18 - Changelings

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At Zelena's farmhouse, Regina and Zelena were in the kitchen, "Alright, hold still," Regina said as she healed Zelena's injured using magic.

Zelena exhaled sharply, "Thank you. After a scrap like that, I don't think I could magic a glass of warm milk, let alone heal myself. I'm lucky you came by," Zelena said.

"Yeah, about that..." Regina said.

"No. Listen, let me... Let me go first. I should have been the one to reach out and find you, to apologise. It's-," Zelena began to say.

"I didn't come here to apologise. Truth is, I thought I'd find some magic here to help reverse an ageing spell Gold used," Regina said.

"You mean you came here to steal from me?" Zelena asked.

"Well, am I supposed to think you'd share? After everything you did to me and my friends?" Regina said.

"Well, if that's what you assumed, why even bother saving me, then?" Zelena asked.

"Because that's what heroes do, Zelena. They save people," Zelena laughed softly, "Even the people who have hurt them in... Unimaginable ways," Regina said.

"So this is about Robin Hood. You still blame me for his death," Zelena said.

"Yes, that's exactly right," Regina said.

"What about forgiveness? What about redemption? I mean, you've been forgiven! You've grown. You've changed. You've got a second if not a third chance!" Zelena said.

"You're not me. I can never forgive you. I can pity you. I can hate you. I can spare your life. But I can never forgive you. Roland is not growing up without his father so is Robin, and it is no fair on them because you didn't listen to me," Regina said and walked out and Zelena started sobbing.

At the Charming's loft, Alana was sat on the couch with Killian as they watched Jasmine, Aladdin and Dylan prepared to use the lamp as Mary Margaret and Henry also watched from the side.

"You ready?" Mary Margaret asked.

Jasmine breathed deeply, "I am," Jasmine rubbed the lamp and a pair of bracers fell to the floor and Aladdin picked up the bracers, "I don't understand. Where's the genie?" Jasmine said.

"He's been freed," Henry said.

"But without a genie, I can't use a wish to get back to Agrabah," Jasmine said.

"Sorry, but I'm just grateful Shakila isn't a slave to the lamp," Dylan said.

"Oh, I understand, I am as well... But... Agrabah," Jasmine said.

"Actually, I think you will get back," Aladdin said as he put on one of the bracers.

"What are you doing? You'll be a prisoner of the lamp," Alana said as she stood up, holding onto Killian's shoulder to steady herself

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"What are you doing? You'll be a prisoner of the lamp," Alana said as she stood up, holding onto Killian's shoulder to steady herself.

Aladdin looked at her, "I'm a hero with or without my sister, with or without my magic, it's time I start remembering that. Thanks to you and Emma, and Jasmine, I'm back on my path," Aladdin said.

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