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Moving Forward

Slowly peeling his eyes open, ocean blue eyes glanced around a familiar structure of dirty white and dull gold corinthian columns lined up together and towering over him.

Pushing his lanky and weak body to stand up, his gaze gravitated towards the familiar pool of untended unclean water and weeds in front of the statues of the Gods and Goddesses. He turned towards his own body of almost skin and bones and his incredibly unkempt appearance with long and disheveled sticky hair and long beard that almost covered his pale and ashen face.

His surprised and confused eyes went back to the Gods' statues when he thought he saw something flicker from that direction and stayed on their symbols for a good while before he finally allowed himself to shed uncontrollable sobs that racked his frail and aching body.

They had sent him back. They had given him the chance to rectify things and accept that he would never have back what he lost. They had given him the chance to make peace with himself and move forward. And most importantly, they had given him their punishment.

After a few hours of just staying there, lost and crying, a new spark of life once again bloomed in his beautiful and calm cerulean blue eyes before he bid them goodbye and gratitude. Leaving a silent prayer for the woman he loved, to build a happy family with the people she loved, he set course back to the kingdom she left in his care.

The rebuilding of the once fallen empire didn't come easy. That was without a doubt. However, their missing emperor came back after abandoning them for a few months and stayed with them through thick and thin that they looked at him at a renewed light as he worked hard for his redemption.

The Versaillus Empire was long gone. From its ashes stood the new, Ares Empire. A name that had already been long forgotten and buried by the people of that place but never their emperor.

After a few years of dedicating his everyday into raising the empire back onto its feet, the emperor, in his annual excursion incognito, went again to the birth town of his beloved. Ahead the ruins of the Sylveris castle was a cliff, overlooking the rising and setting sun and glittering sea, that didn't exist previously.

No one knows how it came to but he may have an inkling as to what did that.

Below a lone tree that stood there, there was someone else that got to the spot before him and he was just standing there, watching the waves crash below the cliff and listening to the birds' call.

He thought to himself that it may have been a stray child, for who else would know the significance of that place aside from him?

Walking close to the tree, he opened his mouth about to call out to the teen before the latter noticed him first and turned to regard the intruder that disrupted his peaceful moment with his mother.

Sharp sapphire blue eyes glanced at his direction and he immediately knew who it was. The teen assumed the appearance that resembled his mother the most. He looked exactly like that cheeky little boy always attached to the hip of his mother, but this time a lot older.

Tears sprang up on his cerulean eyes as this face brought so many fond memories of his lost love.

And after that fateful meeting, the emperor would never forget to leave a day in his busy week to go to that special place to leave her favorite lily flowers and hope to see that child again. It would take months and almost a year before the teen even regarded him as something remotely close to an acquaintance and simply converse with him.

And another few years before the life in him slowly exhausted and he left everything he built, his wealth and the whole empire onto the hands of that child. The only thing that reminded him of the happy memories he shared with his love.

It was at his death bed, before anyone of his aides even had the chance to ride their horses and speed away to find this heir, that a raven haired teen with sharp and mesmerizing sapphire blue eyes waltzed into their emperor's room, at the centermost part of their palace without anyone noticing, that their emperor finally saw that same enchanting smile his beloved would always give him and he slept with a peaceful smile on his face.

A new emperor, they knew nothing about his life and history, but respected and assumed his legitimacy with their emperor's last words. The only time he got to call the child that way.

"Your mother would have been so proud of you, son."

And the new Ares Empire, ruled by no blue-blooded heir but genuine nonetheless, moved forward from the darkest part of their history. 

"Give happiness and be happy, my son."

Author's Notes:

HI~ I am back briefly cause I wanted to write this part! I still haven't had the chance to formally plot the storyline of a sequel but I might.

Honestly, I'm still surprised by the amount of support I got with this book even after it had ended. So thank you so much for the continued support.

Anyway, I know everyone knows the new empire's name and what it means. But it's no big brain actually, it's just Adira's initials! Lol! So if anyone's wondering why that name, then there's your answer. I just like the idea of Triton's atonement to dedicate everything he has to Adira, now and forever.

So there you have your short After Story of the other timeline. Ciao~ BANZAAAIIII~~~! 🎉🎉🎉


Halloween G.

She Becomes A Passive Villainess-NOT!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora