Chapter 10

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Everything suddenly sucked. Although there was nothing okay for a long time. It was a hot afternoon and I was walking through the botanical garden, although this one was quite far away. It used to be a park, and the name Garden of Miracles accurately described what I saw here. A million flowers, a thousand colors in one place and no tall buildings or tons of iron and concrete.

I strongly doubted that Edwin might like this here, although I would very much like to bring him here. If not because of the flowers, then just to show him that life can be multicolored and not just two of his own. But I was convinced he would just laugh right in my face.

Edwin suddenly changed. After he returned after a night away from home, his behavior seemed a little strange to me. Although he was strange from the beginning, but now he was like exchanged. Although I had no idea where he had spent that fateful night, even at the thought that it was in another woman's arms, my stomach turned to ruby, so I tried not to even think about it.

It had been four days since you hadn't taken me at all and had treated me coldly, but politely. Which, of course, made me nervous, because I was constantly expecting some prickly remark from him, but I didn't get it. Suddenly, his indifference to me seemed worse to him than his constant attacks on my personality. It confused me and suddenly I felt much more cramped than in the first days by his side.

I couldn't explain his sudden change at all. I didn't know why or how it happened, and in the end I had no idea what I should think of her.

I put on my sunglasses and went down the road. I had no idea where my steps took me, but in this paradise it didn't matter. It didn't matter which side I turned on or looked at, there were flowers everywhere or traditional flowerbeds in the embrace of large fountains or ponds.

But that was not all. I was brought to the harvest by heart-shaped hearts, stars, and I even discovered an airplane that was so big that at first I thought it was real. There were also huge clocks, colorful umbrellas and animal images. Among them, the pink flaming stood out especially, and all this was created only from flowers and fruit.

It was something unreal. I didn't understand how something like that could grow up in the middle of the desert. Along the way, I also came across well-known buildings, such as the famous pyramids, or the comforted igloo or cute fairy-tale houses. The only thing I regretted was that I didn't have my Nikon with me, because I took pictures as a wild person and my cell phone was no longer enough for me. I wanted to take a picture of everything, because I knew for sure that I would probably not be able to get to Dubai for the second time.

Around lunch, I bought a huge baguette with coffee at a snack bar and sat for a while on a bench by an artificial pond, in the middle of which was a tree resembling a palm tree, but with red and white flowers instead of leaves.

I had no hurry, so I ate in my room and wanted to go see the castles and Disney characters, which stood out in the background like park rangers. In the leaflet I received at the box office, I reprimanded that there should also be a butterfly garden somewhere.

I had a lot of time because I didn't want to go back to the hotel. I was already terribly tired of the constant tension and inner struggle I was seducing myself. And finding out that I liked Edwin and attracted me didn't help me. I didn't know how to treat him suddenly, and his visible ignorance hurt me. Although I convinced myself that it was better this way, because at least I didn't have a chance to get even more involved, it didn't help me.

I really wanted to go home and forget about these two weeks, but especially Edwin. I wanted to wake up from this evil dream, but this was the worst nightmare that had no end to the region. I wiped the tears from the back of my hand, which began to run down my cheek. I thought I was strong, but slowly I began to doubt it.

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