process was complete but failed miserably and was caught by Grindlewald in one swift motion. He held her bridal style apparating into his chambers and laying her in his bed that he rarely slept in.

Her soft breathes were enough to tell him she was in a deep sleep, body accommodating to its new spiritual host, and his one chance to set his plan for her in stone finally at hand.

"If you come to hate me for this...so be it. ."

Kitsune. A Gellert Grindlewald FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ