25 - Ill-Boding Patterns

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Flashback - The First Ogre's War: In the human camp

"I-I can't," The Soldier said as he panicked and ran off.

Another soldier saw him and blocked his path, "Where do you think you're going?" Beowulf asked.

"The Ogres they'll kill us," The Soldier said.

"We're the only things standing between those monsters and home. If we run, they'll kill everyone," Beowulf said.

"How can we possibly win?" The Soldier asked.

Beowulf held up his sword, "This blade it's called Hrunting. It was enchanted with light magic to ensure that whoever carries it into battle will be hailed a hero. So, you can either be remembered as a hero or forever known as the coward who ran on the eve of victory," Beowulf said.

"Alright, Beowulf. I'll fight," The Soldier as he took out his sword.

"To victory!" Beowulf shouted.

Beowulf led his men into battle against the ogres and he personally killed the first one. The two sides clash and an ogre crushed a soldier.

After a fierce battle, Beowulf surveyed the field of battle, many if not all of his men were dead and an ogre stood opposite him

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After a fierce battle, Beowulf surveyed the field of battle, many if not all of his men were dead and an ogre stood opposite him.

"Do your worst!" Beowulf shouted.

The ogre came at him from the fog and smashed Beowulf aside. Rumpelstiltskin arrived and incinerated the ogre and Beowulf looked at him in shock.

 Rumpelstiltskin arrived and incinerated the ogre and Beowulf looked at him in shock

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"Y-You killed him," Beowulf said as he saw Rumpelstiltskin holding up his dagger.

"Y-You killed him," Beowulf said as he saw Rumpelstiltskin holding up his dagger

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