Chapter 12

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I still didn't know what to tell her. I was a complete newcomer to these things, and I didn't want to screw it up even more between us than it already was, and this time I didn't want to blame Mia alone. I was largely responsible for this tense situation.

"Can I sit down?" I asked Me carefully.

"God, is that so?" She stared at me, a desperate undertone in her voice.

"Yes, I'd like to join you," I replied.

"Perhaps you're not asking for permission from me," she said, looking at me with teary eyes. "Have you forgotten that this is your terrace and your apartment?"

And her! Apparently I was naive to think that she had cooled down during the long shower she had taken.

"No, he didn't forget," I said, rubbing my neck nervously. "But I also want to respect your wishes," I added, sitting down in a free chair next to her.

"Okay, and if I tell you I don't want you to sit here next to me because I want to be here alone, will you leave?" She asked defiantly.

"No," I shook my head.

She finally laughed. "Wasn't that enough for you? Do you need more fun on my behalf? "She hissed.

I barely swallowed because her voice was cold. Her prickly words didn't hurt me, but I heard pain in them.

A sob escaped her throat. Apparently he came out of her before she could stop him, because she immediately added, "I don't want to cry."

I hated tears and didn't know how to react to them. I thought I'd do my best to leave her alone to pick up a little now, but in the end I decided to stay with her. I didn't want to leave her alone in this state of mind, because I realized that I had caught up with her myself. I was sick of myself.

"I'm sorry for my clumsy behavior," I blurted out before I could remember, and immediately regretted my words. I didn't want to show my sympathy and growing interest in her. I originally just wanted to distract her.

I reached out and handed her my linen handkerchief, which she gratefully accepted. I was so close to her that I could smell her. Suddenly I longed to take her in my arms and dry those tears with my lips. I had to suppress the urge not to hug her and sit her in her lap. I didn't understand how she managed to arouse lust in me so quickly.

"Can I use it, too?" She looked at me questioningly.

"No, I just let you hold it," I rolled my eyes. But when I noticed how dangerously it flashed in her eyes, I immediately regretted the sentence. "Sure, that's why I gave it to you," I assured her immediately. .

"But I need to blow my nose," there was a warning in her voice. I heard him, but I didn't understand its meaning.

"So what? The handkerchiefs are for that, aren't they? "I said angrily.

"But yours is linen, not paper," she said. "God, who still uses cloth handkerchiefs today?"

"Every person on the level," I replied rudely, as I was annoyed by re-comparing the layers of people. "Should I blow my nose at her first to see that it doesn't fall apart in your hands or bring you a piece of toilet paper?"

"No," she looked at me in horror, red blushing in her cheeks. How cute.

"What isn't it?" I began to tease her.

She didn't make a sound, she just slapped me ominously, but in the end she still blew her nose.

"So you see you did it," I said amusedly, cursing in my mind that I was just trying to provoke her again. Luckily, she didn't look like the note touched her, but she didn't even look at me anymore, and she didn't even speak.

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