Chapter 17

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In the morning I woke up tangled in a blanket, with muscle, tired eyes, an empty stomach, but overflowing with happiness and fading from bliss.

Since I was alone in bed and there was an unbearable silence in the apartment, I assumed that Edwin had had to cut in the office for some time. I couldn't remember when I fell asleep last night, but fortunately I remembered the heat radiating from Edwin's body.

I opened my eyes and looked at the empty space next to me. Edwin was magnificent. He was attentive and passionate. Although I had nothing to compare it to, Edwin was, in my opinion, a really good lover. Although he didn't include me with flattery or whisper various cuddly diminutives in my ear, nor did he give me shabby compliments, he was still gentle and kind, and when he culminated, he seemed to be overwhelmed by that feeling.

But he still hadn't the slightest interest in me. I knew it from the beginning, but I still succumbed to it. I'm not saying that I fell in love with him immediately after the first night together, but the attraction between us could not be denied. I was extremely attracted and excited. I wasn't naive, so I knew that if I wasn't careful, I would suffer. I stood over the abyss, which was opening more and more beneath me.

Edwin built a hard, icy envelope around his heart that was hard to break, if at all. I wasn't 100 percent sure, but I assumed that some grandmother must have hurt him a long time ago. I couldn't even imagine in the worst of things what it must have done to him that he had turned his back on the whole female generation. She trampled on his heart and made him a cynical, cold and distrustful man.

Edwin's attitude toward women was twofold. He liked them, but at the same time he hated them. He did not trust them and used them without allowing them to approach him. He treated them only as he saw fit. Getting him back on track would not be an easy and quick process, but it would certainly not be impossible. Even his unruly behavior toward me has changed unbelievably in recent days, and I was convinced that if he spent more time with a woman or allowed her to approach him, he would certainly change or at least reconsider his attitude toward us.

Although I didn't want to admit it so openly, the truth was, I started thinking about sleeping with him, but it wasn't a mistake. To give a man what was of the utmost value to every woman, which was not even worth it, is proper stupidity. In Edwin's eyes, I didn't rise or fall in price anyway. He didn't care.

After a quick shower, I moved to the living room in my hotel bathrobe to make coffee. I still couldn't afford to order breakfast or just ordinary coffee here at the Edwin account. But I didn't mind the least, because we had a small coffee machine right in the apartment.

I pulled a cup from the cupboard, and as I put it in the machine, I noticed a folded white paper with my name leaning against it. Surprised, even with my pounding heart, I immediately placed the cup on the counter and reached for the paper. It was a brief reference from Edwin. At twelve, Ali will stop after you and take you wherever you want.

Although it was not a love letter, it pleased me. The pages with optional trips, which I found on the Internet and immediately considered what to choose from, immediately appeared in my mind. He'll take you anywhere. That sentence really came to me more and more.

I quickly made coffee and moved to my laptop. Since I never turned it off, he ran as soon as I clicked on the keyboard and went on a trip to Dubai in Google. I looked at the pictures for a while and finally decided to let Ali take him around Palm Jumeirah.

By the time I finally decided where I was going, maybe an hour had passed, but I still had plenty of time to prepare. Until I returned from the terrace back to the bedroom to change clothes, I considered writing to Edwin and thanking him for his generous offer.

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