4 - A Bitter Draught

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At the Dark Palace, the Evil Queen was sword fighting in her chambers with one of her black knights. The Evil Queen pushed her sword through the black knight's, killing him and she won the fight then she laughed.

"Impressive, Your Majesty," Edmond said as he walked into the chambers.

"Well, what can I say? You inspired me," The Evil Queen pulled out the blade and the black knight laid dead on the floor, "Perhaps you can give us a lesson or two," The Evil Queen said to him as she walked to her vanity.

"As much as I'd enjoy that, I can't be late for my first meal with Snow White and her prince," Edmond said.

The Evil Queen sheathed her sword, "So, they believed you," The Evil Queen laughed, "I knew this insufferable kindness would be their downfall," She picked up a vial from her vanity, "Venom of the Agrabahn viper. A bitter draft... Slow and painful," The Evil Queen walked back to him and noticed the hesitant look on the Count's face, "Is there a problem, Count?" The Evil Queen asked.

"What did they do to deserve this? They've shown me nothing but kindness," Edmond said.

"Don't tell us you're starting to grow a conscience," The Evil Queen said.

"Call it professional curiosity," Edmond said.

The Evil Queen sighed, "Well, what they did doesn't matter. Only one thing should be on your mind right now... How badly you want your revenge," The Evil Queen held up the names of the people Edmond was looking for. Edmond sighed and picked up the vial the Queen chuckled, "I thought so," The Evil Queen said and she waved bye to the Count as he turned and left.

 Edmond sighed and picked up the vial the Queen chuckled, "I thought so," The Evil Queen said and she waved bye to the Count as he turned and left

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The Evil Queen wiped away some sweat when Rumpelstiltskin appeared on the couch behind the Queen, "Well, this is very disappointing. I mean, I didn't spend years training you so you could spend your days fencing and get someone else to do your dirty work," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Oh, you know exactly why I'm doing this. You put a spell on Snow and Charming so I can't hurt them," The Evil Queen said.

"Yeah and then I gave you the Dark Curse so you could take them somewhere where you can," Rumpelstiltskin said.

I don't care. I'm going to get what I want, and I'll get it without you," The Evil Queen said.

"Oh. Are you sure about that?" Rumpelstiltskin asked as he walked over to her.

"If you think you can stop the Count, think again," The Evil Queen said.

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