• Chapter Seven •

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Soft howling wind blew in through the study as I prepared for the day ahead. Wanting to try something more simple I chose a black lace lolita dress and a matching barrette to hide my ears.

The open windows showed an unusual clear sky. The sun was just reaching its peak and a steady stream of heat dusted my pale skin.

A beautiful day, one I was not expecting to experience so soon..I dreamt of being able to enjoy a nice environment like this everyday I was held captive.

The Legion never permitted any of their "wards" outside of the dull grey hospital building. When they did it was only at night and most likely to proceed with some heinous torture.

The very memory of that place made my skin crawl. I was safe with Gellert and his followers now but the Legion would send collectors after me-they probably had already.

I'd have to be extremely careful today. Sticking close to Gellert was the best plan I had and if something occurred I had my magic.

I wished nothing would ruin the day. I hoped I'd be free to fully embrace my time.

As I clasped my boots shut Ms. Vinda waltzed into Gellert's study. I was in one of the chairs situated in the center of the room for lounging. She must have been searching for Gellert but only saw me.

I stood up and smiled at her, "Good morning to you Vinda! A lovely day isn't it?" She smiled back at me, coming closer to respond while peering out the open windows. "Good morning to you as well Miss Y/n..and it is a very stunning day."

Her eyes met mine, a sideways glance that I had trouble reading. Vinda was never easy to observe. Her scent was calm but distant and it never changed. Her demeanor was polite and decisive but I couldn't find much else there either.

In a odd way I liked how difficult her aura was. One less person for me not to critically analyze.

I broke my eyes away from hers, kindly changing to another conversation. "Are you looking for master Gellert?," I ask in a light tone. Vinda nods, checking her silver watch for the time, "Its nearly time to leave and hold his first meeting of the year. He's not one to be late or come near it."

I hummed in understanding, strolling around her to sit on the edge of his desk. "Have you checked the library?" She nods and I think a bit longer, "How about the garden?"

Vinda shook her head no to that too.

"Well it is a mystery then," I mutter in defeat but change course in my mood when an idea surfaces.

I don't say a word to Vinda and stand up, letting my nose take in all the smells around me. My sniffing wasn't noticable and Vinda seemed confused as I aimlessly walked around Grindlewalds study.

The moment I got a direct scent of him I walked in that direction. Vinda followed cautiously, tracking every step I took.

Down about three halls I was given perplexed looks from others walking about the castle. I paid them no attention, appearing up a winding staircase until a door came in veiw.

"The attic?," Vinda inquired. I glanced back at her, nodding in confrontation. "He's right behind this door."

She stared at me in amazement and I stepped back for her to knock on the dark wood. There was no answer at first but a second later the door creaked open without anyone behind it.

"Come in." Gellert calming voice greeted us and I didn't hesitate to obey. Vinda paused, considering if it was the best time to interact with him.

Gellert was facing a large mirror. It looked unused but there was still a shine to it. His reflection was defined and blurry all at once. I stood behind him seeing my own features portrayed the same way.

Kitsune. A Gellert Grindlewald FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now