• Chapter Four •

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The dark haired woman eyed Y/n from head to toe, practically judging her without a singe word spoken. The girl in front of her looked extremely nervous, only dressed in one of Gellert's shirts. Her bandages had been redone by him, and slowly his healing spells were removing her scars.

Now, Y/n was left in the care of his loyal assistant who didn't seem to fond of the hybrid girl. The only reason she hadn't openly mistreated her was because Grindlewald specifically told her if she did any such thing...he would kill her without hesitation.

"Spin around for me," Vinda motioned for Y/n to turn and the younger did. In four steps she was back to facing front and the woman looked satisfied.

"Do you know your sizes Miss?" Y/n shook head 'no' as an answer and Vinda sighed.

"Alright, stand still."

Doing as told Y/n stiffened, letting the woman take her measurements with the flick of her wand.

The tenuous process took over an hour but at the end of it Y/n had a whole new wardrobe to refer to. Gellert's assistant left with a curt nod of her head, off to retirve the leader so he could approve of Y/n's new attire.

The girl observed herself in the mirror, amazed to see her own features in a clear reflexive surface after so many years. All of her mothers signature features were present on herself. The striking blue eyes, long ebony hair, pale skin, and a few fanged teeth.

That was the one feature she could not conceal from people. The distinct sharp fangs in her mouth. They were almost unnoticeable unless she opened her mouth up wide enough.

Her overall look was improved from the mess of white hospital clothes she had worn for a long time. Y/n's choice of dresses were more Victorian, not too modern, but short and easy to accessorize.

She looked almost like a living doll. She quite liked that.

A short knock interrupted her train of thought and before she gave a polite answer Grindlewald waltzed inside and shut the door behind him.

Y/n smiled happily, standing on her toes as he looked over her. From the head down she looked put together. Contrary to the usual dark undertones most people were wearing now Y/n liked reds, dark blues, and dark green.

What she had on now was a taut red dress, a bow matching red choker with a silver bell on it wrapped around her neck.

"Master, how do I look?," her chirping voice snapped the man from his trance and his dual eyes met her glowing ones.

"Perfect. Miss. Y/n. Entirely perfect." His praise was appreciated but Y/n couldn't help the frown creeping onto her face.

Gellert came close to her and softened his voice, "What is the matter, dear?"

Y/n flattened her fox ears to her head and spoke her mind timidly. "I wish you wouldn't call me that."

Confused, the man in front of her pried for an explanation. "What name do you not approve me calling you. Being more specific would benefit you."

He sounded annoyed but Y/n looked past it and went on, "Master, I hate how 'miss' sounds coming from you..its impersonal..to me that is."

Things clicked for Gellert faster than light and he smirked, cupping her face with both hands. "You'd like me to call you something more...affectionate." She started to blush but didn't reply.

"That won't be too hard for me do, my love."

Her eyes went a blaze and Grindlewald knew that was the perfect pet name for her. It didn't matter that his motive was empty or that his love wasn't fully for her. Y/n was blinded by her attachment to the power hungry wizard. Whatever he said was divinity embodied.

"I think it's time you show me your worth. Are you ready?"

Y/n blindly nodded, letting her master take her hand and lead the way out of the room.

She had no clue of the madness Gellert was about to unfold in order to test her.

See, I'm not sure if this is even a good fic so far smh :(

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