< Chapter Ten >

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Grindlewald came closer to where I kneeled, glancing down into my watery eyes as a greeting. I couldn't read his expression, and not because of the blood and tears staining my vision, or the lack of energy I had. His attitude was a mix of emotions that I had no chance of naming in the few seconds I saw his face. My sense of smell had depleted too from so much blood loss.

Now, he faced my opponent with indifference, and the tracker seemed to be amused by the intervention. That pesky smile of cockiness he'd kept etched onto his features grew as Grindlewald stepped inches from his face.

I watched them with caution. Gellert whispered something to the man, and his smile dropped to a defensive frown. The platinum blonde was grinning now. A game had begun and as bad as I wanted to manifest my magic to heal the wounds I possessed and be of some use to Gellert, I couldn't.

That bullet was handcrafted to weaken and ultimately kill a Kitsune. My injury would have to be healed by someone else with a steadier hand. To say that I felt like the dead already was an understatement.

I stumbled to my feet anyway, safely hidden behind Gellert's back as he stared down the tracker. Out of instinct I reached to grasp the sleeve of his coat, having to lean into his back to keep upright.

Feeling utterly weak was nothing new to me, but looking so helpless in Gellert's eyes for the second time hurt my pride. I had no other choice at the moment, and if i was going to fall I might as well do so gracefully.

My head rested on his back, the steady beat of his heart took my focus away from the blood pooling onto the road. "You fought well, little fox.." Gellert sincerely says to me, turning his body just enough to directly look at me. His words made me feel light. As if the creeping hand of death was a nuisance compared to his praise.

I wanted to say something. Anything, but all I could manage was a melancholy smile. One I always seemed to have whenever Gellert was near.

The wizard dipped his head, placing a chaste kiss on my cold lips. Just as quickly as the affectionate gesture happened..it ended. Gellert pulled away, whispering a single word to me.


Any motivation in my body left, and everything around me began to tilt upwards. The grey, unmoving sky above blurred to pitch black and I was forced to feel the depths of unconsciousness.


"No magical being should ever be made to feel as though they are not welcome in this world.."

What is this?

"I believe the same thing. It's the only belief I can still hold onto..."

That voice...

"Your faith will get you far in life little fox.."

Little fox?...yes, his little fox..

But this isn't me, This memory, that voice, and these conversations aren't mine.

"Does that sadden you, my dear?"

"No...it is nothing. Why don't you tell me more of your ideals! I would like to become educated in your views more than anything else!"

Painful loneliness. I can feel it even if I'm trapped here -inside my void soul...listening to a conversation I never had.

"If you insist..."

It hurts more now that I know it's his words.

Even in this realm you cause me to feel for you, Gellert..

"Because he loves another..."

That voice. The one I draw comfort from, but fail t o recognize..

Why can't I remember?...

"He loves someone...else.."




"Tell me, was my isolation your triumph?

Did it make you powerful to put me away?

I've been kept here for so long I feel put together.

Whole and without you.

Question me, ask me, say it to me and I'll answer the same...

I'm safe, kept, and left alone this way...

Whole and without you in my ivory tower.."

I wrote this, and I have written other poems too. I just wanted to share it with you guys and ask if any of you think its a good try? Writing poems has been a secret passion of mine since I was ten years old, but I have never put it out there until now. Give honest feedback if you can! I 'd appreciate it! <3

Kitsune. A Gellert Grindlewald FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ