• Chapter Nine •

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I left the second Grindlewald disappeared around the corner. My presence wasn't needed in that place after what I had done to Vinda.

I refused to go straight back to the palace. What could I possibly do there? Wait for Gellert to return and sulk inside a room all evening? I had done that enough in the place I had escaped from.

So, I took this opportunity to travel about the city. I had never been surrounded by so many people, and so many things happening. No one seemed to care who or what I was. They walked past each other so fluidly and spoke kindly to one another.

Well, this was the case for the main square, but as I neared the dimmer parts of the city things changed. I had no idea where I was wandering off to, but it became clear to me that I was not in the nicest area of the city anymore.

I recognized the place. It was somewhere I ran through when escaping. It still looked as scary and dark as the night I rushed through here.

The people who walked around these streets looked to be at their last strand of life. Many of them glared at me, and some even shoved past me.

I wanted to leave since this place was clearly not welcoming.

I turned on my small heeled boots, ready to leave as fast as possible, but my body hit another one. My eyes slowly traveled up to see who the obstacle was and my heart nearly dropped seeing the demons that once owned me.

The same men from that night were grinning down at me with a sick look in their evil eyes. They had more men with them this time.

Five more which meant more trouble for me.

I leaped back several feet from them, eyes scanning their every move. The leader smirked, putting on an innocent act as I readied myself for a fight.

"Aw, don't be so afriad my dear. It was only a matter of time before we found you and it hurts my feelings to see you hate us so much." His psychotic smile grew as I bared teeth my in his direction.

"To hell with your feelings asshole!," I spat at him and his rough looking group. I still felt weighed down by what I did to Vinda, and I really didn't want to use my powers anymore.

I had no other option now, and the men seemed determined to catch me this time. Not fighting would guarantee their success.

"The little thing has some balls I see," another one of the men spoke cockily joining in on surrounding me. I was panicking on the inside as they blocked anyway for me to escape.

This could be it for me. I could fail and be dragged back to the hell I desperately clawed away from. Gellert would never have to see me again, and he could forget we ever met.

He probably wanted that and a peice of my heart cracked realizing it.

I had no time to shed a tear for the feeling because two men came straight at me. One from the left, the other from my right.

Instincts took over my body, claws coming out, and a spark of purple flashing in my eyes. The instant they reached an inch from me I grabbed one of them by the neck. He was slammed into  the other with excessive force from me.

The two went down hard, bones breaking against the stone road. "You little bitch," a man behind me yelled, charging with the rest to get a hold of me.

Pure adrenaline coursed through my veins. I was not a weak spirit and I held my magic back as much as I could.

It wasn't long before I was bloody and bruised up like the first time I had ran into Gellerts presence. Survival was my agenda then and it was still my purpose now.

Mintutes later several men laid scattered across the empty street. Blood pooled from their wounds, but I ignored them to focus on the leader who still stood his ground.

I knew he'd be stronger than the rest. The Legion had trained assassins to deal with Kitsune and this one had to be one of the elite.

"You sure do put up a good fight little fox," the bastard cooly teased me, removing his top hat and bringing out his weapon.

I observed his pistol, sensing the magic it was imbued with. That worried me, but him uttering the words "little fox" enraged me more.

Only Gellert was allowed to call me that. Not this cocky shit head!

The anger rushed to my brain and without noticing, my own magic flared. The assasin noticed, a wicked grin spreading on his face as he watched my ears appear.

"I must've hit a nerve...little...fox-" and before he finished his phrase I came charging at him. Inhuman speed carried me right to his face, our eyes meeting as time slowed.

He looked surprised, still smiling like an idiot as I growled and swiftly lifted a knee to his stomach. The man gasped in pain, doubling over as I slammed a fist into his jaw next.

He fell face first, coughing up blood as he turned over to look at me. His gun lifted in my direction watching my violet eyes shook with rage.

"I am not your dammed little fox!" I hissed at him, red light manifesting in my palm. He began to laugh, already back on his feet after receiving a fatal hit.

The Legion weren't the type to train normal trackers.

"I hit a nerve then..." he sinsiterly whispered, cocking the gun as his eyes went completely black.

We charged at the same time, throwing blow after blow. I took hits just to force them back onto him.

He shot at me twice. Barely missing the first time since I managed to dodge it while in midair. The jump brought me over his head and I landed flawlessly enough to kick him in the face.

His body gave way to my attack and he flew into a nearby brick wall. That only made him bleed a bit more and he was back to his feet in seconds.

I was running out of stamina and restraint. If I kept fighting him I'd make a mistake or tire myself out. My powers weren't infinite...not yet.

The assasin pushed a hand through his blonde hair, his jet black eyes somehow showing the joy he felt. "Its been years since I've had a target like you foxy. You're so young but pleasantly strong!"

I scoffed, "I don't need your praise."

He frowned, "What a pity, guess I'll have to end this quarrel early then!" His happy demeanor contrasted the quickness of his arm raising.

A shot was fired, right into my lower right side. I screamed, feeling the dark magic rip through my skin. Those bullets burned like hell and significantly weakened Kitsune.

I fell to one knee, holding the wound tightly and trying to breathe properly. My attacker teleported to stand over me, gun pressed to my head.

I felt tears in my eyes, blinding my vision as I thought of one person.


I was so weak compared to him. Even being born to be extraordinary wasn't enough. How could he ever love me? He was right....his love would never be mine and this was proof.

I dedicated my heart to him because of his strength and ambition. I excepted him to love someone who had no idea of her own abilities.

Yet, I loved him, even at the end of my life I loved him.

"Have any last words, my dear?," the monster hovering above me waited for a reply and I gave him one with a shaky breath in.

"Fuck you..."

Then the gun clicked, a bullet ready to pass through my head.

And I waited for the silence of death with a smile.

"I see a filthy rat has decided to threaten my little fox...how unfortunate that I'll have to take your life for doing so..."

Why did he...come for me?....

Which Hogwarts House are you in?

I'm a proud Slytherin! 🐍💚

Kitsune. A Gellert Grindlewald FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ