Chapter 24

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The next few days did not bring me relief. The only thing I was really happy about was that the Christmas holidays were long over. Unfortunately, I had to add these to my list of the worst. If only I already had one on it, but they took an honorable first place.

From the way everyone hugged, kept kissing and showing love, my stomach was already turning. All you had to do was turn on the TV and there was only romantic shit on every program, where they experienced it even more. Sometimes it reminded me of the exaggerated and sick ideas of directors, because in the real world, love didn't work that way. Not everything ended in a happy ending, as they presented it on TV from morning to evening. I just couldn't look at it anymore, because the more I watched them all, the more I missed Edwin.

So, since I managed to survive the end of the year without much harm, I hoped that it would be similar with Valentine's Day. Although it was only the beginning of February, the interpretations were already bursting under the deposits of hearts, bears, or other objects reminiscent of this terrible day.

It only awakened in me sad and at the same time pleasant memories, which I tried to forget by force, but even with all the effort, I have not yet succeeded. Once again, Edwin's image materialized before my eyes, and I couldn't suppress a sigh. It was stupid of me to think of him all the time, because he had forgotten me a hundred percent long time ago, but I couldn't get him out of my head. And the thought of never seeing him again was terrible.

My first thoughts, right after waking up, of course belonged to Edwin. Although they were not always pleasant, they belonged to him.

He coughed at me!

He abused me! Well, unintentionally, I had to admit that it wasn't quite true. Edwin didn't force me to do anything, and I more than willingly allowed him to do anything.

He kicked me out like a used rag!

Like a hooker!

But then I regretted my words and replaced them with others.

I miss her!

I love him!

I need him!

I fell in love, and it shouldn't have happened. Like I didn't expect, I didn't even want to. I never even thought that a short time like I spent with Edwin, for example, would be enough to make one fall in love. I thought I would be home long ago.

In fact, I didn't even hope that it would happen to me again. After all, I was no longer a hot teenager who would break the hearts of boys, but an adult woman who, unfortunately, had already exceeded the threshold of thirty. So the time when I looked at the world through pink glasses was long gone. I sober up, and I didn't believe in something like the concept of love. But I was really wrong.

My pitch. But now it was too late to cry over the spilled milk. Even though I was going through hell, I still hoped, at least from the beginning, that he would hear from me. But as the days went by, I realized that Edwin would not call me again and it would be foolish of me to expect the opposite. There was no glimmer of hope that he would change his mind and give us a chance.

It was late in the afternoon when I was returning home to my apartment on a crowded shopping street. In fact, I didn't even call it home anymore, but rather a place to sleep. Ever since I returned from Dubai, I have felt strange and lonely in my modest apartment. God, that word again! I hated him. I didn't want to be ...

"Mia," I recognized the voice of the man who shouted my name. At first I thought it was just a figment of my imagination, but even so my heart was pounding faster and a sharp pain flew inside.

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