Chapter 20

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I didn't sleep much at night, because somehow, and I don't even know how, I started to break down my life so far into the smallest details. I couldn't claim that I didn't live socially, but everything I did had something to do with my work for which I lived.

Mia, I sighed because she was the trigger for the evaluation of my life so far. I have definitely been satisfied with my life so far. I enjoyed the luxury that my money allowed me to do, and I thought that was enough for me, but the last few days, and especially our conversation yesterday, completely unsettled me.

I had been resting in bed for about an hour after waking up, but I didn't even move to get up to meet the new day. I lay motionless beside Mie, listening to her quiet, regular breathing. I thought dejectedly that Mia and I had only two days left, and I would have to say goodbye to her. I was scared at the moment because I was fully aware that Mia was too emotionally attached to me and I shouldn't have admitted that. Actually, I didn't even notice it until last night, but her own reactions betrayed her.

I wondered if it was really possible for her to fall in love with me so quickly. We were basically two strangers who only spent a few weeks in one apartment. We didn't know each other, we just enjoyed each other. What was wrong with that? Nothing! It was just sex, after all. Oh damn good sex! And I told Miu a long time ago that I didn't care about any relationship. So why did you start making hopes I couldn't give her?

It was a strange feeling when I looked at her. Every time I noticed her, my passion seized me. I tried, of course, to think of other things as well, but I couldn't concentrate on anything else near her. The problem was that I always wanted her and I didn't even know why.

She was pretty, but I got closer with more beautiful women. There was no need to discuss that I had anything to choose from. But something else attracted me to Mia. She was like me in many ways, but she hid something that kept me awake. Maybe it was her innocence or the teasing tongue that always managed to make me smile, but in any case, I always wanted to jump on her and make love to her.

And I didn't like that. It kept me more and more detached from work, which I couldn't afford. I was not allowed to allow in my pace and usual way of life. My empire required all the attention and concentration that Mia was depriving me of, and that made me angry. Quite often, I found myself thinking of her instead of building plans.

On the one hand, I was glad that our journeys would break up in a few hours, because then I could devote myself fully to my work again and also to devoting all the necessary energy and dedication to it. I still couldn't understand that I had succumbed to Mia so easily.

I regretted not keeping my distance from her, especially these last days, because I had inadvertently hurt her and I had no plans to do so. But I could assume that. I did not live completely immersed in my world, so that I had no idea what effect I had on women, and the fact that I broke Mia's heart hurt. I swear to all the saints that I did not intend this.

But on the other hand, I realized that I would miss him. The thought struck me quite painfully. For the first time, I felt something similar to someone who did not belong to my family. I liked not only her looks, but also her stubbornness, her sincerity, her eternal chatter, her straightforward view of the world and, of course, of me. But what I will miss the most was her tongue cut and especially her courage to resist me and willingly fight me, even though she knew in advance that she had no chance. Does not have? I had to laugh, because lately it was me who had trouble winning the word battle. Mia was not afraid of me and she was an equal partner to me.

And the worst part was that the tremendous attraction that had arisen between us somewhere up there in the clouds, and which I didn't realize at first, was killing me. I already suspect it for me, it was starting to grow over my head.

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