Chapter 13

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"Do you want to kill me?" I said sleepily as Edwin pulled back the curtains and the bedroom was filled with the penetrating sun. It took me a moment to adjust my eyes to the bright light.

"No!" He turned to me. "But today is Sunday and I'm off."

"Then why are you haunting here so early?" I looked at him blankly. "Why don't you go back to your bed and enjoy some sleep?"

I didn't even notice when he actually got out of bed. The clock on the alarm clock showed only half past eight, which I didn't think was so late, at least not for us mortals, which couldn't be said about Edwin. I forgot about his obsession with work.

"I slept until - until," he replied.

"And the monster that never sleeps must have thrown you out of bed," I muttered, rolling over because I didn't plan on sticking my heels out of bed.

"You mean my mother?" He asked with amusement in his voice. "She hasn't called me today."

"Your mother didn't even know my mind. I used to mean your boring wife. "

He came closer to me and looked at me in astonishment. "I'm not married! Where did you please take it? "

"You're married to your job, and the economy is your rightful wife," I said. "And it's not like that!" I shouted at him.

"How?" He pursed his lips.

"Like a true martyr."

"You said that nicely," he laughed. "I feel that way about you almost every day."

"Poor thing!" I looked sorry to him. "Are you finally getting into that bed?" I asked him impatiently. "Or at least pull those curtains back!"

"No, get up!" He couldn't be beaten, and I cursed him inwardly.

"Why don't you leave me alone?"

"Because we're going on a trip," he said, and began to remove the duvet from me. "Come on, get out!" surprise me.

On a trip? That was news to me. Immediately, the word took over completely and I didn't even think about sleeping anymore. I sat up and opened my eyes wide in amazement. Only now did I actually notice that Edwin was already fully clothed. He was not wearing a suit as usual, but dark blue jeans and a black T-shirt.

"Are you really taking me on a trip?" I stared at him, barely speaking in surprise. "Did you bang your head at night?"

He rolled his eyes. "Does something have to happen so I can invite you on a trip?"

"In your case, yes," I said, getting out of bed. He didn't have to pull me out of it anymore.

"Where are we going? Just don't tell me you're taking me to the office as your talisman for good luck, "I've already joked, but a little poking won't hurt Edwin's faith. I could afford it today. He was in an incredibly good mood, which wasn't his habit.

"No," he frowned. "I signed us up for a desert safari or something. I'm sure you'll like it," he said, a faint hint of doubt creeping into his voice.

"Don't doubt it. I'm for every joke, "I tried to calm him down.

"Come on, we're leaving in forty minutes," he backed out the door, throwing over his shoulder, "And really, let's not forget, I've already ordered you breakfast."

With a smile on my face, I watched the door slowly close behind him. Now we were talking about what seemed natural to me, of course, because not only did we live together, but we also got to know each other better. He was still terrible, even demanding, snobbish and arrogant, but I already knew that under the hard mask he used to work out to keep his distance from people, he was also human and kind.

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