< Chapter Thirteen >

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Vinda's strong scent drifted into Y/n's nose and in response the young girl turned away from the flourishing garden she'd been staring at. "You came!" Y/n cheerfully greeted her guest who simply nodded while keeping her distance.

"Oh..." the girl infront of her stopped smiling, becoming dejected, and remembering why Vinda was here for. An apology was due and Y/n wanted nothing more than to be on good terms with Vinda again. It didn't matter that the two barely interacted before the incident, she felt ashamed of herself for threatening someone who hadn't done a thing wrong .

Vinda was the person who nursed her back to health and all she had done in return was lash out.

Y/n took a deep breath in, straightening up her petite figure, looking Vinda in the eyes with as much sincerity as possible. "Please forgive me and my actions. It wasn't right or necessary for me to be so unkind, and threatening you was ungrateful of me .."

Vinda listened to the apology, keeping her guard up despite already forgiving the young demi-human. She knew from prior knowledge that Y/n was still naive about the magical world, the muggle world, and her actual place in the two environments. Holding a grudge against her wouldn't do any good, or prove a point. Y/n was genuine in her apology, so Vinda saw no benefit in denying her the forgiveness she asked for.

Vinda hadn't said anything for quite some time and that worried Y/n. "I...understand if you can't forgive me, and still want nothing to do with me....but..." Her eyes dropped with guilt and her hands fiddled with the bottom of her white dress.

"...I want us to be friends," Y/n admitted her wish and Vinda couldn't hide the small smile appearing on her red lips. "My dear," she walked closer to the sorrowful kitsune, putting her hands over Y/n's. This simple gesture lifted the girl's spirit and she drew her head up as Vinda continued to speak.

"I forgive you and I would love to become your friend, so long as you promise to apologize to Queenie too."

Y/n smiled, eyes lighting up at the mention of Queenie. "That was who I was going to say sorry to next....but I couldn't find her anywhere and no one seems to know where she is." Not being able to find Queenie really was upsetting Y/n. It frightened her to think that Queenie hated or feared her. Vinda and her were the only people Y/n trusted -or liked- enough to be around. Gellert may be her master, but loneliness had more cures than just love and loyalty.

Vinda saw how sad Y/n was because Queenie wasn't around. The truth was that Gellert had sent her out on a mission to retrieve -no steal- information from her old friend Newt Scamander. The details of said arrangement was strictly forbidden to be told to Y/n. Gellert made this rule clear in the meeting Vinda had been at before coming to the gardens upon Y/n's request.

Seeing first hand how troubled she was about Queenie's absence tempted Vinda to divulge the exact thing Grindlewald forbid. Y/n was on the verge of tears, turning back to the flower garden, and crouching down to play with the vibrant vegetation.

"Queenie must really hate me....and it's all my fault. She doesn't want to be friends with me ever and I'm to blame..." Y/n quietly cried, considering the worst outcome possible without a clue of what was really going on.

Vinda felt extremely terrible having to keep Y/n blind to Queenie's reason for being illusive. Her only option was to direct the girl's attention elsewhere and preoccupy her until further notice.

"She'll return soon Y/n, so don't fret." Vinda kneeled beside Y/n, watching her wipe the tears away, and nod her head in understanding. "In the meantime I can teach you some herbal magic. Grindlewald had these flowers brought to Nurmengard for potions and healing purposes. Would you like to learn about them?"

Y/n grinned, her eyes no longer watery, and her focus slowly drifting away from the thought of Queenie. "You'll really teach me all that?" Vinda nods, "And much more."

"Mmm then I have no reason to refuse!"

Her excitement caused an imbalance in her illusion barrier, and white fox ears revealed themselves which caught Vinda's immediate attention. Y/n seemed not to notice her slip up, smiling innocently while getting comfortable near the plants. The new appearance surprised the witch, but something told Vinda it was best to let her shock go unnoticed.

Y/n was unconsciously being her truest self and hindering that wasn't Vinda's right.

The two began to converse, sharing information, and exchanging kind words. Y/n caught onto what she was taught very quickly and discovered she could do magic efficiently without a wand. This prompted her to get distracted, running through the larger part of the castle's garden while casting small spells to enhance random patches of flowers. Vinda kept an eye on her, truly enjoying Y/n's bubbly company.

The entire time Grindlewald was watching them both from a window in his study. He should've been preparing for his next step of the Greater Good, but all he could focus on...

...was the white fox rushing through the field of flowers and trees. Her smile bright and pure.

There's a special chapter after this one. Give me a guess on where you think this story is heading ;)

Kitsune. A Gellert Grindlewald FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now