Chapter 9

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My head hurt terribly. That was the first thing I realized when I woke up in the morning. The second, much more disturbing, finding was that I felt as if a steam train had passed me and I could barely move. But it wasn't the worst either. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw a man lying next to me in bed. Only then did I remember how I got into this embarrassing situation.

In desperation, I closed my eyes and tried to get those scenes from my night out of my head, but I couldn't. I still had my eyes as Edwin leaned beside me all night, trying not to deprive me of the last of my strength. From the thoughts that were running through my head, a chill was still running down my back. I thought my last hour hit. Although I tried to be strong in front of Edwin and assured him that I did not have salmonella, I subconsciously feared that he might be right. Thank God not! But now the effects of my infamous collapse were, and that nightly weakness was gone and reality came to me. I wondered how I had the courage to look Edwin in the eye. Such a shame.

The dawn was coming slowly, and I tried to lie still so as not to wake Edwin. I also decided to pretend to sleep hard until he got out of the apartment.

But now that daylight was slowly penetrating the bedroom, I fought fiercely with desire and curiosity to look at the sleeping body beside me.

I didn't know how, but it was obvious that he sensed that I had already recovered, because without rolling over to me and seeing me directly, he wished me good morning.

"I see you're better now," he continued in a sleepy voice.

"I wish! I feel like I was much better at night, "I wailed.

He immediately sat on the bed and looked at me. Rather, as if he had begun to threaten me with a doctor again, I preferred to continue to explain.

"Only my stomach ached at night. Today it's both the head and the legs, and it actually hurts the whole of Mia. "

Then he began to laugh out loud. He was so spontaneous and natural that I was completely confused. Edwin couldn't laugh. He didn't even know what laughter was. Sometimes it twitched in the corners of his mouth, but only as a sign of disgust or irritation, of course from me.

"Can you do it alone here today?" He asked me, getting out of bed. He didn't look triumphant or arrogant, but he seemed to keep worrying about me.

I nodded. "I'm sure I won't get out of this bed by tonight."

"I have to go to work. Should I order you something for breakfast? "He asked me on the way to the bathroom.

"I doubt my stomach would be grateful for that," I replied, closing my eyes as my head throbbed terribly.

I had to take a nap because I just woke up to the moment he came out of the bathroom with wet hair. He wore nothing but black pants, and my mouth immediately dried. Of course, I already had the opportunity to look at him, but it seemed to me that he was always more beautiful and attractive. Was such a thing possible? I could have blamed it on that nasty headache that dulled my brain cells, because with a clear mind, I would definitely deny it, or better yet, I would have turned around and not stared at him with my mouth open.

Don't worry, my own subconscious was hot. Were it not for vomiting, I would not have another opportunity to look at him at all, because I would sleep on an uncomfortable couch and not with him in the same bed. Shit! We slept in the same bed and unfortunately I did not remember anything from this experience. Finished tragedy! I didn't even have time to notice how much heat radiated from his body, or on which side he likes to sleep, or whether his mouth is open during sleep .... Nothing. I didn't notice anything at all. Not even how they smell. Such a great opportunity that didn't happen every day and I screwed it up. I cursed in my mind.

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