36 - Where Bluebirds Fly

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In the mining tunnels with Regina and Zelena, "This is exactly why I told you not to come down here," Regina said.

Zelena scoffed, "Are you implying that this is my fault?" Zelena said.

"Oh, I'm not implying anything. I'm saying it. If you had just listened to me, we wouldn't be trapped a half a mile under Storybrook," Regina said.

"And if you hadn't crashed my party, I'd be wiping the mine floor with the Black Fairy by now," Zelena said.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that. She's the most powerful evil we've ever faced," Regina said.

"Which is why I was launching a sneak attack," Zelena said.

"Yeah, without the one weapon we know can defeat her," Regina said.

"You may need a fairy wand. Emma and Alana may need a fairy wand. I don't," Zelena said.

"Is that what this is about... You proving you're better than all of us?" Regina asked.

"No. It's about stopping the woman who threatened my baby," Zelena said.

"Yeah. On your own. Why does it matter so much, Zelena? Why do you have to be better than everyone else?" Regina asked.

Zelena smiled softly, "Because I am. Now, I'm going to find the Black Fairy and destroy her before she finds us. So, unless you want the rest of these mines to come crashing down on top of us, don't try to stop me," Zelena said.

"Zelena..." Regina said but Zelena ignored her and walked off and Regina followed after her.

The two kept walking through the mining tunnels, "Zelena!" Regina called out.

"I told you, you're not stopping me," Zelena said.

Regina saw something on the wall, "Wait," Regina said.

"What?" Zelena said and she looked to see fairy crystals in the walls.

"Fairy crystals... And it's just the beginning of a vein," Regina grunts as she broke a piece off the wall, "Well, at least now we know why the Black Fairy's holed up down here," Regina said.

"What would she want with all that light magic?" Zelena asked.

The Black Fairy appeared with Gideon, "That's the thing. I'm not interested in light magic," She saw Regina, "So, you're the big bad Evil Queen who cast my curse. No wonder it was such a pathetic failure," The Black Fairy said.

"Is that so?" Regina said as she made a fireball.

The Black Fairy chuckled, "Gideon," She said and Gideon blasted Regina back with his magic when she tried to intervene.

"So, does this mean you're here to take me up on my offer then?" The Black Fairy said.

"Afraid not. See, I'm stronger than my sister and I came down here to do one thing kill you," Zelena said.

"Not today," The Black Fairy said and dropped rocks from the ceiling of the tunnel in front of Zelena and ran off.

Zelena turned to face Regina, "You keep him busy. She messed with the wrong witch," Zelena said and took off after the Black Fairy.

After a few moments, Zelena had followed the Black Fairy through the tunnels and the Black Fairy double backed.

"You can't run forever," Zelena said.

"I don't have to," The Black Fairy laughed, "You should've taken me up on my offer when you had the chance," The Black Fairy said.

"Why?" Zelena said and blasted the Black Fairy backwards into a cave wall with her magic.

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